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Myers Briggs / Examples of Rational Personalities in Stories

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Rationals trust reason implicitly. They rely on objective observations and factual analysis in any given situation. They seek a logical argument as a basis for action. As strategists, Rationals strive to gain as much information as possible, applying what they learn to develop long-term plans and the steps for achieving them. They are characterized by a tough-minded personal style, tending to pursue either power or understanding. They are often strong-willed, ambitious, intelligent, and self-determined. Driven to excel, they work hard to achieve their goals, and they do well where they can take control or work independently on a task.The main characteristics of Racionais are concentration and involvement, so they are naturally introspective, but who involve others. Rationals are highly reflective and persistent. Usually oriented towards theories and inventions in the empirical world, they are strategists, thinkers, inventors. In addition, gain self-confidence the greater the willpower, value knowledge and rely exclusively on reason. They are consistent, efficient and resistant.

Interests: Rationals are drawn to science and technology. They usually seek careers involving systems—whether mechanical or electrical (as in engineering), organic (as in biology), social (as in psychology or sociology), or organizational (as in business or economics).

Orientation: Rationals are pragmatic about the world around them, having little use for social convention or sentiment except as a means to an end. They weigh logical outcomes before acting, looking for errors in reasoning—in themselves and others. Many often believe that ethical concepts like good and evil are relative, depending on one's particular point of view.[citation needed] They regard time as the duration of events rather than as a continuum. They view place as the intersection of two crossing lines (as in Cartesian coordinates, for example).

Values: Rationals appear calm even in times of turmoil. They achieve this state through an intense concentration of effort rather than through cold-heartedness. They trust reason and strive for achievement. They are knowledge-seekers who aspire to technical wizardry, and so are pleased when others defer to their expertise.

Social roles: In romantic relationships, Rationals want a mindmate with whom they can discuss the topics that interest them, which are often abstract or theoretical, such as philosophy. As parents, they encourage their children to become self-reliant individuals capable of thinking for themselves. In their professional and social lives, Rationals are visionary leaders, developing and consolidating coherent long-term plans.

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INTP (Architect)

INTP Architects are intensely curious and see the world as something to be understood. Their primary interest is to determine how things are structured, built, or configured. Architects are designers of theoretical systems and new technologies. Rearranging the environment to fit their design is a distant goal of Architects.


Anime & Manga

  • Alice Carroll from ARIA is reserved, deadpan and analytical (Ti), is cerebral and quirky, and demonstrates a willingness to go to great lengths to satisfy her curiosity (Ne).
  • Armin Arlert from Attack on Titan is a huge bookworm and lover of knowledge, Armin ranks highly in his class for his strategic skills. His intuition is keen, and when practically applied his ability to craft a plan or come up with ideas on the fly prove extremely useful time and again. He lacks confidence and often doubts himself. However, for his longview and goal-orientation, as well as for his selfless, kind and idealistic nature, Armin may also qualify as an INFJ.
  • Keisuke Sanan from Hakuouki be it the series or the games. He's the intelligent, pensive strategist of the Shinsengumi who can easily manipulate people and is very prone to being a deadpan snarker. He's surprisingly dorky underneath, however, being playful and curious once you get "underneath his impersonal veneer", as the game puts it. That doesn't change he's the very definition of creepy, mad scientist though...
  • L, from Death Note, is widely considered as such, as a counterbalance to Light's role as either an ENTJ or INTJ. He is reserved, absent-minded, oblivious to social norms, and compulsively analytical, all solid traits of an INTP.
  • Sherlock Holmes of Moriarty the Patriot, just like his literary counterpart is often typed as. Sherlock is obsessed with puzzling out everything and determining how they're put together and what they mean, and believes himself capable of understanding everything.
  • My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected has Hachiman Hikigaya. He's pretty much the quintessential INTP, Brilliant, but Lazy yet extremely analytical, imaginative, and always overthinking. Everything for Hachiman will turn into one of his philosophical monologues. Of course, he's very capable of being a Manipulative Bastard.
  • The titular character from Frieren: Beyond Journey's End fits this personality type to a tee, not only is she a very aloof and logical elf who gathers new magic simply as a hobby of hers, cementing her as a Ti-Ne dominant, she's also a good example of the challenges arising from her less developed lower functions, as well as the importance of developing them as well. Through the series she struggles heavily with the concept of connecting with shorter lived species, and tries to grow as a person in order to better cherish and connect with the ones she cares about while they're still around.


  • Dr. Egon Spengler of Ghostbusters (1984) is the most introverted, socially-awkward member of the team. A major bookworm, he is constantly researching paranormal science. But using only a Twinkie, he can concisely explain paranormal phenomenon in the Manhattan area.
  • Jedi Master Yoda, the resident wise man of Star Wars, regards the Galaxy and the Force as enormous puzzles to be solved. He prefers to meditate with few or no others, in relative quiet, objectively peering into what The Force has to offer him. Because of this, he has an eerie ability to foresee and prepare for coming events, and read people and objects with frightening accuracy. The vast amounts of time he has spent mediating various conflicts were spent coming to rational, agreeable conditions rather than continued fighting in most cases.
  • Frank Walker from Tomorrowland is logical and tough. He isn't sure how to react to other people's emotions even when he cares. He's a genius, a quick thinker, and quite analytical. He doesn't like working with people.


