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Nightmare Fuel / Stargate Universe

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  • The galaxy is a truly terrifying place, and it only gets worse with each episode. Chestbursters, giant spiders, and killer bugs, oh my!
  • Never more apparent than in "Pain" when ticks causing very vivid hallucinations latch onto the Destiny's crew — James hallucinates herself killing Scott, Volker hallucinates being trapped in a coffin, Greer and Rush go Ax-Crazy in an attempt to rid the ship of mutinous civilians and invading aliens respectively, and one Marine tears open his own arm because he thought there were snakes under his skin.
  • Cloverdale... Sentient plant/fungus that's looks incredibly resilient, aggressive as hell and apparently reproduces by stinging a nearby creature and slowly growing spores inside of it, while turning the host half mad.
