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Nightmare Fuel / Spirou & Fantasio

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  • Album 41: Valley of the Exiles. The follow-up to the previous comic book in which Spirou and Fantasio decided to search for the doctors Adrien Maginot and Günter Siegfried, which happened to be in a valley called the "Valley of the Exiles", where the book takes place in. The valley itself is full of dangerous monsters, but the most dangerous of all of them is the "Furia Volans", a kind of mosquito that spreads the illness "furiasis", which main symptom is an anger beyond belief. Fantasio gets bit, with nightmarish results.
  • The cheery album #52. Fantasio's uncle, believed dead, returns, as he has been keeping himself alive with water from the Fountain of Youth. The whole story is a contest between Fantasio, Spirou and the uncle and the villains, both trying to reach the fountain first. The first uncomfortable detail is that the uncle gradually grows older throughout the comic, eventually looking like a corpse. Then they arrive at the final step of the journey: A massive, golden skull surrounded by hundreds upon hundreds of corpses, both conquistadors and natives. As soon as the villain touches the skull, the corpses rise to defend the Fountain.
  • Although Zorglub is usually Played for Laughs, the Zorglwave is a pretty terrifying device in itself. At its lowest setting, it paralyses people, leaving them conscious but unable to move, thankfully for a limited time. At higher settings, it completely removes any sense of self from the persons affected and turns them into human robots. And until the Count of Champignac came along, there was no way to break free from this enslavement.
  • In Fantasio se marie, there's a three-part magical necklace that has the power to de-age a person. The wealthy bad guy gets her hand on it and uses it to make a fortune by rejuvenating elderly rich women. Unfortunately, she did not fully knew how to use it and caused the group of women to become horribly ugly and disfigured.
  • In Hope Despite Everything, part 1, Spirou has a nightmare of Brussels being in ruins. At center of the ruins is Kassandra who's been crucified by the Romans. Agonizing and suffering, Kassandra pleads Spirou to save her while the surroundings catch fire, a monstrous hellhound howls and the Romans are replaced by a demonic Nazi guard.
    • In Part 2 Spirou has another one in which Spirou sees Fantasio's lover on his lap turning into Kassandra (which is all sorts of wrong given that she's a young girl while Fantasio is a grown man), while Fantasio's head becomes that of his hand puppet before becoming a giant anthropomorphic version of the evil hand puppet from their puppet show promising to devour the helpless Kassandra (whose body has turned into that of her puppet as she's held captive) who then orders Spirou to be captured and executed. Kassandra seemingly goes limp and pale in the puppet villain's clutches while ghoulish sharp-toothed Nazis storm through the door to get Spirou.