  • The eponymous Sherlock Holmes, although he has also been typed as INTJ. His obsession with logic and tendency toward solitude firmly establish him as an INTx, but his mixture of confidence and messiness have split him between judging and perceiving. Characters based on Sherlock Holmes (such as Batman) tend to go the same route.

Live-Action TV

  • Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds is an epitome of the INTP personality type. Be it the 'useless knowledge' he possess, analytic skills, large vocabulary, or lack of social skills. Though he is great at producing knowledge and profiling, it is likely that Spencer would not occupy such a job in real life, due to failing the firearm qualification and fitness exam, as the classic INTP might.
  • River Tam from Firefly and Serenity is shown to be highly analytical and has a knack for absorbing massive quantities of information. She processes everything she obverses with a surreal, internal logic that no one else seems to understand, yet she's usually right. Her genuine desire to learn everything she can is how she ended up at The Academy. She also tends to be quite blunt.
  • Star Trek:
    • Lt. Reginald "Reg" Barclay from Star Trek: The Next Generation is a highly neurotic engineer. He is highly skilled, but has crippling phobias and social anxieties that prevent him from interacting with others properly. Because of these anxieties, he spends much of his time in the holodeck, to the point where he feels more at ease around computers than people, even considering holographic people alive, in stark contrast to everyone else who considers them to be Just a Machine.

Video Games

  • Robert Lutece of BioShock Infinite is a scientist who is largely seen around his twin (though more alternate self) Rosalind. Unlike his twin, he holds a more optimistic view that one can travel through dimensions and change the outcome, even trying to undo his arranged kidnapping of Booker DeWitt's daughter.
  • Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy VII, the recluse who pops in and out mysteriously, and chooses quiet solitude and contemplation over action and interaction has been typed an INTP and fits the description well. He's quiet, independent, reserved, serious, and perceived as "cold" due to his aloof nature. He only ever participates when circumstances give him no choice, when it's the only sensible and right thing to do. He also contemplates topics like what it means to be human, and displays a propensity for philosophy.
  • Metroid presents its main protagonist, Samus Aran. Introversion is quite obvious; she has an unhealthily large preference for solo operation brought about by lack of human contact. Her ability to observe, record, learn from, and plan for various occurrences combines with a near-superhuman affinity for puzzle-solving and pattern recognition (and exploitation) to present the ultimate Bounty Hunter's mind.
  • Kinzie Kensington from Saints Row: The Third. An ex-intelligence agent for the FBI who is now the Saints' tech expert. She is socially reclusive, sarcastic and witty. However, beneath all of that lies a softer side of her.
  • Miles "Tails" Prower from Sonic the Hedgehog 2 fits the INTP description. Though no longer his old, timid self, he's still quite reserved and perfectly willing to let someone else take the spotlight. A skilled engineer, he has designed and built many unique and innovative creations. He can devolve into technobabble and be rather untactful.
  • Sans from Undertale is easygoing and a jokester, coming up with creative puns, but still quiet and introverted most of the time. He is usually lazy, but under certain circumstances in the game, it is revealed that he is an extremely intelligent quantum physicist, and also probably has a permanent existential crisis.
  • Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles 1 is an Adorkable Socially Awkward Hero who works as an engineer, known for not interacting much with many people before the events of the game due to being too deep into his research, despite his generally friendly personality. Fitting for his job, he is naturally curious, and very determined despite his pessimism.
  • Veronica from Zombies, Run! is a young scientist who exemplifies the INTP archetype. She is completely focused on logic and science, to the point of forgetting to eat at times. She exhibits strong introverted thinking, the dominant function of an INTP, through her love of conducting experiments and dissecting zombies and ideas alike. She is full of ideas and possibilities, as most xNxPs are, but her inferior extroverted feeling function and her lack of concern for conventional ethics make her seem detached at best and sociopathic at worst. She has difficulty expressing her affection for her only friend, Nadia.


  • Dirk Strider from Homestuck has been typed as an INTP. His leadership style of "pulling the strings" is quintessential xNTP, and although his status as resident Renaissance Man and Gadgeteer Genius would suggest he's an ENTP, his predilection for independence and stoicism indicate he is an INTP, although with highly developed extroverted intuition.

