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Basic Trope: Asking an obvious question is responded with a snarky or irritated retort.

  • Straight: Sammy asks Paul a ridiculous question. Paul responds by calling Sammy an idiot.
  • Exaggerated: Sammy asks Paul a question, Paul erupts with rage and starts beating him up.
  • Downplayed: Paul is slightly annoyed with Sammy asking him an obvious question.
  • Justified:
    • Paul generally doesn't put up with Sammy's tendency to point the obvious.
    • Paul is an Insufferable Genius who would get every opportunity to scorn Paul for his lack of intelligence.
  • Inverted: Sammy asks Paul an intelligent question, and Paul responds with sarcasm.
  • Subverted: Sammy asks a question, Paul responds by giving Sammy a much better answer than expected.
  • Double Subverted: Sammy asks a question, Paul responds positively, to which Sammy asks another ridiculous question. An exasperated Paul now shoots Sammy down.
  • Parodied: Paul is an over-the-top Deadpan Snarker who responds sarcastically to every question asked, no matter how appropriate the question might be.
  • Zig Zagged: Paul can't decide whether to respond sarcastically, or sincerely.
  • Averted: Paul doesn't respond sarcastically or angrily.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Geez, Paul. No need for you to be a jerk just because I asked you a question!"
  • Invoked: Sammy knows how Paul hates it when people ask him dumb questions, and does it to piss him off.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied:
    • Sammy doesn't ask Paul a question knowing he will get lambasted with his answer.
    • Paul feels it would be rude to insult Sammy for asking an obvious question and answers politely.
    • Sammy realizes he asked a dumb question and does not let Paul answer it.
  • Discussed: "What's the deal with people getting mad at others for asking obvious questions? They can't help it."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed:
    • Sammy is taken aback of Paul's snide answer, and knowing how asking a question can get him a negative response, he doesn't bother to do that again, even when it's necessary to do so.
    • Sammy feels insecure by Paul's ill treatment of him, and the following conversation occurs:
    Sammy: Do you hate me?
    Paul: No, I love you! I think you're the greatest!
    Sammy: Phew, that's a relief! I was so worried that...
  • Reconstructed: Sammy is momentarily stung by Paul's snide answer, and resolves to think a bit more carefully before asking questions he can answer for himself.

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