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Nightmare Fuel / The Second Archon War

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  • The opening paragraph is showing Leviathan about to drown Nagasaki from a civilian's viewpoint. It really sells the complete and utter helplessness and terror as people do their best to escape to safety in spite of knowing it's EXTREMELY unlikely, being reduced to praying for anyone to come and put an end to the nightmare. Somebody answers.
  • In order to unleash Musou no Hitotachi, Raiden hijacked all of the electric power produced on Earth for ten seconds. It caused several hundreds of human casualties by virtue of car and airplane accidents.
  • Ami hiding in a closet as Parahuman criminals kill her parents, only to get discovered and almost killed — without Raiden's intervention, it wouldn't have stopped at "almost".
  • The hints that Venti willingly downplays his own power because he's an Angelic Abomination and has already traumatized more than a few followers and friends into dumping him as they witnessed his true face.
  • The circumstances that allowed for the Gesselschaft to grow in influence again in spite of the Germans' efforts to prevent it: when Cologne was destroyed by Behemoth, the Endbringer slaughtered almost every single Heroic-leaning cape in Germany, and the radiation caused a major part of the few survivors to drop dead in the following two years. The vacuum caused instability galore, and the Nazis seized the opportunity to rise from their ashes.
  • Night and Fog's barely held in check bloodlust and insanity — they barely avoid going on a rampage because the sandwichs weren't exactly right.
  • Nahida finding herself stranded in Baghdad. Forget her tremendous intellect and awe-worthy Green Thumb, this is a terrified, lost little girl who doesn't know where she is and is scared of trusting anyone because her supposed caretakers abused her to an inch of her life.
    • Her reaction to Farasha, as she bluntly describes the cape as stinking of Death. And she's not wrong, if you have read Farasha's informational profile, since the woman triggered as a walking nuke at eleven years old and was deployed by Saddam's government in his expansionist war. Her bodycount likely amounts to thousands.
  • Farasha quietly fumbling Qiqi and Nahida's registration documents and coaching the girls to play their abilities as party tricks, as she knows from personal experience what happens to gifted little girls when ruthless men are in power...
  • Saddam Hussein has barely entered the room and already Nahida is terrified by his greed, instinctively hiding the true extent of her Dendro powers because she immediately guesses he will find a way to ruin that.
  • The Middle East's casual misogyny slowly unveiling itself, with a soldier snapping at Faruzan for talking without being asked and an expecting couple in Bashir's office being dejected to learn their baby is a girl. Nahida has a long fight ahead of her...