Western Animation

  • Dipper Pines of Gravity Falls can easily qualify as an INTP. Although he is in many ways a polar opposite to his sister Mabel, he still shares her creativity (N) and curiosity (P). He is intelligent, reserved, loves to solve puzzles and his ambition towards solving the mysteries of Gravity Falls is a reoccurring theme throughout the series.
  • Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is quite a straightforward example. Her keen intelligence and interest in science make her an intuitive thinker, with her introversion (I) and awkwardness (P) being the driving focus of the plot (at least early in the series). Also, at many points throughout the series, she demonstrates the tendency of INTPs to become intensely fixated on certain topics and problems to the point of obsession (notable examples being Lesson Zero and It's About Time).
  • Sean Rafferty from Ready Jet Go! is the brains of Team Propulsion. Coming from a family of astronomers, he is determined to learn everything he can about science so he can lead a mission to Mars when he grows up. Unlike the fiction-loving Sydney, Sean has an all-consuming drive for facts and logic, which can be difficult because of his friend Jet being an alien. Sean is a huge perfectionist and can be a snarker at times, but is most of the time a sweetheart.
  • Donatello from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is The Smart Guy of the team, but he focuses on immediate projects and problems rather than forming long-term plans. He's creative and inventive, but he's more at home with his studies than other people.
  • Noah from Total Drama is cynical, sarcastic, analytical, and extremely smart, and prefers to think things out rather than use physical activity. He doesn't seem to like most of his teammates and hangs out with a select few characters.

ENTP (Inventor)

ENTP Inventors can become highly skilled in functional engineering and invention. Of all the role variants, Inventors are the most resistant to doing things a certain way just because it was done that way in the past. Designing and improving mechanisms and products is their constant goal. Intensely curious, Inventors have an entrepreneurial character and are always looking for new projects to work on.


Anime & Manga

  • Hanji Zoe from Attack on Titan. Hanji's excitability and unconventional attitudes often cause others to perceive them as loopy and having lost their mind, when it is quite the opposite. Hanji is extremely intelligent and ingenious, not only an excellent strategist but an inventor and scientist. Hanji values the truth and objectivity over the safety of old ideas.
  • Nui Harime from Kill la Kill is as playful as she is inventive, and her actions demonstrate her twisted internal logic and chaotic, self-centered nature. She acts on her whims and is very energetic, yet is infrequently driven by her emotions, which is most obvious when she agrees to give herself up to the Original Life Fiber in the finale, only caring about reaching the desired result and not giving any thought to the damage it might wreak on her psyche. As such, she is coded as an ENTP.
  • One Piece:
    • Usopp is smart and imaginative, coming up with grand stories at the drop of a hat and constantly improving his weapons. He can be stressed out by worrying about people’s expectations of him and often times wishes his crew (read: Luffy) would make safer decisions.
    • Gekko Moriah is clever and full of ideas on how to improve his zombie army, yet he won’t involve himself with any of the tedious work. He appears to be a strong intuitive, able to throw out predictions for the future that miraculously come true. However, he seems caught in "the grip" of Introverted Sensing (Si), being unable to get over the loss of his old crew.

Comic Books

  • Batman's Arch-Enemy, The Joker, is a textbook ENTP incarnate into a supervillain. He doesn't cause mass mayhem for the sake of a larger scheme, or even to watch people suffer. No, he just wants to ruffle everybody's feathers (especially Batman's) just 'cause. Erratic, unpredictable behavior, bombastic and comical presentation, and an apparent inability to take what he does seriously complete the package.
  • The Eponymous Deadpool. Though very loosely falling into the "Rational" temperament because of mental issues, The Merc with a Mouth is very much ENTP. Besides the fact that he is a very extroverted individual and the fact that because of his mental state his perception of reality is more than just a little funky, Deadpool has shown that he is capable of understanding big picture issues (such as the murder fest that is Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe) as well as being a very creative strategist, doing a lot of things completely on the fly.


  • Dr. Emmett Brown from Back to the Future is an innovative, creative, confident, bright, enthusiastic genius, likes to conceptualize from experience, is careless despite his brilliance, and is highly adaptable to situations.
  • Roger Moore's portrayal of James Bond contrasted himself from Sean Connery's Bond by being a major Trickster, frequently indulging in mind games with his foes, lulling them into a false sense of control by playing nicer than he really was, as his many cold-blooded executions across his movies proves.
  • Agent J from Men in Black was selected by the MIB because he's an excellent lateral thinker able to see the forest when everybody else is focused on the trees, and is usually able to make logical leaps that even experienced MIB agents like K might miss. And he can beat aliens in a foot race and punch some of them out.
  • Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean is famous for being confident, witty, opportunistic, more than capable of thinking out of the box and often motivated by self-interest, all of which mark him as an ENTP.


