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Nightmare Fuel / Disney Ducks Comic Universe

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These Disney comics have plentiful. Some examples:

  • The Reginella saga provides more than a few, mostly through Reginella and her Pacificus people's psychic powers... But not limited to them:
  • Gyro in the 'classic' Paperinik stories is prone to do some terrifying things. Paperinik's famed memory-erasing candies? Gyro invented them of his own initiative (Donald found out about them when he told Gyro he was Paperinik and the inventor decided that wiping his own memory was the best way to keep the secret). How do we prove to Donald we just made him invulnerable? Shooting him with rhino-hunting rounds. And that's the normal and good Gyro, his evil Literal Split Personality Mad Ducktor is a lot worse.
  • Magica De Spell. Imagine a woman that wants something you have and don't want to part with-and is extremely cunning, completely ruthless, has an arsenal of gas bombs she can make in her kitchen plus other "recipes", and can spy you at any moment. That's why Scrooge's terrified of her.
    • A single gesture showing how vile she can be: upon receiving Croesus' first coin from Scrooge and using it to complete the charm that would give her Midas Touch, she shakes Donald's hand... While wearing the charm. And immediately calls Scrooge out for apparently scamming her when Donald doesn't turn into gold, showing it wasn't an accident.
    • The Italian version is even worse: she's a bit softer and is incapacitated by garlic, but has also enough firepower to level Duckburg, should she wish so. And when her relatively low magical reserves allow her to cut loose she's next to unstoppable:
      • In one story she attacks the Money Bin right after the Beagle Boys have done so with giant mechs and were easily swatted away-and she not only takes on the same defenses, she actually topples the Money Bin-as a prank. She's taken down when Scrooge manages to hit her with concentrated garlic juice-and her next assault has her allied with the Beagle Boys, each of whom now has enough power to single-handedly conquer the Money Bin thanks to a spell that Magica had just lying around (and she hadn't used on herself because it wouldn't work on witches).
      • In "Scrooge's Last Adventure" she's allied with the Beagle Boys, Rockerduck and Glomgold-and as her part of the plan she attacks the Money Bin, casually makes all the defenses completely harmless, and as the Number One Dime was still covered in garlic she teleports all the money in another dimension and leaves, letting the Beagle Boys waltz in, hold everyone at gunpoint, and take the Dime for her.
    • Something even scarier: she's not the most powerful witch around. Her grandmother is easily stronger but nicer, Hazel is just as powerful but doesn't like to harm people, Madame Mim is only a bit stronger (as long as she doesn't turn into a dragon) but rather random and just as likely to be good or bad depending on her whims-but each of the three members of the Witches Council are not only more powerful than any of the above combined, they're also extremely wicked-enough that whenever they show up, Magica, for all her power, immediately grovels in terror.
      • An example of the Witches Council in action comes from "Scrooge's Last Adventure": due to circumstances out of Magica's control, the Number One Dime is now worthless for the Midas Touch spell-and the Council suddenly appears, declares Magica a failure, and casually turns her into a fairy, completely changing her powers into ones she has no idea how to use, Ratface into a good familiar, and her spellbook into a fairy one. Later Scrooge convinces them to reverse their judgement... And, after declaring that one day they'll make him pay for being right, they turn Magica, Ratface and her spellbook back just as easily as they had changed them to begin with.
      • Something even scarier: there's actually a few dozens of magic users that powerful, collectively known as archmages. And in one occasion, one of them purposefully targeted Magica out of annoyance.
      • The most powerful witch ever is Spelonca, who has mercifully died of old age centuries ago. However, wishing her immense powers wouldn't be lost, she created a potion to obtain them, hiding the ingredients in a set of 99 caves with any one hosting an extremely difficult task so only the worthy could obtain her powers. Ever since her death, many have faced the 99 Caves of Spelonca, but all had to give up halfway... Until Magica found out and, with Ratface's support, passed all of them in three days. The only thing that stopped her from obtaining invincibility was that the final ingredient was her worst enemy's #1 Dime... But she still came that close from virtual omnipotence.
    • Magica's best friend, Roberta the Expert Witch. She's not as powerful as her... So she compensates with cunning, immense magical knowledge, and copious amounts of extremely effective Magitek that Scrooge has little defense against. Whenever she gets involved, Scrooge is in for a far harder time than usual:
      • In her first story she reasons that Scrooge's motivation to defend the #1 Dime comes from his greed... So she tells Magica how to obtain a one-off artifact that would temporarily remove said greed and allow her to just ask for it. The only reason Magica lost is that a similar artifact was used on Donald to make him greedy, and he attacked her and recovered the Dime before she could melt it...
