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Playing With / Back for the Dead

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Basic Trope: A character who was Put on a Bus returns only to die.

  • Straight: Alex moves to Hawaii, then returns to the setting of the show, but then he gets shot in the head and dies.
  • Exaggerated: Alex moves to Hawaii, then returns during the finale, only gets killed by Emperor Evulz less than a second.
  • Justified: Alex was sick and knew he would die, but wanted to return home to say goodbye to his family and friends before he did.
  • Inverted: Alex dies, but turns out it was fake, and then he leaves for Hawaii.
  • Subverted:
    • Looks like Alex came back just to die, but turns out his death was fake.
    • Or he comes back to life.
  • Double Subverted: Then he dies for real.
  • Parodied: Alex returns from Hawaii, tells main character Belle all about the tan he got, then casually mentions that it gave him skin cancer. He drops dead in 5 seconds.
  • Averted: Alex returns and looks perfectly normal.
  • Enforced:
  • Played For Drama: Alex's death sets off a larger chain of events, his killer becoming an Arc Villain.