  • Alice in Wonderland and its film adaption: The Cheshire Cat. He's mischievous, playful, mysterious, and overall a pretty good example of a Troll, especially in the Disney adaption.
  • Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has the eccentricity, spontaneity, and childlike imagination firmly establishing him as an extroverted perceiver, with his inventiveness and occasional disregard for the emotions of others attesting to his intuitive thinking.
  • Mark Watney from The Martian is a clever scientist stuck on a desolate planet who uses his skill to keep himself alive and fix one problem after the other in often very unconventional ways while ignoring his superiors and light-heartedly joking about his terrible situation in his logs. Yeah, he's probably this type.
  • Irene Adler from Sherlock Holmes has been characterized by being highly charismatic, bright, cunning, manipulative, deceptive and ready to challenge Sherlock to such an extent that she has managed to confuse Sherlock's senses, eventually leading him to false conclusions.
  • Ciaphas Cain, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM is at heart a very resourceful individual who, despite his own objections suggesting the contrary, is both a capable military commander and a selfless hero who is not above risking his own life to save his men. His methods are as unconventional as they are brilliant, and his wits are sharp to boot, and while he does imply in his own memoirs multiple times that he is a selfish coward at heart, his own actions and accounts from those close to him definitely confirm that this is more Heroic Self-Deprecation on his part than genuine evidence that he is a fraud.

Live-Action TV

  • Jake Peralta from the series Brooklyn Nine-Nine is an excellent example of a fictional ENTP. He is often shown brainstorming and thinking outside of the box while also being incredibly observant and seeing things that other's don't when it comes to solving cases and putting away bad guys (Ne, Ti). Jake's also very outgoing, hyperactive, not entirely in tune with his emotions and how they may affect others (Fe) (though Amy has helped him some in that regard), and yet shows a sensitivity to how things used to be when it comes to matters involving his immediate family (Si).
  • Xander Harris from Buffy the Vampire Slayer is enthusiastic, outgoing, and has a wide variety of interests. He is adaptive, somewhat unconventional, easily bored, and needs excitement to keep things interesting.
  • Doctor Who: The Doctor. Always jumping from one adventure to the next, seeking novelty, gives value to many diverse viewpoints, great with technology and spends much of his free time tinkering with his time machine, "leads because he doesn't want to follow", quick thinking, eccentric, charismatic in a witty way, vigorously energetic, and enjoys mental sparring with opponents like the Master more than he probably should. On a bad day, he can also be showy, insensitive, and easily annoyed/bored with practical matters. While the degree of overt extroversion somewhat varies from incarnation to incarnation, he always remains someone who needs much stimulation, projects an aura of gravitas, and does not take prolonged isolation very well.
  • Moriarty from Elementary. Though she is often typed as a judger, her creative exploitation of her environment and the people in it, tendency to break her own plans according to her whims (returning to Sherlock being a major example) and her speech about being drawn to whatever she doesn't understand are indicative of an ENTP personality with a highly developed Ti against an underdeveloped Fe.
  • Chandler from Friends is the sarcastic and cynical dry observer of his group of friends. He struggles with commitment and uses humor as a defense mechanism, although he is eventually able to overcome these faults.
  • Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother is an ENTP. Barney's ability to analyze women and love of clever ideas to hook up with women make him a perfect fit. He loves arguing about anything, including who's his best friend. He likes using different ploys to get different women and wants to make every night legen... wait for it... dary.
  • Cosima Niehaus from Orphan Black gets bored of doing research quickly and wants to move onto other things. She can piece together all the information handed to her and constantly in search of new discoveries.
  • Chiaki Tani from Samurai Sentai Shinkenger is the rebellious Smart Guy in team and he is usually the one who clashes with Takeru. Instead of using swordsmanship, he prefers using Batman Gambits to pummel Gedoushuu easily.
  • Elim Garak from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is the ultimate ENTP: He loves to argue for the sake of it, craves intellectual stimulation, and is easily bored. He does things differently every time ("Never tell the same lie twice"), enjoys original planning, and hates the practical, routine work of being a tailor. He is charming but often very insensitive in his love for debate.
  • Rita Montesinos from Vel Vet. Much more bold, outspoken, and eccentric than the other seamstresses. Outgoing and friendly, but awkward when it comes to romantic relationships. Unconventional, but not tremendously competitive.
  • Vyvyan from The Young Ones has a liveliness and punk-mad scientist personality. He strikes a fine middle between sensing and intuition by being very aware of his surroundings and senses to an animalistic degree. However, he has a leaning towards intuition as shown by his abstract and spontaneous actions, his sheer degree of imagination with his inventions, and love of arguing, conflict, and mental (and physical) stimulation.

Video Games

  • Sheogorath from The Elder Scrolls is the Daedric Prince of Madness, with creativity also falling within his domain. He loves interacting with mortals, sometimes even messing with them, and many of the actions he has done is because he felt like it or he was bored (which is how he got around to introducing music to the mortal plane).
  • Claude von Riegan from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. He's described as a master tactician, but the specific way his competency manifests itself is creativity and the ability to think of things nobody else would. There are other extremely intelligent characters among the cast, but Claude is unmatched in cleverness and trickery. He refuses to accept anything on blind faith or loyalty, gets bored easily, challenges assumptions, and is often driven by curiosity or the conviction that something is being hidden from him. If you inspect his room during the monastery phase, it turns out to be an absolute mess, but that mess is caused almost entirely by piles of books. What he lacks in discipline, he more than makes up for in curiosity and thinking outside the box, and he directs his efforts toward learning how the world works and how to affect it, unlike INTP Lindhardt who pursues knowledge for no specific reason aside from personal interest.
  • Lambdadelta from Umineko: When They Cry is an ENTP. She's a clever and wily extrovert with an excellent grasp on very abstract concepts and ideas, and her energetic playfulness and surprising flexibility mark her as a perceiving type.


