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Playing With / A Place Holds Memories

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Basic Trope: Going to a significant place causes someone to reflect on the past.

  • Straight: When Mary visits her old childhood home, she remembers what her upbringing was like and how her parents raised her.
  • Exaggerated: Mary returns to the hospital room where she was born and recalls her entire life until this point.
  • Downplayed: Mary drives past her old friend Spencer's house and wonders how he's doing now.
  • Justified: Something significant in the room jogged Mary's memory and put her in a reflective mood.
  • Inverted: Visiting her new house causes Mary to forget her childhood.
  • Subverted: Mary goes to her old childhood home and looks around a bit, but then just comments "Geez, this place is a dump!" and leaves.
  • Double Subverted: As she's walking away, she remembers how much fun she used to have in it.
  • Averted: Mary visits her old childhood home and nothing happens to her memories.
  • Lampshaded: "This place is stirring up some old memories."
  • Invoked: Mary placed stuff around the room so that she'll remember something specific the next time she walks in.
  • Exploited: Mary has to recall something, and explicitly enters an old room so she'll remember.
  • Discussed: "You ever just go into a place you used to love, and then you think about everything you did there?"

You know, A Place Holds Memories, so reflect on your experiences here before you go.
