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Playing With / Androcles' Lion

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Basic Trope: The hero aids an animal, which in turn aids him in his time of need.

  • Straight: Bob removes a trap from a bear's leg. Later, when some Evil Poachers show up, the bear comes back and scares them away.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob removes a trap from a bear's leg. Later, when some Evil Poachers show up, the bear comes back and takes a bullet for him.
    • Bob rescues a whole bunch of animals which later help him when he's in need.
  • Downplayed: Bob removes a trap from a bear's leg. Rather than attack him, the bear just leaves him alone.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • A deer shows Bob which berries are safe to eat. Later on, Bob sees the same deer being chased by a bear, and he scares the bear off.
    • Bob sees a bear in a trap and ignores it, the bear then breaks free himself and tracks down Bob.
    • Bob sees a bear in a trap and frees it. The bear then kills him.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • The bear was actually swatting away a scorpion off of Bob's back that it saw but Bob hadn't.
    • But the bear comes back when Bob's under attack by wolves.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob likes feeding ducks at the pond. He later finds that he has an entire flock of Androcles' Ducks following him around.
    • Bob removes a trap from a bear's leg. Later, when Bob is accused of a crime he didn't commit, the bear shows up in courtroom with evidence that Bob was in the woods that day.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob helps a bear out of a trap, but it bites him in the process. Later on, Bob's ambushed by Evil Poachers, but the bear shows up to scare them off... then it bites Bob again.
  • Averted: Bob removes a trap from a bear's leg, and it leaves, never to show up again.
  • Enforced: The writers want to do a Very Special Episode against poaching, but can't find a way to tell the audience why hunting top predators to extinction is bad and still make engaging television.
  • Lampshaded: "Wow, it's a good thing I helped the smartest bear in the world back there!"
  • Invoked: Bob has read the original story, and tries helping a bear to see if it works in real life.
  • Exploited: Bob lives a dangerous life, and so constantly helps wild animals so that they'll save him when he gets into a rough patch.
  • Defied: Bob removes a trap from a bear's leg. Later, when some Evil Poachers show up, the bear comes back, but the hunters shoot at it and scare it away.
  • Discussed: "I bet that if I help this bear, it'll come back and help me when some hunters show up!"
  • Conversed: Alice and Bob talk about the original story of Androcles' Lion and note how unrealistic it is - in real life, the lion would either leave or eat him.
  • Deconstructed: Bob approaches a bear with its leg in a trap, but afterwards it lashes out and nearly kills him.
  • Reconstructed: But Bob persists, using calming body language and giving it food, so that it calms down enough for him to help it.
  • Played For Laughs: The bear's return is heralded with heroic music and slow-motion sequences. After the hicks flee, the bear waves his paw at Bob (who returns the salute), winks and leaves.
  • Played For Drama: The bear had to work with Bob because the other bears saw accepting Bob's help as a betrayal and kicked him out.
  • Implied: Bob closes his eyes when the hicks attack him, but then he hears a loud roar. It's not outright stated, but it was probably the bear that helped him.
  • Plotted A Good Waste: It a long setup for an Interspecies Friendship with an animal that is otherwise hostile to humans.

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