  • Terezi Pyrope from Homestuck is a classic ENTP. Her God Tier class, Seer of Mind, is strikingly in line with the common interpretations of the ENTP type, as it allows her to manipulate others through mind games and see an array of possibilities based on decisions made by herself and others. She is extroverted, introspective, and logical, and though she schemes endlessly, she likes to sit back and let others do the leading, only getting serious when the situation calls for it.
  • Faye from Questionable Content enjoys engineering and mechanical work, and has an entrepreneurial side which has led to her starting Union Robotics. She is confident and talkative with others and will often verbally spar with people, tending to attract romantic partners who can match her wit.

Western Animation

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender:
    • Sokka is the joker of the group and isn't always taken seriously. However, he is good at brainstorming and coming up with new ideas. He is clever and inventive.
    • From the sequel The Legend of Korra, Varrick. He's an eccentric, a rich innovator and a fluent conversationalist who does whatever he wants and always finds a way to exploit his environment to attain his goals.
  • Bugs Bunny is a textbook ENTP incarnate into a classic cartoon. Whenever he is “at war” with Yosemite Sam, Elmer Fudd, Daffy Duck or Marvin the Martian, he always outsmarts them time and time again with creative, on the spot, problem solving.
  • "Grunkle" Stan Pines from Gravity Falls is an eccentric, scheming innovator who wants to leave his dent on the world, usually brain-storming (admittedly) odd yet effective ways to scam tourists, this dominant Ne aspect meaning he finds a connection with his ENFP niece. His stubborn nature and determination to achieve singular tasks, such as his dream for him and Ford to travel the world in a sailboat or spending 30 years fixing Ford's portal with only part of his instructions show his Ti. Stan's crowd-pleasing charisma, dedication to his family and immediate sense of when they're upset, like the end of Tourist Trapped show his Fe. At times, he cynically draws on his past experiences, yet also represses his past, showing his underdeveloped and unhealthy Si. As well as Mabel, Stan also has a deep connection with his INTP nephew Dipper.
  • Peridot from Steven Universe started out as the opposite of an ENTP, but in recent developments she has cemented her status as this type. While she initially appeared to be cold, distant, and by the book, she got increasingly more and more boisterous and has repeatedly been shown to alter her behaviour based on her own observations of the outside world and others' reactions. She is extremely wily and inventive while trying to escape and later get rid of the Crystal Gems. She values logic and reason above all else and looks up to Yellow Diamond, the local authority figure, because she is under the impression that Yellow Diamond is more capable of logic and reason than anyone else. When Yellow Diamond makes an illogical decision by shooting down the theory Peridot herself developed using her own reasoning, Peridot's loyalty to her disappears immediately.

INTJ (Mastermind)

INTJ Masterminds are better than any other type at brainstorming approaches to situations. Strong-willed and very self-assured, they make decisions quickly. But though they are decisive, they are flexible in their planning to accommodate changing situations. They tend to excel at judging the usefulness of ideas and will apply whatever seems most efficient to them in accomplishing their clearly envisioned goals. To Masterminds, what matters is getting it done—but also learning the principles of how to get it done efficiently and well, that is, at a professional level of quality. However, they may not give much thought to the social cost of getting there, focusing so tightly on their own pursuits that they can ignore the points of view and wishes of others.


Anime & Manga

  • Sosuke Aizen from Bleach orchestrated a plan to bring the Soul Society to its knees that took over a century to come to fruition. His careful planning, top notch acting and manipulation of all the main characters almost ensured that he achieved his goal of godhood status. His counterpart on the good guy team, Kisuke Urahara, also fits into this personality type, though his manipulation is more benevolent than Aizen's.
  • Lelouch vi Britannia from Code Geass uses his genius-level intellect to take over a small Japanese resistance cell and turns it into a massive army with which to topple the largest Empire the world has ever seen—all while maintaining his public persona as an Ordinary High-School Student. The majority of his victories are achieved by staying three steps ahead of his opponents, while his failures mostly lie in his inability to comprehend other people's emotional state. His character arc mostly revolves around him sacrificing more and more of his integrity to achieve his grand and idealistic goals with increasingly cynical means.
  • Death Note: Near is extremely intelligent, analytical, stoic, controls his schemes secretly and from the shadows, and is not governed by moral rules or restrictions.
  • Moriarty the Patriot: William, the quiet, introverted Chessmaster leader of a criminal organization, who creates not only all their plans that one of his clients refers to as "like magic" but has endless backup plans. When things change beyond his calculations, he issues orders quickly and decisively. He's so good at it, he's rarely questioned, and when he is, he simply does not care.
  • Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica is a Determinator to the extreme. Desensitized from numerous failures, Homura is characterized by her desire to fulfill her goal, at the cost of everyone else's desires, feelings, and lives. She sees her companions as either completely expendable or probably useful, and they in turn see her as a heartless jerk, though this isn't completely true. Her inferior Se will be her doom as she becomes Akuma Homura, since she fails to consider her surroundings and the opinions of her friends, and the fact that the world she lived in Goddess Madoka era isn't the same as the world she lives in before Madoka made her sacrifice.

