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Nightmare Fuel / The Impairment

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  • The creatures themselves; the Nytera. They are described as the size of children, bony, skinny and grey skinned with slit pupil eyes and teeth like that of a shark. And then of course is the fact they aren't solitary hunters, they attack in packs and they are brutal.
  • The process of which the Nytera are created. In truth, they are an extinct alien species, but Kiefer worked around that issue by use of two polar opposite organisms; one which supplies their DNA and another which is able to birth offspring which takes the form of whatever the DNA belongs to, both which he fuses together making a hybrid and of course, the corpses of all the students that Allie Parker, his partner and the real serial killer of Mildwood University killed. Basically Kiefer fuses two organisms together, implants them into the corpses which for no other reason other than he's a total dick he hangs half naked on the walls of his "laboratory" and allows the creatures to be birthed inside their bodies till they are sucked through a tube and allowed to strive in something of chamber where the strong are selected to become full fledged Nytera.
    • The concept of the Revi'Necplagu, one half of the organisms Kiefer uses to birth the Nytera. Even when not fused with their polar opposites, they're little more than parasites which strive within corpses and feeds on whatever nutrients remain within the body to grow and procreate. The fresher the corpse, the better it strives.
    • The concept of organisms which can potentially render one immortal to the effects of aging, disease and sickness sounds pleasant, but that's only when you ignore the fact you need to implant it into your body for which it replaces your human heart and feeds your body the nutrients to survive. Oh and of course there's a catch; you're now dependent on their matriarch for survival and if it dies, you die as well. And that's nothing to say your DNA being imprinted unto themselves for which if the organism is removed from your body, not only do you die since, well, that was your heart, someone can easily use it to procreate a copy of you down the lines of time, a copy that's not quite you.
  • While the massacre of Mildwood University by the Nytera is certainly horrible from Kyle Griffin's perspective just think how it must have been for a regular student. Just imagine not being able to even see your own death coming; imagine watching your fellow peers be killed by an seemingly invisible entity, watching their throats carved open, their heads fly off, their stomachs gutted; all of that with no trace of the culprit, and then you're next.
  • Allie Parker suffering a gruesome death at the hands of the Nytera. True she was gloating before hand and smiling at the prospect of Bret suffering the very fate at the beasts, but just the way the book goes into gory detail is down right horrific; she's gang piled by the creatures and then eaten alive right in front of Bret starting from her legs which are gnawed to bone, then her back, arms and fingers up until she's rendered begging for Bret; with one eye plucked from it's socket to put her out of her misery, but it's not till her throat is torn she finds relief and then is devoured in the murky, bloody water pit below.
  • Kyle Griffin's torture/hazing at the hands of his "pledges" for Beta Alpha Omega.
