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Nightmare Fuel / The Ninth Gate

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Being a religious horror film, the movie isn't without its scary moments.

  • The film's opening scene showing Mr. Telfer hanging himself from a chandelier. The lack of music and the sounds of him struggling to breathe as we see his feet slowly stop twitching just make it worse.
  • Liana telling Corso that she found out about her late husband's suicide through the sounds of the maid screaming. Cue a pan to the chandelier which is still not repaired.
  • The fact that people who Corso meets on his journey keep winding up dead and we don't see how. Who is killing them — Boris Balkan, Liana Telfer, the Girl? Are they committing suicide like Andrew Telfer? Nothing Is Scarier.
  • Corso walking into the empty bookstore in the dark and discovering his best friend's bloody corpse hanging upside down from a rope — resembling the Hanged Man tarot and one of the Nine Gates engravings. This is the moment the film really gets dark.
  • Corso being abducted and attacked by Liana's henchman only to be saved by The Girl... levitating down a flight of stairs to come to his aid.
  • The Girl smearing her blood upon Corso's face in the shape of the trident, while locking eyes with him. The scene is also vague on if it's just the lighting, or if her eyes are glowing as she does this.
  • The satanic ritual taking place in the building before they are interrupted.
    • Liana being killed by Balken through a combination of strangulation and her pentagram necklace impaling her through her throat/windpipe.
  • Corso being trapped in the floorboards as he's forced to witness Balken perform his satanic ritual, culminating with him setting the floor on fire. And he maniacally laughs as he immolates himself and claims to feel nothing... then he does, and begins screaming in horror as he burns alive. Corso shooting him is a Mercy Kill at that point.
  • The Girl appearing in Corso's car and everything after is both hot and horrifying. From the fact she obviously was not there when Corso got in the car, to her glowing eyes as she looks at him, to the deranged, twisted expressions she makes as she has sex with him, looking positively demonic to the point her face almost seems to be transforming into a demon's. It's as though in sleeping with Corso she's finally achieved victory and is reveling in it in diabolical glee while he's helpless beneath her. Even Corso is visibly frightened by her. The creepy music and the fact this is all lit by the flames of a castle behind the girl just make it all the more atmospheric.
  • The final engraving — the Girl sitting atop a seven-headed beast in front of the flaming castle. It's bound to make you question what you thought you knew about Corso's role in the story, and not in a good way.
