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Playing With / Atomic F-Bomb

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Basic Trope: A swear word is said loudly.

  • Straight: Charlie gets angry after finding out that the Big Bad has kidnapped his family, and very loudly exclaims "SHIT!"
  • Exaggerated: Charlie drops something on his foot and screams a swear word so loudly that it can be heard from the other side of the world.
  • Downplayed: Charlie says "Dammit!" in a louder tone than normal.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Charlie whispers "shit" after finding out that the Big Bad has caught him.
  • Subverted:
    • Charlie is about to swear, but is interrupted either by himself or someone else.
    • Curse Cut Short
  • Double Subverted: And then he actually does yell a swear word later.
  • Parodied: Charlie yells his swear word so loudly, that it's still very audible to someone on the other side of the world.
  • Averted: Nobody yells swear words.
  • Enforced: To make good use of a Precision F-Strike.
  • Lampshaded: Immediately after Charlie drops the Atomic F-Bomb, another character comments that this outburst is extremely out of character for him, or for the tone of the movie in general.
  • Invoked: Most often found in a parody or black comedy setting. Charlie is devastated / angry / just stubbed his toe very badly etc. A Genre Savvy character points out that this would be a very appropriate time for an F-Bomb. From there, Charlie may either defy the invocation (though something else could happen immediately afterwards that double subverts this), or play it straight.
  • Exploited: Charlie curses very loud in order to distract the mooks that held him captive.
  • Defied: Charlie appears to be about to yell a swear word, but instead opts for a quiet "damn".
  • Discussed: While Atomic F-Bombs are usually not treated any differently than normal swearing in-universe, in this particular setting, Charlie has an acknowledged tendency to swear very loudly when he is upset. This is discussed by the characters at some point during the film.
  • Implied:

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