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Playing With / Badass Pacifist

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Basic Trope: A character manages to achieve great feats through explicitly nonviolent means.

  • Straight: Bob succeeds in overthrowing Evulz through a completely nonviolent revolution.
  • Exaggerated: Bob becomes the new leader of Tropeville, and leads the country to new heights of prosperity by building alliances, negotiating shrewdly and never resorting to invading Tropeville's neighbours.
  • Downplayed: There are a few casualties due to diehard supporters of Evulz having to be put down, but nothing remotely approaching the scale of a war, and none of them were caused or authorised by Bob personally.
  • Justified:
    • Enemies don't always want to use violence either.
    • A form of White Magic exists in the setting which can bind or exhaust opponents without ever inflicting injury or death. Bob is a skilled practitioner.
    • Bob is a Combat Medic and fighting the enemy gets in the way of his real job - saving lives. But just because he's not fighting doesn't mean he's not in a high risk position that requires great courage and Nerves of Steel.
  • Inverted: Bob advocates violence, and is extremely good at maiming and killing opponents specifically.
    • Bob endorses violence, but is completely incompetent at everything violent he tries to do.
  • Subverted: Bob is said to be a pacifist, but Alice sees him killing a Mook.
  • Double Subverted: ....that was just a stranger that looked like him. Bob is indeed actually a pacifist.
  • Parodied: In battle, we see Bob eating, or reading a book, with dozens of Mooks around Bob. Nothing happens to Bob.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob rarely uses violence but he uses it during emergencies.
  • Averted: Bob uses violence or turns out to be less of a bad-ass.
  • Enforced: "We need to show that Bob is a badass, but he's a pacifist! Let's make him defeat Evulz without even attacking him!"
  • Lampshaded: "Have you noticed that Bob does great things with no violence?"
  • Invoked: Bob is practicing pacifism.
  • Exploited: An enemy takes an advantage and attempts to attack Bob, knowing he won't attack back.
  • Defied: Bob considers not using violence but uses violence anyway.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
    • A program is put in place to train soldiers to be diplomats, researchers and other professionals.
    • Bob forms a group to offer haven for individuals fleeing from the battle, and pressures the invaders to atone for attacking Tropeville. They do, in the form of a large number of resources that Tropeville needs to regrow. Eventually a treaty is worked out that incentivises the other country to demilitarise as well.

Hold your head high, put your weapons down and head back to Badass Pacifist.
