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Nightmare Fuel / The Prestige

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  • The extents that both Angier and Borden went to to pull off the Transported Man.
  • The final shot of the seemingly endless pile of hats and the rows of dead clones shows just how far Angier went for vengeance.
    • However, Michael Caine's narration at the end makes it all the more disturbing. We only get a clear look at the one tank.
      Cutter: Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled.
  • To comfort Angier after his wife dies by drowning, Cutter tells him that he once spoke with a sailor who described the experience of drowning to him. Cutter says the sailor described it as 'like going home'. It is heavily implied to be this that allows Angier to somewhat allay his fears about drowning himself again and again for the sake of the act. Towards the end, Angier and Cutter have a rather chilling exchange.
    Cutter: I once told you about the sailor who described drowning to me...
    Angier: He said it was like going home.
    Cutter: I was lying. He said it was agony.
  • Borden sabotaging Angier's dove trick in the middle of a show. Angier's version of the stunt uses a special cage that is designed to pull apart and yank the dove away safely; Borden grabs the cage, interfering with the mechanism — causing the dove to be crushed to death, and brutally mangling the hand of the female volunteer. This happens in front of a full audience.
  • While the blind men hired to help produce Angier's final shows are only workers and not evil, their appearance (gaunt and white-eyed) is very unnerving. Their lack of reaction to Borden's presence backstage gives it an eerie vibe.
