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Nightmare Fuel / Lethal Weapon

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"Every day I wake up and think of a reason not to do it. Every single day."

  • Pretty much any scene where Riggs is pissed off at someone or suicidal. Most notably:
    • In the first movie when he breaks free of his Shock Torture, before going after Joshua.
      • Earlier on when Murtaugh didn't take his suicidal tendencies seriously until he almost shot himself. Afterwards, Murtaugh's reaction screams "I almost let a man kill himself".
    • The second movie when he finds out that The Dragon of the group killed his wife.
    • Then, the moment he escapes from his Death Trap where he was left to drown, he sees his current girlfriend, Rika, already dead next to him in the water. The fact that little bubbles come out of her mouth and nose and her eyes are wide open in terror does not help.
  • The scene where Murtaugh learns that the Shadow Company has kidnapped Rianne. After the failed hit on Riggs, he gets a call from dispatch, claiming that they found a body a couple blocks from his house. When Murtaugh jokes that the victim is probably blonde and has dimples, the dispatcher responds "How did you know that?"; to reiterate, those Shadow Company bastards killed a teenage boy, whose family will never have Christmas with him again.
    • Even better - in the theatrical cut, this happens offscreen. The Blu-Ray release actually contains a Deleted Scene where Mr. Joshua surprises them. Happy Viewing!
  • Riggs' and Murtaugh's torture by the Shadow Company: Riggs is shocked repeatedly and Murtaugh is beaten up and salt is put in his wounds; the whole point of this was to see what they knew about the upcoming heroin shipment, but the thing is they didn't know jack, making the whole thing pointless.
    • The novelization ramps up the horrors even higher, when McAllister casually tells Murtaugh two of his men are going to become "double veterans"... with his daughter. Murtaugh can't bear to tell his terrified, half-naked daughter that the expression is Vietnam War slang for a man that rapes a woman before killing her.
  • General McAllister's death. His car is hit by a bus and catches on fire. He ends up crushed under the seats, covered in heroin, screaming out of fear as he tries and fails to reach a bunch grenades, which blows him and his car to Hell. Granted, we was an Asshole Victim, but noboby deserves to go out like that. Damn.
  • Roger and Trish being duct taped by Pieter and his cronies in the second film. What doesn't make the scene better is that it's a Jump Scare.
  • As Arjen Rudd is a South African diplomat, his numerous government connections seem to have their claws in everything, as seen when they manage to find Leo, Riggs, and Murtaugh with little effort.
  • One of Jack Travis' methods of disposing with failure minions is to bury him alive in concrete. Even his street assoicate, Tyrone, is unnerved.
  • The final fight between Riggs, Murtaugh, and Wah Sing Ku in the fourth movie. It’s brutal, messy, bloody, and realistic, and it eventually results in Ku impaled through the torso by Murtaugh, Murtaugh knocked out, and Riggs shooting Ku to death underwater. Easily the most intense fight in the entire series. To top it all off, it’s even set in a thunderstorm. Riggs even gets pinned underwater by debris until Murtaugh dives in and saves him. You might think for a minute there Riggs and Murtaugh might not make it out alive.
