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Nightmare Fuel / Godzilla vs. Hedorah

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All of a sudden Godzilla no longer seems so bad now…
  • For the first time since the first Godzilla, human death is shown graphically. It's especially unsettling is that in one scene where a baby is shown drowning in Hedorah's sludge.
  • Hedorah himself. An alien life-form that feeds on man-made waste and becomes stronger with it, he's got one of the most Lovecraftian designs in the franchise, thanks to him being amorphous and able to assume whatever any of his previous forms he wants at will, along with those huge, always-staring blood-red eyes with a suspicious resemblance to... well, you know what. Him revealing his towering final form from the shadows is quite chilling, and the bastard clearly enjoys his job. While most of his roars, taken from the Ultra kaiju Kemular sound like a guy taking a dump, there's one in particular which he utters only in his final form, which sounds like a chilling, high-pitched deranged laughter.
  • There's a scene in Godzilla vs. Hedorah where Hedorah is flying overhead emitting a cloud of sulfuric acid. The innocent bystanders below are shown collapsing and then their flesh melting off of their faces.
    • Speaking of that scene, Riichiro Manabe's score during it. Say what you want about his composing ability, but when it comes to producing horrific cues for this and other films such as Crest Of The Wolf, the Bloodthirsty trilogy, and Jigoku he's actually pretty good.
    • Hedorah tries to drown Godzilla in sludge. Godzilla's struggles to get out make it all the more unnerving.
  • The background of the band when Hedorah begins to attack the city with white skeletons against a black background accented with red blood, which forebodingly appropriate given the amount of deaths caused by Hedorah.
  • The hallucination scene where a man sees the singer and the crowd having eerily and warped fish masks with wide-open, dead eyes.
  • The animated transition sequences are really creepy and strange, even if they're on the nose.
