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Nightmare Fuel / Eddsworld

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Ho, ho, huaarrggh!!!

  • Zanta Claws' establishing moment in the first installment of the trilogy is eating a child's head off.
  • The reasons why the boys (except Tom) are on the naughty list:
    • Matt simply stepped on a bug. We then see said bug moaning while dying.
    • Tord, because he used real guns in a paintball fight (with Tord smiling while thinking back on the memory).
    • Edd, because he didn't say "thank you" to the milkman for a Christmas card. Cut to said milkman slowly driving his van off a cliff...
    • A later Instagram and Twitter post revealed that the milkman survived the suicide attempt. Though this wasn't revealed until 12 years later.
  • YMMV, but Bing's Evil Laugh in Spares.
    • After the gang literally throws Tom away in favor of a second Matt, along with Evil Director Bing making a nonsensical joke about it, his assistant Larry snaps and yells "HOW DO YOU MORONS EVEN BREATHE?!" Compared to the rest of the episode's audio, this line is pretty loud too. No wonder everyone looked so upset.
    • The rejected clones. One of them is Matt (with a live-action face), one of them is a mix of Tom and Tord (with Matt's chin), and another is a mix of all four boys.
  • Tom, completely seriously, stating that if they don't stop overusing electricity, they are all going to die in Climate Change.
  • The dried-out corpse of one of the Absorbable Paper Towel™ salesmen after said towel absorbs all of his body's moisture in "RANDUMB" is quite possibly the most nightmarish image in the show's history.
    • Of course, though, this horrible event is used as another demonstration by the other salesman.
      Salesman: [picks up the paper towel and smiles at the camera] One sheet! [audience applauds as his fellow salesman's head FALLS OFF HIS BODY]
  • The ending of This World of Edd is haunting.
  • WTFUTURE, despite being a Terminator spoof episode, is actually quite freaky when you think about it. You've become so obsessed with something that you can't live without it, so Edd's bad future self decided to destroy his past self over cola being outlawed.
    • During a scene at the restaurant, the boys talk about what would happen if Edd died (his voice actor did later on), and then all of a sudden you hear muffled walking, and Edd notices Hellucard's "Hey, Edd" (pronounced "Ey, hed") catchphrase, only for the bad future version of Edd to throw him through the glass door entrance the the restaurant, with Hellucard beaten up and bleeding.
  • The undead mummy in Ruined. He follows the boys around the pyramid, and they don't even know he is there until they go into the treasure room. The worst part? It turns out that he has the key to the treasure around his neck.
    • The chant he says. The only thing even remotely understandable is the Super Nintendo part.
    • The treasure itself is another trap, which ends up sending the boys to their doom. Only Edd survives as the other boys broke his fall.
    • Edd pushing Tom into a series of traps. The cries of pain he makes (along with Edd not giving a crap) doesn't really help things, either:
  • The 2007 Halloween special has a Jason Voorhees expy killing the boys (except Matt).
    • He first chops off the top part of Edd's head, leaving him with his brain showing.
      Tord: Is the coast clear?
      Edd: (turns around to reveal his open brain) Nope. [falls over dead as his bloody brain flies out]
    • Tom and Tord think they have the killer fooled, only for him to suddenly stab Tom in the stomach with a sword from behind. Though his reaction to it is kind of funny:
      Tom: What the-?! Since when do axe-wielding maniacs carry around swords? [blood suddenly shoots out, sending Tord flying offscreen] BLAAARGH!
    • He then kills Tord by cornering him in the closet, and stabbing him with the spear on the back of his axe.
      Tord: No, no! [gets stabbed] Blehhhh.....
    • Before this, Matt accidentally falls down the stairs while backing away from the killer. He appears later on though, having survived the fall, only to literally die of fright when he sees his friends as ghosts. It is played for laughs, but it's still kinda freaky.
      Matt: Agggh, ghosts! Agggh, my heart! [dies, also becoming a ghost]
    • The boys murdering their killer, which sees his head impaled on sharp rocks at the bottom of a cliff.
    • The killer's re-emergence as a ghost (a gigantic one, at that), set to "Night on Bald Mountain".
    • The boys and the killer being sucked by the Ghostbusters' ghost traps in the end.
    • The opening scene. A pumpkin is thrown at Edd, and his head gets stuck inside it. He then goes to Matt, which gets him scared and he hits the pumpkin with a hammer, blowing Edd's head clean off!
  • Matt Sucks, where Matt becomes a vampire after being bitten by one due to him thinking that the vampire was someone in a costume. Once Tom and Edd discover their friend is a vampire, Tom suggests they take him out with a mega-stake machine gun, only for it to fire and kill Edd. Matt then enters the room and sees the bodies of his friends staked to the wall, including a bloody stake through Tom's hair. At the end, Matt goes outside and explodes upon making contact with the sun.
    Matt: At least Edd's dead.
  • In MovieMakers, Laurel gets killed by the shoe, who then drags off her body to who knows where, leaving a trail of blood behind in the process.
    • The world ending because of how bad the boys' movie was.
      Tom: See, this is why you guys should never listen to me.
  • The various people getting mauled by zombies, sometimes onscreen, in Fun Dead. One that stands out is a guy waiting in line for a ride who gets the bottom half of his body eaten, then one of his arms, before finally getting killed off for good.
  • Some of Tord's Slasher Smiles in "The End".
  • Some of the comics are filled with this:
  • Though Matt's reactions to a Slash Fic are Played for Laughs throughout most of Fan Service 2 (it helps that the scenes are accompanied by epic classical music), he is very clearly uncomfortable, he even lost his sanity by the time he was done reading it, then he notices there's an attached fanart, and this time it's actually Played for Horror, he nervously clicks on the link, snaps at what he just saw and jumps off the window... to a resumed epic classical music. What makes it worse is that we never get to see what's in the fanfic or the fanart.
  • The final stinger for "Beaster Bunny" shows hundreds of the monstrous eggs buried underground, as the silhouette of a lanky rabbit beast appears and roars.
  • The ultimately unused Halloween special would’ve been a mix of this and Tear Jerker. Basically, it would have been revealed that Matt was actually Dead All Along ever since the Zombeh Attack trilogy, and Tom had been in denial about it so he pretended Matt was still alive (the real Tom and Matt were inspired by the fact that Tom was coincidentally the only character to directly interact with Matt ever since that trilogy ended). When Edd finally helps Tom come to terms with it, Matt vanishes and Edd and Tom walk together down a hallway. But then, the lights flicker and Tom suddenly disappears. And then Edd gradually starts to look more and more like his real world counterpart until he fades into live action footage of the real Edd Gould, animating the show and mouthing his character’s lines as he does so. Allegedly, when they pitched this idea to Edd, his response was a very bewildered "…ehh?"
