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Nightmare Fuel / The Time Machine (1960)

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  • George goes forward in time...only to discover his best friend has died in some war with Germany.
  • George again goes forward in time, only for the house to be destroyed in a fire. He stops and finds his town being blown to bits in another war.
  • The nuclear war is somewhat jarring.
    • George first arrives in a futuristic and prosperous 1966...only for his whole town to be obliterated in a violent atomic blast. The blast is so destructive it causes a volcanic eruption, and George barely escapes from being burned to death.
    • The rings tell of a nuclear war that was so destructive that it brought humanity to the brink of extinction, with the air too poisonous to breathe.
  • At the end we're treated to a sped-up scene of a Morlock decaying rapidly.
  • None of the Eloi lifting a finger to help Weena as she's drowning. They don't see the point, not even Weena (who wonders why George even bothered at all).
  • The Jump Scare when we first see the Morlocks has chilled the blood of more than a few viewers over the years. The masters of the Eloi, a race of vicious cannibalistic apes.
    • The mass grave of the Morlocks previous victims.
  • How do the Morlocks get the Eloi into the tunnels in the film? By conditioning them to come to them by playing an air raid siren Pied Piper style.
