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Nightmare Fuel / Carmen Sandiego

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The Sticky Rice Caper

  • The ending, in which it's revealed that V.I.L.E. agents get their memories wiped if they are captured.

The Chasing Paper Caper

  • Paper Star is viscerally scary on a level far beyond any other villain in the franchise, with her Creepy Child demeanour and uncanny ability to turn any piece of paper into a deadly weapon that she will kill or torture with. It reaches the point that a zoom-in on a brochure becomes rife with tension.

The French Connection Caper

The Stockholm Syndrome Caper

  • The fact that V.I.L.E. was not only able to steal nuclear launch codes, but the fact they were going to sell them is this. Thank goodness for Ivy taking them back.
  • Carmen being trapped in the woods, slowly freezing to death.

To Steal or Not To Steal

  • Any of the bad endings, which result in Zack and Ivy having their minds wiped and being forced to join VILE. In two endings, the same fate happens to Carmen. In one of those endings we actually see it happen and then see her as a completely brainwashed pawn, and in the other it looks as though she's rescued Zack and Ivy only for it to be revealed they'd already been brainwashed and are now ordered by Maelstrom to capture Carmen so that she can join them in being so.
  • The set up for the kidnapping that triggers the plot is actually pretty terrifying. Zack and Ivy get snatched because V.I.L.E. managed to work out the team's plans and knew exactly where the van would be, enabling them to send superior forces to overwhelm the siblings. Carmen is clearly terrified at the reveal, and the fact that a single poor choice could doom her teammates is totally shiver-worthy.

Season 3

  • With Neal the Eel getting captured just like Crackle, what is going to happen to him? Mind wipe as well? The thought that Neal might be mind wiped as well is less scary if all that happens to him is that he just returns to his old life like nothing happened, unless the mind wipe also makes him a sleeper agent...

Season 4

The Big Bad Ivy Caper

  • Graham Calloway receiving vivid memories of V.I.L.E. Not only does it terrify the viewer but also Graham who was terrified at his first restored memory of using a crackle rod. Imagine if you started suddenly receiving memories of a mysterious and shady organization you've possibly been there before filled with people you might or might not remember and doing actions you never believed you thought you would do.

The Robo Caper

  • Imagine, throughout your life, you thought yourself to be a decent person living a normal life helping people and doing work like you always do, that is until you receive strange and vivid memories of an organization you're completely unfamiliar with yet somehow you do, soon leading to a shift in your identity from your impulsiveness of unusual knowledge you've once used to become someone you never thought you would be. Eventually, you wouldn't be able to understand what kind of person you are until you were taken in by this mysterious group from the unknown memories you kept having. This, is what Graham Calloway went through as he kept receiving memories of V.I.L.E shifting from a civilian to a highly profile criminal and back.

The V.I.L.E History Caper

  • Coach Brunt almost drowning while wearing the Viking armor. She might be a villain, but the slow fade to black as she sinks in the freezing water while struggling to get the armor off emphasizes what a horrible way to die that would be. It isn’t even clear how she escaped.

The Viennese Waltz Caper

  • Carmen getting captured and mind wiped, made to do V.I.L.E's bidding. Zach confronts her on a Ferris wheel and she nearly allows him to fall to his death. The entire incident visibly shakes up poor Zach.
  • Before trying to kill Zack, Carmen almost forces Tigress to pick her nose, but the horrifying part is the fact the latter's gloves are clawed meaning she could've died had Carmen succeeded. It's only thanks to Graham's interference that this is stopped.

The Dark Red Caper

  • The fact that, in spite of ACME taking down most of VILE, the Cleaners not only escaped, but are still interested in continuing VILE's ways.