      • In Roberta's second story Gyro had armored the Money Bin with an imperforable metal. Cue Roberta assembling a device that goes through it with ease
      • One story has Scrooge notice that he has a large number of batteries he couldn't sell for years, so he puts them out on a discount - and Roberta buys them to make a magical device that once again temporarily removes Scrooge's greed so she and Magica can waltz in and have him spend all his money and give them the Number One Dime, and when Scrooge's greed takes Donald as host and he temporarily takes over the family fortune she repeats the feat, with an added brainwashing aspect - and then she does it on the Nephews and Quackmore when the greed takes the Nephews as hosts (Quackmore was hit just to be sure). The only reason the witches were defeated was that her device' energy had been completely drained by the last use and it could not be recharged, just in time for the greed to come back to Scrooge.
      • Once every few decades there's a night where seven witches with the same goal are nearly unstoppable... And when she realized said night was coming she assembled another five witches and went to Magica to help her.
  • According to one Magica's origin stories, she's an orphan that was raised by her uncle and aunt, who didn't want her to study magic in spite of both them and her parents having been capable witches and wizards because Magica's parents used a magic ruby to try and brute force a spell, instead causing an explosion that killed Magica's parents and ruined her uncle's leg. What was the spell? The one to create the Midas Touch Charm. And upon finding out how her parents died, Magica started speculating how to fix it.
    • The journal of Magnolia De Spell, Magica's mother, details her various attempts at creating the charm... And the last entry says that with a certain ruby she and her husband Leone will finally succeed and "we'll finally become rich, rich, RICH!" - almost the same words that years later Magica would use describing what she planned to do with the Midas' Touch. And the accompanying drawing shows her having almost the same facial expression. The only thing that softens the horror for the reader is the knowledge that Magica is patient and won't cut corners (her parents' Fatal Flaw) and would succeed... But her uncles don't know that.
  • The Black Knight. Hoo boy, where do we start...
    • First, the eponymous knight is perhaps the most unstoppable Juggernaut in all fiction depicted so far. Nothing aside from diamond have been shown to be able to stop him, and he didn't even have to exert any effort. If you think liquid and gas can be used to go around physically touching him, nope, they're shown to be just ineffective at stopping him. And it's still a suit of armor underneath the Omnisolve, so just using diamonds as projectiles does nothing. Donald tried using a boulder-sized diamond as a cannonball against him, which might have worked... if he hadn't waited too long and bragged about what he was about to do, allowing the Black Knight to counter the attack. Oh, and he has a sword coated in the same substance as well, which he uses to dissolve or cut apart any obstacle in front of him if he doesn't feel like walking right through it.
    • The source of the Black Knight's power? A liquid Scrooge commissioned Gyro to invent, the Omnisolve. Its debut shows that careless handling of said liquid will result in The End of the World as We Know It scenario, as it hollows the earth and causes the earth's solid core to break out of the earth like a metal ball breaking out of a fishbowl. If it's any comfort, all known supply of Omnisolve have been used up to create the Black Knight armor. Oh, and this also means that he's nightmarishly difficult to defeat, because not only do you have to overcome his armor, you have to make sure he lands on something he can't dissolve, otherwise he'll plunge straight into the Earth and destroy the planet. The second story ends with the Ducks pulling an unconscious Arsene out of his armor, then sending it into space with one of Gyro's hover-scooters... only for the Stinger to show Arsene observing the armor in orbit around the Earth using a telescope, while reading a book about rocket science.
    • The man wearing the Black Knight armor, Arpin Lusene, is Scrooge's most competent, formidable foe ever, and considering the kind of characters Scrooge has faced before, that's saying a lot. As a master thief, he can break out of any attempt to bind him and he steals things which should be impossible to be stolen such as the bullets of your gun and the filament of your camera flash. Most dangerously is his intelligence; it was him who had the brilliant idea of coating a suit of armor with the Omnisolve, and he's savvy enough to make sure prior tactics that did him in were nullified in subsequent encounter. On the other hand, he's one damn Graceful Loser, that at the end of it all, even Scrooge saw him as a Worthy Opponent. Another creepy thing about him is that he doesnt actually want to steal Scrooge's fortune, he wants to destroy it using the armor, because three cubic acres of cash is too much for even him to carry off. It's not out of malice, but out of a desire to cement his status as the greatest thief of all time, which no one will dispute if every last coin is gone from the Money Bin.
