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Playing With / Absolute Xenophobe

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Basic Trope: A group that kills anything that is not one of them.

  • Straight: The Galactic Rabbits are convinced that none of the other sapient species in the galaxy should exist. When Tan'Gool of the Turtles' Republic stumbles upon a Galactic Rabbits-settlement, they immediately try to kill Tan'Gool on the basis that she's a turtle.
  • Exaggerated: The Galactic Rabbits are a small cult, and they are trying to exterminate all other life forms, including other Rabbit-people.
  • Downplayed: Galactic Rabbits don't necessarily kill every turtle on sight, but have no qualms about enslaving them or executing them for crimes that would have landed a Rabbit-person in jail for life.
  • Inverted: The Galactic Rabbits are a vegetarian faction whose primary concern is helping all beings to live a peaceful life among them. However, rabbits tend to dislike each other.
  • Justified:
  • Subverted: (Related to the previous entry) The first group of rabbits Tan'Gool met hated her guts, but then she stumbles upon a settlement where they actually treat her nicely.
  • Double Subverted: ... Turns out they're just acting cordial because they know Tan'Gool is stronger than them; once she turns her back on them, they immediately start deriding her kind again.
  • Parodied: Tan'Gool stumbles upon a literal Killer Rabbit who's spouting slurs about turtles. Fortunately she has good enough armor to slug it in the face and move on.
  • Zig Zagged: The story follows the Galactic Rabbits and how their society evolves over the course of 200 years. Certain generations (and different settlements) are shown to be fanatically xenophobic compared to the rest, but it is always made clear that rabbits are not Always Chaotic Evil, and that some of them always are willing to compromise with outsiders.
  • Averted: The Galactic Rabbits do not treat Tan'Gool any differently for being a turtle.
  • Enforced: The executives want a Darker and Edgier flavour to the story, and/or want to avoid that the villanous Galactic Rabbits are subject to romantization.
  • Lampshaded: Tan'Gool asks when the last time was that these rabbits met a turtle who actually met up to their standards of villainy. They just shrug before attacking her anyway.
  • Invoked:
    • The Galactic Rabbits are led by a dictator who doesn't want rabbits to get corrupted by outside influences, and spreads anti-alien propaganda through the empire so they'll reject outsiders on default.
    • The Galactic Rabbits have been manipulated by their Abusive Precursors, the Star Foxes, for their entire history. The Star Foxes instill in them a deep-seated hatred of all non-Rabbit life in order to sic them on the rest of the galaxy.
  • Exploited:
    • The Galactic Rabbits' home planet contains resources that are exceedingly rare elsewhere, and the current leader of Turtles' Republic wants them. Since a war over resources would not be very popular among the turtle populace, the leader tries to convince his subjects that they actually waged war to put a stop to the Rabbits' xenophobic ways.
    • The Galactic Rabbits are so rabidly hostile to other life that they're extremely easy for almost any other species to manipulate. Just capture one of your enemy's ships and aim it at Rabbit space, with appropriately altered navigational data, and you've started a war to take the heat off your own front.
  • Defied:
    • The first thing Turtles' Republic does upon establishing communications with the Galactic Rabbits is sending teams of skilled ambassadors to improve relations. While the older generation of rabbits remains skeptical, at least the younger ones won't unconditionally fear them anymore.
    • Some of the rabbits have successfully overthrown the regime and ended (or at least significantly reduced) their xenophobic tendencies.
  • Discussed: "Do you think a rabbit and a turtle ever could fall in love?" "Not unless the rabbit swallowed their pride and recognised they're not the apex of evolution first."
  • Conversed: "Oh great, another sci-fi faction that's just space nazis."
  • Deconstructed: The rest of the galaxy sees the Rabbits as a threat to their existence to the point of seeing them as a threat that must be united against and demolished. With all species united, they do exactly that.
  • Played for Horror: The whole Galactic Community must quickly put a stop to the Galactic Rabbits Superweapon Plan that could destroy numerous civilizations at once within a limited timeframe.

Back to Absolute Xenophobe... Unless you're a robot, then we'll tear your plating off.
