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Playing With / Absent Animal Companion

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Basic Trope: An animal (often a pet of some kind) is introduced as if they will become a major part of the story, but they don't make future appearances, often with no explanation.

  • Straight: In an episode of Alice and Bob and Friends, Alice gets a pet mouse named Marty. Marty is never shown or mentioned again after this episode.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • Marty can occasionally be seen in the background in future episodes, but never gets any focus.
    • Marty gets a few later appearances before being dropped from the series entirely.
    • Marty is occasionally mentioned in passing, but never makes physical appearances.
    • Marty was formerly an important pet that ended up being Demoted to Extra.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Marty is introduced in an episode and everyone acts like he's always been Alice's pet mouse.
  • Subverted: After a while of not appearing, Marty finally comes back...
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...and promptly disappears after this episode.
    • It's not actually Marty, but a different mouse.
  • Parodied: The introduction and disappearance of pets becomes a running gag in the series, with Alice and Bob each getting a different animal that inexplicably vanishes in subsequent episodes.
  • Zig-Zagged: The appearance and disappearance of pets is inconsistent and unpredictable throughout the series, sometimes playing it straight, other times subverting or justifying it, with Alice and Bob's pets coming and going without rhyme or reason.
  • Averted:
    • Marty becomes an official recurring part of the cast.
    • Marty is explicitly written out of the story, such as by showing that he died.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: Alice or Bob comments on the strange pattern of pets disappearing without explanation, wondering why it keeps happening and joking about their ever-changing menagerie.
  • Invoked: Alice or Bob deliberately introduces a pet to the story, knowing that it will eventually disappear, as a way to manipulate the emotions or actions of the other character.
  • Exploited: Alice or Bob takes advantage of Marty's disappearance to deceive or manipulate the other character, using Marty's absence as part of a larger scheme or to create a distraction.
  • Defied: Alice and Bob actively make an effort to ensure that their pets introduced in the story continue to have a presence and relevance throughout the series, refusing to let them disappear without explanation, and taking steps to keep them involved in the plot.
  • Discussed: Alice and Bob engage in a conversation about the phenomenon of pets being introduced and then forgotten, speculating on possible reasons or making jokes about Marty's sudden disappearance.
  • Conversed: "Remember one of the early episodes of Alice and Bob and Friends, where Alice got a pet mouse and then it just stopped appearing for some reason? Whatever happened to Marty?"
  • Implied: The disappearance of Marty is hinted at or referenced indirectly, without being explicitly shown or explained on-screen, leaving Alice and Bob wondering about his fate.
  • Deconstructed: The impact of Marty's disappearance is explored in a realistic and negative light, examining the emotional consequences for Alice and Bob and questioning the narrative choices behind it, potentially leading to conflicts and character growth.
  • Reconstructed: The trope of pets disappearing without explanation is deconstructed and then reconstructed, with Marty's disappearance being given a satisfying and meaningful resolution that enhances the story or contributes to Alice and Bob's character development.
  • Played for Laughs: The sudden disappearance of Marty is played for comedic effect, with Alice and Bob reacting with exaggerated confusion or frustration, and humorous explanations or theories for his absence.
  • Played for Drama: Marty's disappearance becomes a dramatic plot point, causing emotional turmoil and impacting the relationship between Alice and Bob, delving into their feelings of loss and exploring themes of attachment and change.
  • Played for Horror: The vanishing of Marty takes on a creepy or unsettling tone, creating a sense of mystery or fear surrounding his disappearance, with Alice and Bob experiencing eerie events or uncovering dark secrets related to his absence.

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