    • The way The Black Knight is drawn which invokes Uncanny Valley. He's always drawn pitch-black with no shading at all, aside from certain uncoated parts, making him look less a black suit of armor, but rather a pitch black hole in reality.
  • A story drawn by Marco Rota, "Nightmare On Duck Street", features Donald visiting Gyro Gearloose, who has to leave on urgent business. Donald takes a nap on a bed in Gyro's workshop, before waking up to find it is night. As he leaves, he finds that Duckburg is deserted except for various bizarre sights Donald witnesses such as ravenous pterodactyls and a dragon trying to eat him, Grandma Duck and Gus Goose being a bunch of jerkasses who throw pies at him, and a Beagle Boy who is also a Dirty Cop who is then joined by an army of Beagle Boys who pursue Donald and descend on Scrooge's Money Bin. Scrooge activates the building's self-destruct but dies in the explosion, then transforms into a freaking 10-story monster made out of gold coins. Donald returns to Gyro's workshop to find that Little Helper, now a fully-sized Mad Scientist and Robotic Psychopath, has shrunk Gyro to be his slave. In the end, it turns out that it was All Just a Dream, and Donald accidentally was using an invention of Gyro that can induce nightmares. Now why would Gyro even invent such a potion?
  • Whenever she goes in Woman Scorned mode, Brigitta can be a right terror. She usually limits herself to try and outsell Scrooge at his latest endeavor (and always gives him a run for his money, if she doesn't succeed outright), but the very first story that showed this side of her had her willfully cause the extinction of an entire species of plants out of spite: she was outselling Scrooge's cake business by using wild strawberries that grow on the bottom of the ocean, and when he found out and she couldn't legally bar him from using them too she revealed to the world where said strawberries grew, causing hundreds of competitors ships to pluck all strawberries and pollute that part of the ocean to the point the plants nearly died off, and when Scrooge arrived his fleet's own exhausts finished them off.
  • Professor Elektron is easily one of the darkest villains Paperinik ever faced in the weekly comics. He starts by effortlessly kidnapping Paperinik, revealing that he already knows his secret identity, and then hypnotizing him into forgetting his superheroic persona - with the implication that he could've easily killed Donald, but chose not to. Then he sends a robotic Paperinik duplicate to steal an experimental power sources, which he uses to power a machine designed to disintegrate every living thing in Duckburg. Why? He wants to replace them with androids, which he believes to be superior to organic beings. And he doesn't intend to stop at Duckburg: he plans to exponentially extend his methods to the entire world.
    • Then comes the reveal: he's an android himself. We discover that the original Elektron was growing old, so he built the android as a replacement to continue his studies in his stead... except that the android had all the original's intellect, but none of his humanity. It's not-so-subtly implied that android!Elektron ended up murdering his own creator.
  • From way back in Barks's "The Old Castle's Secret", we have the Ghost of Sir Quackly. He's completely invisible, except in a direct light source, which will cast the shadow of his skeleton, a surprisingly creepy effect. He's hell-bent on protecting his treasure, even from his own kin and clan. He moves so silently that he's hard to detect, and worse, he's not intangible, even while invisible - he's strong enough to haul his own heavy treasure box around with ease. He knows the ins and outs of Castle McDuck better than anyone, and can pop up anywhere. Last, he has absolutely no compunctions about attacking anyone who gets too close to the treasure. Even the fact that he's actually a jewel thief in disguise doesn't make him any less dangerous.
  • The unicorn in the Carl Barks story by the same name is nothing like its whimsical modern portrayal. This one is more like a firecely territorial beast that, unless pacified by being fed, spends most of its time trying to impale people on its horn.
  • In W.H.A.D.D.A.L.O.T.T.A.J.A.R.G.O.N, Donald's nephews were given a special task to be admitted into the Junior Woodchucks. They assured Donald that everything will be fine and he should just go home and relax. Donald tailed them in secret to keep watch, and his concern was proven correct when the kids' investigation led them to a sawmill which ended with them getting strapped onto a log and almost got fed into a woodchipper. Luckily Donald was able to save them.
  • In a story by Knut Nærum (art by Arild Midtun) made to educate kids about particle physics (because Nærum is kinda like that), Donald and the boys are visiting a physics lab where George Gearloose is showing of his latest invention, a cannon that could dissolve the bond between particles and thus dissolve them into individual atoms. That is obviously terrifying on its own, but then Emil Eagle steals it and fires it at Donald when he tries to pursue. Luckily, Donald is quick enough to dodge and the beam only grazes his feathers, and George Gearloose has developed a device to reverse the process, but imagine what would happen if a living being was entirely dissolved.
