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Playing With / Badass Adorable

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Basic Trope: A character kicks ass while looking cute as hell at the same time.

  • Straight: Bob is a young, Animesque boy who manages to defeat Emperor Evulz very easily.
  • Exaggerated: Bob's design has kawaiiko all over it, but also falls into Manly Man.
  • Downplayed: Bob is a Pretty Boy who's able to put up a fight and/or survived major adversities.
  • Justified: Power is measured in cuteness in Bob's world.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob is ugly and weak.
    • Bob is a terrifying Eldritch Abomination who gets easily trounced by most people he fights.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob is seen playfully mopping the floor with Emperor Evulz, but Evulz mentions he was simply letting him go easy, and then paints the walls with Bob's blood.
    • Before defeating Emperor Evulz, Bob sheds his disguise to reveal a much more monstrous true form.
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...Then Bob mentions he was also going easy on him, and then launches him to the moon.
    • Bob then sheds that disguise to reveal a much, much cuter form.
  • Parodied: Bob can kill adversaries because they have a fatal heart attack and then go into terminal Cuteness Overload from his adorableness.
  • Zig-zagged: Bob is an Involuntary Shapeshifter who switches between a cute form and an ugly, intimidating form. Which form is his "true" form is left ambiguous.
  • Averted: Bob isn't cute, nor is he badass. He's a simple human being.
  • Enforced:
    • The author wants to bring in the moral that "Looks can be deceiving" into his story.
    • The writers wanted to create an action-adventure show. The executives wish Bob's character design to be very cute to attract the TV Y-7 audience. The writers decide to meet them halfway.
  • Lampshaded:
  • Invoked: Bob makes himself look cute so that Emperor Evulz will think he's a pathetic fool, making him lower his guard to him.
  • Exploited: Chance bets on all of Bob's fights. Because Bob is often underestimated for his cute appearance, Chance makes a small fortune off of it.
  • Defied:
    • Bob, believing he should look as powerful as he is, alters his appearance to look more obviously badass.
    • First thing Evulz does when he first meets Bob (before running away to scheme another day) is to toss a vial of acid at his face that will leave him looking as dangerous as he really is. Bob decides to embrace it.
  • Double Defied: He fails, looking like a poor kid who's been through a lot, and now his looks invoke Papa Wolf and Mama Bear.
  • Discussed: "If you ever need someone to kick ass while looking adorable, feel free to call me."
  • Conversed: "Today's lesson is about outward appearances, and how deceiving they can be. Take Bob, he looks cute and adorable, right? Bob, show them."
  • Implied: Bob is never seen beating up Emperor Evulz, but every time we see the latter, he has a sign saying "Times ass got kicked by Bob: (Insert random, always increasing number here)" on his wall.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob finds that despite his skill in battle, his friends and others still don't take him seriously because of his cute appearance.
    • Bob's reputation for his combat prowess spreads. His opponents no longer underestimate him because of his looks.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Eventually, in a battle against all odds, Bob wins. Everybody starts to take him more seriously.
    • Bob is still stronger than his enemies, and wipes the floor with them.
  • Played For Laughs: Bob is an adorable kitten that meows, purrs, and scratches the face off his enemies.
  • Played For Drama: The only reason Bob is badass is because of his backstory.
  • Played For Horror: Bob is a Spree Killer who has murdered three hundred cops and nobody ever saw him coming because looks too adorable to suspect until it's too late.

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