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Playing With / Adaptational Ugliness

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Basic Trope: A character is made to look less attractive in the adaptation.

  • Straight: In the source material, Alice is described as a busty, blonde bombshell. The movie adaptation depicts her as a plain woman with dowdy clothing.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is described as the World's Most Beautiful Woman in the source material, but in the adaptation, her appearance is so grotesque, people vomit at the sight of her face.
  • Downplayed:
    • The typically attractive Alice is more of an Unkempt Beauty in the adaptation.
    • Even in the original, Alice wasn't much of a looker to begin with, so the only changes is that her hair is messier and her face has a couple more wrinkles.
    • Alice now has a scar over her otherwise gorgeous face.
  • Justified:
    • The original work is told from the POV of Bob, who has a crush on Alice, and he describes her beauty excessively because of this bias towards her. The adaptation has a more universal perspective, and not everyone thinks Alice is that hot.
    • Alice is shot in the head and killed in the middle of the original. She is Spared by the Adaptation, but still has a bullet wound in her face.
    • Alice's backstory is given an Adaptational Angst Upgrade and because of her newfound depression, she puts far less care into her appearance than her original counterpart.
  • Inverted: Despite being described as plain-faced in the source material, Alice is played by a supermodel in the film adaptation.
  • Subverted: Halfway through the movie, Alice dolls herself up, and she resembles her book counterpart more closely.
  • Double Subverted: It's only an Imagine Spot. In reality, Alice's makeover attempt ends in a Cosmetic Catastrophe that makes her look even worse.
  • Zigzagged: Alice is portrayed by a different actress in each of her appearances. Sometimes, she looks just as beautiful as she is described in the books. Sometimes, she appears much less so.
  • Averted: Everyone looks the same in the original and the adaptation.
  • Enforced:
    • Ability over Appearance. Alice's characterization is very complex, and the only actress capable to pull off the subtle nuances happens to not be very attractive.
    • Alice is a minor character, and the studio is unwilling to cast an attractive (and expensive) supermodel to fill such a bit part.
    • Alice's backstory, personality, and lifestyle is written in such a way that would make it implausible for her to actually look as glamorous and well-kept as she does in the original source material.
    • Alice's physique in the source material is impossible in Real Life, and CGI hadn't advanced enough yet to portray her accurately in a realistic setting.
  • Conversed: "Huh. I expected Alice to be way hotter than this."

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