  • Rebo, overlord of Saturn and the antagonist in the "Donald versus Saturn" saga, is for the most part Laughably Evil due his incompetence and that of his two helpers... Except for the reason he has only two helpers: they're the last surviving Saturnians, with everyone else having died in their people's fruitless attempts at conquering the universe and wars that went on for millions of years. And he explicitely plans to wipe out the entire population of Jupiter and Earth, the latter in revenge for Donald unwittingly wrecking his robot fleet in the first story.
    • Rebo and his two helpers' Establishing Character Moment: Rebo had built a prototype for a Mecha-Mook, but during test it turns out to be a pacifist... And so Rebo sentences it to death for high treason and has it shot without even waiting for dawn, before ordering his generals to kidnap Gyro and have him build a prototype his automated factories will mass-produce.
      • The robot had been armed with a gun that was supposedly capable of destroying an army of one million people. And according to Rebo, he and his men don't have any problem inventing even more powerful weapons... They just happen to suck at robotics, and as there's just three of them they need combat robots to actually use said weapons.
    • Something to make them all even scarier: Rebo and his generals are actually rather nice people who almost always smile sincerely, they just happen to consider genocidal war a good thing.
    • And the most horrifying thing of all: when one puts their stories in continuity with a certain few others, they were the best option. You see, in his second story Rebo gets stranded on Earth, away from any of the mighty warships that could keep the Jovians in check simply by being crewed... And immediately after both Paperinik New Adventures and "Threat From the Infinite" start being published, with two different hostile invaders making their own bids for Earth - and both of them had been explicitely being around with plans for Earth for a long time, at least twenty thousand years for the Evronians (that being the date of the first recorded visit) and up to two hundred and twenty million years for the Tz'oook (their timeline being muddy, but two hundred and twenty million years before the story is the earliest they could have arrived). If Rebo is put in continuity with them, it means he and the Saturnians had been keeping two existential threats at bay for a long time simply by being around, the worst being the occasional Evronian scouting party and the raid after Tunguska... And now there's nothing stopping them.
  • The Tz'oook from "Threat From the Infinite". At first nothing is revealed of what they're looking for or why, or even their name, only that they're messing with the environment in the process and that they're aliens... Then we get The Reveal: they're not aliens, they're the survivors of the ancient Ultraterrestrial civilization that caused the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event through pollution and other damage to the planet, and to escape their own mess built a colony ship that travels at relativistic speeds, allowing them to not age much while 230 million years passed on Earth and the planet recovered, and now they're looking for their ancient cities to use their technology and wipe out humanity, before recolonizing Earth and resuming their old ways.
    • They get an indirect mention in Paperinik New Adventures, meaning they're working on Earth while the Evronians are preparing to invade... And nobody other than the Junior Woodchucks noticed them.
    • In the finale it's revealed that the Tz'oook accidentally crossed the dimensional barrier, but now that they know what happened they can reproduce and control the event, so they return to their actual homeworld... That has not recovered, but has instead been reduced to a lifeless rock. At least now they can find a new Earth and know better than to continue their old destructive ways...
    • And because things hadn't been nightmarish enough... If the Tz'oook didn't cause the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event, then what happened?
    • The comic actually hints to a possible answer... And makes everything worse. Their very first plan was to find a city near the North Pole where they had geomagnetic manipulation technology that could flip the poles. It's likely they didn't cause their equivalent of the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event, they were just forced to flee when the Siberian Traps erupted... Right as some jackass was messing with the magnetic field and died without shutting the technology down, leaving the device on and eventually destroying the magnetic field, at which point solar radiation stripped down the atmosphere and wiped out everything that had survived the Great Dying.
  • "The Crocodile Collector" by Don Rosa: Written as a sequel to Carl Barks' "Trail Of the Unicorn", Scrooge asks Donald and the nephews to find a legendary breed of crocodile that are all born with the mark of the Eygptian god Seth on their backs, that Scrooge wants for his zoo. They eventually track the source of the myth to an area near Lake Victoria, where they spot a newly hatched crocodile with the mark. It flees into the river, and they follow it into an underground temple, built by the ancient Egypitans in tribute to the sacred crocodiles. As they're walking through the main chamber towards the altar in the middle, Donald tells the nephews to watch their step, because the floor is very uneven...
    Huey: No wonder, Unca Donald, look! It's the Mark of Seth!
    Donald: What, did the Eygptians carve the mark all over the floor too?
    Huey: No...
    [the "floor" shifts, revealing that the entire floor of the chamber is a huge herd of adult crocodiles!]
