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Nightmare Fuel / Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

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Grand Theft Auto III | Grand Theft Auto: Vice City | Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories | Grand Theft Auto IV | Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned | Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony | Grand Theft Auto V
As if the atmosphere wasn't scary enough....

  • If you think about it, the atmosphere in Apartment 3C is pretty eerie, especially its bathroom which contains an obvious reference to Scarface (1983). What's scary is that the game lets you enter the building for no apparent reason. And once you do enter and see the aftermath, you'd half-expect a maniac to enter and murder you. But nothing happens.
  • The final phone call with Sonny.
    Sonny: Tommy.
    Tommy: Sonny.
    Sonny: Obviously you are suffering from hearing problems so I'll try again. WHERE'S THE GODDAMNED MONEY?! WHERE'S THE GODDAMNED STUFF?! AND WHERE'S MY CUT OF YOUR NEW ACTION?! You are making an idiot out of me, Tommy. And I'm not laughing yet.
  • Tommy Vercetti himself is generally frightening when he's mad. Also keep in mind why he was nicknamed "The Harwood Butcher''. The penultimate mission "Cap The Collector" makes it clear when he's killing Sonny's goons trying to tax his businesses...
    • Unlike future GTA protagonists such as CJ, Niko, and Franklin, Tommy is generally just a remorseless sociopath that will kill anyone in his way without the slightest of emotion. It's safe to say he doesn't take Lance Vance's betrayal very well.
  • Mr. Black, aka the payphone mission guy. When Tommy receives a call from him, it's "Get to the payphone in (location)," then CLICK, nothing else. That alone is creepy, but it doesn't help that all of his missions include killing someone often for unknown reasons or getting a suitcase with unknown contents.
  • The Ax-Crazy guy (referred to in-game as "The Psycho") who wanted to kill Love Fist. First he shoots a security guard at a signing, claiming that Love Fist ruined his life. Then he plants a bomb in their limo, hoping to kill them. The message he leaves is particularly jarring:
    Psycho: Love Fist. Your time polluting the airwaves is over. I gave you the chance to be friends. Now, I'm giving you the chance to die. Try to slow down and your limousine will explode, along with your BIG, HAIRY ARSES!