Comic Books

  • Scrooge McDuck, mostly as he's portrayed in the Disney Ducks Comic Universe, and especially as he's portrayed in The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck by Don Rosa. He is extremely focused on a singular goal and has an excellent gut instinct, as well as the drive to achieve his goals, and the aloofness that is often associated with ambitious types. To quote the duck himself:
    Scrooge: There's no such thing as talent, cap'n. Only inspiration and ambition!
  • Ozymandias from Watchmen, is a man who has went all the way from having nothing to becoming a crime fighter and eventually a multimillionaire. He strongly believes that anything can be achieved or solved if people use their intelligence effectively. He also understands the true problems of the world and how they can not be solved by just simply crime fighting.

Live-Action Films

  • Bruce Wayne/Batman, especially at The Dark Knight Trilogy, is a refreshing example of breaking from the INTJ-being-villains stereotype (as much as the idealists-being-protagonists stereotype is scrapped in this trilogy as some of Bruce's sworn enemies are unhealthy idealists). His Ni-dom makes him singular and determined, sees the bigger picture and knows how things will play unfold once he makes his decision, using bats as a symbol and his overall goal to have people of Gotham restore their faith to the justice system. He could hide his personal feelings as well. His inferior Se, although gaining a mastery after his training at League of Shadows, he also doesn't learn immediately for his mistakes, making him do impulsive decisions and can be tricked easily as shown at the final movie in which he is at his lowest.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean gave us Lord Cutler Beckett, likely a definitive example of this. He is one of the smartest characters in-story, a very rational one ("It's just good business", anyone?), heavily determined to become the lord of the sea and eradicate piracy, and willing to stop at nothing on his way to the ultimate power. Oh yes, and he always keeps calm — even on discovering that he was Out-Gambitted.
  • Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious from Star Wars is the quintessential Chessmaster, manipulating people and circumstances in his plans throughout the saga, from sparking the Clone Wars by manipulating both the Old Republic and the Separatist movement, to pulling Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side and becoming Darth Vader.

Animated Films

  • Scar from The Lion King (1994) is intelligent, analytical, a cunning Chessmaster, exhibits both idealism and cynicism, and is a manipulator who handles everything secretly and from the shadows.
  • Tiana from The Princess and the Frog is hardworking and ambitious. She's committed to a far-off goal and pursues this goal despite her many struggles. She would much rather be working than socializing or playing.


  • The works of Ayn Rand, especially The Fountainhead, can be seen as the INTJ manifesto. Her protagonists are self-motivated, precise, competent, antisocial, rational, intelligent, versatile, unempathetic, and vehemently individualistic. Howard Roark, the protagonist of Fountainhead, is a modern architect who absolutely refuses to collaborate or change his designs in any way. He does not understand people or inauthentic interactions but succeeds in his field through pure brilliance. His lover Dominique has similar motivations, preferring unspoken understanding to conversation and moral integrity to hedonism.
  • The Hunger Games is written from the point of view of Katniss Everdeen, who certainly fits the pragmatic, solitary, and logical characteristics of INTJ. Her type does cause major issues, especially in the area of emotional availability. She responds to Peeta's emotional advances with a strictly rational analysis of their situation, preferring an objective approach. Throughout her stay in the Capitol, and the ensuing Games, she strategically maneuvers herself into the best position possible, constantly planning out several moves ahead and expertly carrying out multiple attacks to gain an edge. Katniss does exhibit a large rebellious streak, and is fiercely autonomous.
  • Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs is very intuitive, and can often see the answer clearer than someone with a better view of the problem can. He is cunning and strategic with little regard for the emotions of other people.
  • Lord Thom of Trebond from Song of the Lioness exemplifies the Turbulent INTJ, whose lack of emotional and social connection in his childhood results in an arrogant, reclusive, fiercely ambitious adult personality. He acts without consideration of how his behavior may affect others, and is unable to muster up genuine remorse when called out. His arrogance and ambition lead him to attempt nigh-impossible feats to prove his mastery of his craft. While technically superior in his chosen field, he is volatile and hopelessly cynical, and his self-enforced solitude results in a deep unhappiness. He enjoys flouting the conventions of life at Court and proving people wrong in displays of power.
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn from the Star Wars Expanded Universe and Star Wars Rebels couldn't be anymore INTJ if he tried. He's a cold, calculating villain, with genius-level strategic skills and can definitely handle himself in combat. Thrawn excels in knowing his enemies, from their equipment to even their own culture. In recent years, Thrawn became a fan favorite for being among the most capable Imperials of the franchise.
  • Shuu Fujiwara from Tsurune fits very well. As an individual, Shuu is smart, analytical, introverted, orderly, stoic, composed, calm, highly perceptive, and very well organized in aiming the bow with precision. And unlike the other characters on the storyline, he is not focused on feelings or emotionality.

