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Nightmare Fuel / Eternal Champions

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  • The fatalities in the Sega CD version can be shockingly disturbing and detailed despite the game's age. Mitigated somewhat by the few fatalities that are so over the top, they cross the line twice into black comedy.

    • Syrian Desert Refinery
      • The loser hits a giant fan, spreading blood everywhere.
      • The loser ends up accidentally covered in acid by one of the tubes in complete agony and their body turns green before disintegrating.
    • Hangtown Mine
      • The loser lies on the center of the floor where a giant boulder comes down and crushes them.
      • If the opponent is defeated at the right edge of the stage, the train car will continue on until the tunnel darkens, at which point they reach the end of the line... and are impaled by a massive splintered log, smearing their entrails across it with an awful scream.
    • Blue Dragon Circus
      • If the opponent is defeated on the left side of the stage, they will be launched into the lion's cage to be mauled to death.
      • However, if the opponent is defeated on the right, a cannon will launch a circus car full of creepy clowns that will land on the defeated player, reducing them to a bloody smear, with their blood casually coming out of the horn.
    • Chicago Theatre
      • If the opponent is defeated near the box office, the woman inside will suddenly jump out with a handgun, put several rounds into the defeated fighter, then pull out a shotgun and blow off their head.
      • A group of gangsters will suddenly drive by, emptying a Tommy gun into the hapless loser.
    • Belgrave Square Laboratory
      • If the opponent is defeated near the left side of the machine, they will be teleported into the machine. Which gradually disintegrates their skin, muscles and bones until they're reduced to nothing but organs and blood vessels, which then messily collapse and spill out.
      • If the opponent is defeated near the right side of the machine, a trap will activate sending the defeated opponent to a deep pit lined with saws and blades, first skinning them and severing a few body parts, then cutting them down to just an arm and a head, then finally leaving only a clean, white skull to smash into the ground.
      James Rolfe: The pit from Mortal Kombat is pussy shit now. That's a fucking pit!
    • Abu Simbel Temple
      • The dog statue will break, revealing a vicious jackal who mauls the defeated player to death offscreen, leaving only a messy corpse behind.
      • A group of evil souls would surround the defeated player and devour the body of the player.
    • Shango Village, Trinidad
      • If the opponent is defeated near the skull pillar, they will be teleported to the center of the giant skull where they will be burned alive.
      • However, if the opponent is defeated near the right part of the skull, they will be launched to the boiling pot of lava. The scary part comes when the victim attempts to escape the boiling pot, only for their severely damaged body to start coming apart and falling back in, splashing the outside of the pot with gore.
    • Cyber Dome Arena
      • A flying drone will suddenly freeze the defeated opponent and shatter it into nothingness, only leaving their still beating heart remaining.
      • The opponent can die by being launched into one beastly statues on either side of the stage, getting impaled on its unicorn-like horn.
    • Off the Barbary Coast
      • If the opponent is defeated on the left side of the boat, they will fall off to the sea severely injured, their blood drawing the attention of a nightmarish bloodthirsty shark who will maul them to death.
      • If beaten on the center of the deck, a large cargo hook will swing down and run them through.
    • Black Orchid Rooftop
      • The player can be knocked into one of the letters of the neon sign, frying them as they spew vomit before the whole thing explodes.
    • Great Rift Valley
      • If the opponent dies on the left side of the stage, a dinosaur will slowly snatch them up and devour them, with blood spilling down from its jaws.
      • However, if the player is defeated near the center of the volcano located in the background, a Pterodactyl will grab the unconscious body and drop them to the insides of the volcano, where their burning body will be launched toward the screen.
    • Shores of Atlantis
      • A group of animate vines will grab the unconscious body of the opponent and drown them to the depths below, with a cloud of blood eventually forming once the frantic splashing ends.
      • Several nasty-looking fish will spear through the body, finishing with the last fish eating the whole skull of the opponent.
    • Salem
      • If the opponent is defeated near the stake, they will be burned to death at the stake screaming in agony until only their bones remain.
      • Alternately, they can be split nearly down the middle by sudden lightning strike.
    • Song Hong Delta
      • A helicopter will fly by and launch a missile toward the fallen opponent, reducing them to charred bones.
      • A sniper will notice the fallen opponent and will shoot them to death.
    • Stone Temple Monkey
      • The background dragons will suddenly come to life and strike at the opponent with their tails, tearing them in half and whipping both pieces off in opposite directions.
      • A group of four rabid monkeys will come to the defeated opponent and kill him offscreen, only leaving a messed up body.
    • Washington D.C
      • A gas leak on the sewers will launch the opponent to the top of the Washington monument where they will land on its point.
      • The top of the White House will launch a nuclear bomb nearby, overkilling the fallen opponent and every innocent citizen running away in terror in the background.

  • This commercial for the Genesis version has two older fighting games running and screaming in fear from the titular game's box, which growls at them and chases them down as the announcer says, "Eternal Champions is gonna eat your old fighting games for lunch!". Eventually, the box corners one of the older fighting games in the kitchen and devours it, with it screaming the entire time. Then the box lands on WELCO METOT HENEX TLEVEL, Sega's slogan at the time, which is made out of silverware, and belches "SEGA!". The music and the atmosphere certainly don't do the commercial any favors.
