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Playing With / Acronym Confusion

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Basic Trope: A character mistakes one acronym for another.

  • Straight: Alice is trying to explain to Bob that Charlie was diagnosed with ADHD, but she gets mixed up and says, "AC/DC" instead.
  • Exaggerated: Alice goes through several acronyms, e.g. "Charlie was recently diagnosed with ACDC...I mean OCD...I mean BFG...I mean, ADHD!"
  • Downplayed: Alice swaggers a bit but doesn't say another acronym, e.g. "Charlie was diagnosed with AC-I mean ADHD".
  • Justified:
    • Alice was distracted.
    • Alice is not very good at remembering abbreviations.
    • Alice was thinking about ACDC (whether electricity or the band) and had a Freudian Slip.
  • Inverted: Alice gets the acronym right, it's the expansion she gets wrong. EG: Alice thinks Bob helped the Columbia Broadcasting System with research on tourism while he was in the Netherlands, when he meant the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.
  • Subverted: It turns out that Charlie does have a made-up disease or condition called "ACDC".
  • Double Subverted: Charlie's doctor, Diana, told Alice that Charlie had "ACDC" and Alice told Bob. When Bob says, "You mean ADHD?", and Alice says, "No, Dr Diana really did say 'ACDC'." When they go to the doctor, it turns out that she was the one who'd mixed up and meant to say ADHD.
  • Parodied: Alice explains to Bob that Charlie once suffered because of ACDC. Bob thinks she's confusing acronyms and replies that maybe she mixed it up with ADHD. Alice denies and then shows a picture of Charlie being attacked by Angus Young and the rest of the band.
  • Zigzagged: Alice says that Charlie has "ACDC" but Charlie claims to have "MTV". Bob knows that neither of those are right so he asks several people, who each give a different abbreviated response.
  • Averted: Alice manages to say "ADHD" or never has to say an acronym.
  • Enforced: They have to mention their sponsor somewhere, but they didn't specify how or where.
  • Lampshaded: "There's a big difference between ADHD and ACDC, Alice."
  • Invoked: Alice intentionally mixes up acronyms to create humor or confusion. She enjoys the reactions and misunderstandings that arise from her deliberate use of incorrect abbreviations.
  • Exploited: Evulz uses Alice's difficulties in remembering abbreviations in order to feed Bob false information about Charlie's diagnosis in order to cause conflict between the two via misunderstanding on Bob's end.
  • Defied: Alice memorises abbreviations and makes sure not to get them mixed up.
  • Discussed: "How do I remember those letters? I don't want to say that Charlie has ACDC or something, do I?"
  • Conversed: "These characters just can't get their acronyms straight."
  • Implied: Alice is never confirmed that she made a mistake and there is a disease called ACDC in this universe, however, Charlie's symptoms more closely resemble those of ADHD.
  • Deconstructed: The trope is deconstructed by exploring the potential negative consequences and misunderstandings that can arise from mistaking acronyms. Alice's mistake leads to confusion, misdiagnosis, and potential harm to Charlie, highlighting the importance of clear communication and accurate information.
  • Reconstructed: After deconstructing the trope, it is reconstructed by showing how the characters learn from their mistakes and develop better communication skills. They understand the significance of using the correct acronyms and take steps to prevent future misunderstandings, leading to improved relationships and outcomes.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice And Bob both laugh after realising her mistake.
  • Played for Drama: Alice's mistake has serious consequences for Charlie's diagnosis and treatment. It leads to confusion among the medical professionals involved and delays in providing appropriate care for Charlie's condition, adding tension and emotional depth to the narrative.
  • Played for Horror: Alice's mistake in mixing up the acronyms takes on a horrifying twist. Instead of a harmless misunderstanding, her confusion leads to dire consequences. For example, Alice mentions "ACDC" as a medical condition, and it turns out to be a supernatural affliction that possesses and terrorizes its victims. The horror stems from the realization that Alice's innocent mistake has unleashed a terrifying force upon Charlie and those around them.
  • Logical Extreme: Alice's confusion with acronyms becomes so exaggerated that it leads to absurd and extreme outcomes. For instance, Alice's mixed-up acronyms create a domino effect where each incorrect acronym introduces a new outrageous situation. The comedy or absurdity is taken to the extreme as the characters navigate through a series of increasingly ridiculous misunderstandings and events.

Bark to, I mean Back two, I mean Bake to, I mean Shack to, I mean Back to Acronym Confusion.