Live-Action TV

  • Breaking Bad:
    • Walter White made a climb to power into what became a powerful drug empire, with his descent into madness demonstrating his ruthlessness, genius, ambition, and dedication.
    • Gus Fring mirrors many of the qualities of Walter, but is already in control of his empire. The conflict between two INTJs for power is a lot of what makes the latter half of the series so great.
  • Ross Geller from Friends does not 'get' relationships — for the longest time, he just cannot spit it out that he loves Rachel. He is passionate about science and excels in his job as a paleontologist. Despite his awkward demeanor, he is lovable.
  • Known as The Mastermind on Leverage, Nate Ford is a master planner and tactician. Bitter experience has made him keenly aware of the risks he undertakes and the costs that come with them. There is a reason he sees having as many alternate routes as possible is the important thing. On the flipside, Nate, like many INTJs, has huge trouble processing his own emotions and opening up to others, instead bottling his trauma up inside himself or numbing them with alcohol.
  • Sauron/Halbrand from The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power is a master of deceiving. He is calm, cunning and much more rational than the hot-blooded Galadriel. He is determined to "heal" Middle-earth in his own image from the destruction he and Morgoth provoked, and absolutely obsessed with order.
  • Ben Wyatt from Parks and Recreation has a rational, practical way of thinking and problem-solving skills. His opinions are logical and he doesn't change them to fit others' feelings or traditions.
  • Star Trek:
    • Mr. Spock from Star Trek: The Original Series. He thrives on logic and reason and makes a fine science officer, but can also seem cold, indifferent, and dismissive of human frailties like emotion and irrationality. Emotions are to be suppressed, for they cloud judgement and interfere with rational decision-making. He is extremely deep intellectually and loves discovery of knowledge entirely for its own sake. He will quickly step up to take charge whenever Capt. Kirk is unable to.
  • James May from Top Gear could fit the INTJ description. Easily the most rational of the three, James's slow, careful, and deliberate manner have earned him the nickname, "Captain Slow". His nerdy qualities shine through anything he does, and he always prepares himself with well-researched handy factoids about whatever he's covering on the show. With an eye for understanding concepts and systems, relentless desire for efficiency as well as style and comfort, he barely tolerates the idiocy of his co-presenters. However, Introverted Feeling may explain why he sticks with them regardless, and latent Extroverted Sensing manifests itself in his usual pick of cars.


  • Athena/Minerva(Αθήνα/Minerva) from Classical Mythology is the patron of objective, long-range thinkers. She represents all intellectual activities, including architecture, battle strategy, linguistics, and mathematics. She is generally described as reserved, abstract, calculating, fair, and structured, although she can occasionally be quite wrathful when her pride is assaulted. She believes in order, but only respects rational systems, and has been known to assist heroes using their minds to fight for a just cause, such as Odysseus or Perseus.

Video Games

  • Rosalind Lutece of BioShock Infinite was a scientist commissioned by Father Comstock to build the technology to keep the city of Columbia afloat. She doesn't care for the ideology and mostly keeps to her twin (or rather alternative self) Robert. Unlike Robert, she has a fatalistic outlook of the world, where choices don't matter when they lead to an inevitable end.
  • Mr. House from Fallout: New Vegas insists on micromanaging New Vegas and the surrounding Mojave desert, seeking to rule it himself while limiting human contact as much as possible. Being a calculated and visionary businessman, he does whatever it takes to keep New Vegas as intact as possible, installing a missile-repellent system in the Pre-War era then giving certain post-war tribes the responsibility of running the casinos, and his intentions is to ensure the best for what's left of humanity.
  • The Avatar from Fire Emblem: Awakening fits this trope, albeit being more friendly, morally centered, and empathetic than most examples, as well as a high valuing of connections between people, making them seem close to an INFJ at times. Yes, they can support with every other character in the game, which makes the "introvert" part seem suspect, but remember that introverts actually thrive in one-on-one interactions, which comprise almost all of the support conversations. Outside of supports, the Avatar tends to only take the spotlight when the plot practically forces it on them. Aside from that, the Avatar is certainly clever, pragmatic, and emphasizes efficiency in terms of "dealing the most damage to the enemy without losing anyone." Grima is a good example of what they would be without that caveat.
  • GLaDOS from Portal 2 attacks problems with a rational and analytical viewpoint. She displays a dry sense of humor although she is prone to overconfidence. She does not have a healthy grasp of her own emotions.
  • Shadow the Hedgehog of Sonic the Hedgehog is an aloof, arrogant, snarky Anti-Hero who manages to make even Sonic himself act hostile towards him, even if he is ultimately on their side. He can be quite callously rational and judgmental, is quite individualistic, takes everything he does seriously with a perfectionist streak, and ultimately couldn't care less about what the rest of the world thinks of him. His entire character motivation revolves around those he is undyingly loyal to, though his outward abrasiveness does a great job of hiding this fact.
  • Jade Curtiss from Tales of the Abyss shows off more clearly than most the INTJ's struggles to deal with emotion, in himself and others, and the critical downsides of their single-mindedness. A genius inventor from a terrifyingly young age, his unwavering pursuit of the impossible goal of reviving the teacher he accidentally killed led him to commit atrocities he wasn't able to fully understand until much later, and he nearly sacrificed his own life as well in the process. Older and wiser during the game, he faces down ridiculous odds with unshakable calm and acts as the party's strategist, while acknowledging and accounting for his own limitations with the same brutal logic he applies to everything else.


