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Playing With / Barrier Warrior

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Basic Trope: A person who fights with (usually magical) barriers, often not just for defense.

  • Straight: Bob, can create mirror-like barriers to reflect his opponents' attacks both for himself and for his allies.
  • Exaggerated: Awesomeness by Analysis allows Bob to do all sort of cool things using his barriers.
  • Downplayed: Bob's "barriers" are more like areas of high density and high speed air, they can deflect some objects but won't stop dead on bullets.
  • Justified: In the story, each person has power that represents one's heart: Bob's power comes from his desire to protect others.
  • Inverted: Bob is the only character unable to use barriers, and thus must rely on quick and deadly attack to fell the enemy before his enemy can attack him.
  • Subverted: Bob doesn't use barrier magic but illusions that look like them.
  • Double Subverted: Your Mind Makes It Real.
  • Parodied: Bob's power is the ability to build brick walls very quickly.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob uses magical barriers in combat, except they're actually illusions and Your Mind Makes It Real, but he carriers a Protective Charm around that allows him to create magical barriers just in case of facing a mind control immune enemy.
  • Averted:
  • Enforced: "Swords are so yesterday, it's time for an unconventional hero that is on the other side of the equipments!"
  • Lampshaded: "Why I won, you ask? Because I'm well-protected."
  • Invoked: Bob knows that Emperor Evulz' attacks are mostly Frickin' Laser Beams, so he trains himself in the art of reflective barriers, hoping that it will work just like in anime and videogames.
  • Exploited: Team's resident Squishy Wizard / Glass Cannon always takes cover behind Bob's shields in order to perform his attacks with relative impunity.
  • Defied: Emperor Evulz decides to use an barrier piercing spell to bypass Bob's defense.
  • Discussed: "I know we laughed when Bob joined the party, but man, between him and Healing Hands Harry have basically kept us all alive."
  • Conversed: "So, why does Bob have barriers as a power and not some shield generator gizmo?" "You mean you'd rather there be another guy with vaguely defined energy beam powers or claw hands?"
  • Deconstructed: Barriers aren't effective weapons. Compared to other characters, Bob has few combat maneuvers and this limits his effectiveness in battle.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Bob has few combat options and this is deliberate. His role is not combat but defense and so he's optimized for defending.
    • Bob teams up with a warrior which offensive capabilities are complemented by his defensive abilities in order to increase their effectiveness.
    • One of those specific situations is when Bob runs into someone with his barrier, and having a nice solid magical barrier makes it very easy to charge the enemy.
    • While his barriers are not conventional weapons, they can be lethal if used cleverly (e.g. splitting body in half by placing the shield in the middle of his body).
    • Bob trains in firearms, becoming nearly invincible as he hides behind a barrier and mows down enemies.note 

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