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Nightmare Fuel / Fantastic Four

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  • The Puppet Master is a creepy enough villain to start with by his powers alone, but he's even more nightmarish when he was drawn by Jack Kirby. Kirby draws him looking like a sentient ventriloquist dummy, bearing a smile that makes The Joker look tame.
    • He gets even worse during in his Darker and Edgier stints. When he decided to retire, he simply moved to Latin America and used his dolls to brainwash various women from around the world and superheroines into becoming sex slaves for the highest bidder. All for his amusement before he dies of old age.
  • The Skrulls are, in essence, a race of reptilian super beings who can shapeshift and have Power Copying..and keen on using them to take over Earth.
  • With his Super Science and Literal Magic, Doom has resources for policing, supervising and brainwashing his peons that make Oceania's Thought Police look like bumbling Clouseaus. At least some versions of Latveria are consequently very dystopian, with every citizen living in perpetual fear, knowing that Big Brother Is Watching all they do. As with real totalitarian dictatorships like North Korea, it's often far from clear how much of Doom's all-pervasive personality cult is genuine admiration by the people of their leader and how much it is enforced through terror. Made doubly worse by the fact that some depictions of Doom are not Noble Demons, or even just generic evil overlords, but narcissistic psychopaths who seemingly enjoy abusing this surveillance and people control technology to torment their hapless subjects. In such stories, Doom will often subject his servants to violent verbal and physical abuse, suddenly change the rules on them or feed them to his wild robots on a whim. The most creepy versions basically subject the Latverians collectively to a sort of nationwide Romanticized Abuse — including literal rape of at least some of the women.
