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Nightmare Fuel / The Man in the Suit

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"This is what they found."

The Man in the Suit is an Analog Horror take on the Godzilla franchise, with some kaiju-sized horrifying moments.

As with all moments pages, Spoilers Off!


  • An actor playing a monster in a movie who's fighting another monster suddenly ends up bitten by their "opponent", causing them to transform into a mutated beast that must live out their life in never-ending suffering, imprisoned in the dark cells of the studio and isolated from family and friends with no way to leave - and that's the fate of the "lucky" actors employed by Toho Studios, with the alternative being unceremoniously murder at the hands of the Man in the Suit.
  • Toho Studios' business practices. No matter how bad things get behind the scenes or how batshit insane TMITS can be, they still keep him for their films so they can make more money, sealing him away from the public and keeping anyone from exposing their horrible crimes, whether by termination or arresting them if they try to leave Japan. The poor cameraman had to learn about this, and he has a family also! Along with an expensive camera nonetheless!
    • And how they treat the merged costumers isn't pretty either. It's as the protagonist said so himself: they treat them more like animals than humans...
  • The Man In The Suit himself. He's a creepy, sadistic, xenophobic, and wrathful man who wants to become the giant lizard man himself so he can exact revenge on the Americans for killing his family, because of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings that they were responsible for. And he thinks he's the hero in this story.

Godzilla Suit Incident

  • Its debut: It's very... unnerving to say the least. The unknown speaker in text, (who's later revealed to be the cameraman), explains that the Godzilla suit actor was... quite passionate with the suit to say the least. But we soon find out that it is more than a passion.. it's an obsession.
  • The actor's behavior. He barely took the suit off of him to the point where nobody in the studio ever saw his face outside of the costume, he even took it home despite being told not to as it was studio property. And he insisted he'd be called Goji which was a nickname for Gojira. If you thought that was creepy enough, then dear Holy Mary do we have the treat for you.
  • The incident itself. It was just a normal day of shooting, and the Godzilla actor was just walking around for a couple of shots. Doesn't seem bad, right? Well, no. It all goes straight to horror territory when the actor's behavior suddenly changes and stops moving mid-shooting, with short breathing being described by the speaker. Apparently, it got so concerning that the staff had to check on the actor and try to remove the suit. Then we hear about what exactly happened to him. The suit has become his skin. Inside? Nothing but flesh. The actor had fucking merged with the goddamn thing.
  • And you know what really ices the cake on this beautiful video? We see the pictures of what the staff expected, with the silhouette of the Godzilla suit with a generic looking man picture inside of it. But what did they find? The man's head deformed with his feet bloated out and what looks to be framework to fill even more of the suit. You may be blessed that it wasn't a taken photo, but that doesn't make it any less TRAUMATIZING.

Angurius Suit Incident

  • After that insanely frightening incident that basically changed the MITS into a fleshy abomination sealed inside a concrete suit, did Toho decide to get rid of the now-mutated suit actor and replace him? No. They did not. They kept him. Oh boy...
  • Ok, put it this way. You're shooting for a scene involving the conflict of two monsters, right? You got a normal person inside the Angurius suit and the Man In The Suit together in a single scene. Surely things go as you expect, right? Nope!
    • What happened in this is.. not very pretty to say the least. While shooting for the fight scene between Angurius and Gojira, TMITS suddenly goes off-script and basically bites into the Man in the Angurius Suit, drawing blood. But what really makes this truly scary? TMITS wouldn't let the staff go anywhere near the poor actor, only driving them away with a haunting stare that showed his creepy eyes as he roared at them. Why was he doing this? Well, apparently after they managed to get TMITS away from TMITAS, they tried to get him out of the suit to check on his injury. He fused with the suit also. What is this guy up to?
    • Apparently, when you translate the description of the video, it shows that from how Angurius is feeling, the transformation must be agonizing...
      Angurius: It hurts... it hurts so much, it hurts... I can't get out...

Godzilla Encounter

  • HOLY. HELL. Now this is where things go waaaaaay downhill. And Toho still hasn't gotten rid of that cursed actor.
  • For starters, we see a poster of the upcoming King Kong vs. Godzilla film when a Japanese phrase pops up. When translated?
    TMITS: Why are we with them?
  • It gets much worse than that. While the final battle was being filmed, TMITS went ballistic and tackled Shoichi Hirose, the suit actor for Kong, into the water before seemingly drowning him in there. His reason for why he murdered the actor? He saw him as a traitor for acting in a movie about an AMERICAN kaiju.
  • And after that, the cameraman decided to get out of there but while he's leaving, he stated that he heard screams from nearby. Apparently, TMITS saw the whole staff as traitors and proceeded to massacre them all because of his xenophobic view on Americans.
  • But wait, it gets worse. As the cameraman uses his camera's flash to find an exit, he hears footsteps approaching, speculating at first that it was an employee. But when he uses his camera flash to see who's coming, we get this...:
    • Thankfully, the cameraman managed to safely escape from the studio. But that doesn't make this any less terrifying.
    • The picture taken from the flash does not help the slightest. See for yourself if you have the balls.
      TMITS: Traitor.

Rare Newspaper

  • He got out. TMITS got out of the studio. You heard us right. HE. GOT. OUT.
  • Even though the Man didn't harm anyone, it must still be terrifying to hear when this... THING has been roaming around public areas, exposed to the press, and apparently being a huge liability risk to innocent civilians...
    • A kid managed to spot the MITS and took some pictures of it, but that isn't the scary part. The scary part comes in when he's interviewed by the news and draws a picture of what he saw.. and Holy Mary is it up the scale in the "pants-shittingly traumatizing" measurement. It looks like an equivalent to even the Alternate Gabirel.
  • But what's even more scarier? Despite The Man seeing that the world had stayed peaceful even after the bombings, which were his main motivation for why he was doing all of this, does he have a Heel Realization that his attempt at revenge is futile? Absolutely fucking not. Instead, he thinks the world is FORGETTING about the events and is seemingly more motivated than ever.

Mosura Suit Incident

  • While also a tearjerker, the larvae actress' parents eventually see what TMITS is trying to do and try to stop him from attacking their daughter. He eventually kills them grotesquely and causes the actress to fuse to the larvae suit.
  • The forest scene. Once the team manage to finally catch up with The Man In The Suit, he was just... standing there, calming down. But once the team approach the Man to take him back, he suddenly began to shake and... he vomits out radioactive blood, possibly his own macabre version of the iconic Atomic Breath, but that didn't stop them from recapturing him. The aftermath... well, let's just say that it's all pretty burned up. Sorry.
  • Once the actress was infected, they expected her to fuse to the suit like the others, which isn't pretty in itself. But once we reach to the "this is what they found" part... There's a cocoon formed in the ceiling of the warehouse..., most likely either Mothra or the woman slowly becoming the Imago form of Mothra.

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