Western Animation

  • The Legend of Korra:
    • Kuvira is a natural leader, driven to conquer and control. She has a commitment to a progressive goal and rational way of treating people, but is not social, dealing with others only when she must.
    • Amon is a highly calculating revolutionary who has no time for Bond Villain Stupidity. He is able to outsmart the heroes multiple times and has developed his own abilities and contingencies to secure multiple victories.
  • Garnet from Steven Universe is an INTJ. She would rather stay on the private side and appears to like being mysterious to the world. She focuses on her inner thoughts and possible outcomes for future missions with future vision. She thinks logically and decides the best possible outcomes for the Crystal Gems. Her component Sapphire would also be fit in the INTJ mold, since her future vision powers, her fixated view about that particular outcome, and her preference to logic over emotions (unlike her fellow component Ruby), makes her Ni-dom.

ENTJ (Fieldmarshal)

ENTJ Fieldmarshals have a knack for organizing large groups to perform complex tasks. Their talent for contingency planning is a close second to their ability to coordinate, decide, and execute a strategy. Born engineers, they want to break an idea or concept into its most fundamental parts, subject those parts to intense scrutiny, and reassemble the idea before giving it their final approval. Their desire to ensure that an assessment is valid extends to their own work, and they will often seek the opinion of another trusted individual such as an Architect or an Inventor to refine their view of an issue, regardless of how sure they are.


Anime & Manga

  • Erwin Smith from Attack on Titan draws his energy from external forces in spite of his tendency to keep things under wraps and speak sparingly. Even though he is a powerhouse on multiple levels, he functions more poorly as an individual than with his constructed teams and advisers to back him up. Largely based on Erwin Rommel and thus a perfect Magnificent Bastard, he is charismatic, adept at engaging others and manipulating them, but is often ruthless and driven to a fault. Despite his cold demeanor and apparent lack of humanity, Erwin is actually a warm and caring individual and is sensitive to criticisms, displaying a lack of esteem and doubt in his own abilities behind closed doors.
  • Death Note: While it's debated whether Light Yagami is this or an INTJ (with some even thinking that he's an INFJ), his background suggests that he lacks any social awkwardness and shyness that INTJs are best known for: he has social skills, is very popular among his peers, has no problem at socializing, and certainly is the perfect student with his great grades and good reputation. The author makes Light smart by making him ace academics. Also, he's an extraordinary Chessmaster and an exceptional strategist who wants power and glory.
  • Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia has only one goal, to be the top and strongest hero bar none. He makes no attempts at hiding who he is and what his goals are (Te), defines his goal as being a hero who always wins no matter what (Ni) and prides himself on his perceived superiority to others (Fi). He fights mainly using his battle instincts and information that is either immediate or built from experience (Se). However, because of his arrogant and ambitious attitude, he has a difficult time getting along with people he doesn't respect and being open about his feelings. Later in the series, he is trying to humble himself and be more open to other perspectives besides his own and actively seeking out to improve the traits that he is lacking.
  • One Piece
    • Quick to take charge and always the navigator with a plan, Nami takes her responsibility on the crew very seriously. She is unwavering when she has made up her mind and acts immediately on what she feels is the best course of action. It can take her a while to warm up to people, and sometimes her morals may be very black-and-white.
    • Sir Crocodile is a villainous example in the series. He shows no hesitation in taking up leadership and organizing those around him towards his long-term goals. He places military power and efficiency above all else. He shows a penchant for the finer things in life (having his base in a grand casino) and acts immediately to get the job done. Despite being calm and collected most of the time, he is easily offended and will act recklessly to dispose of anyone who dares to mock him.
  • Rei Hino/Sailor Mars from the first anime of Sailor Moon has a fiery, outspoken, stubborn nature and is a perfectionistic Workaholic, also known for her strong sixth sense (Ni). She does not suffer fools, and is the most critical of the Sailor Guardians. She has a strong penchant for leadership, and can capably organize entire school festivals herself.


  • Aravis Tarkheena of The Horse and His Boy is a good example of a heroic ENTJ. Bold, quick-witted, pragmatic, and clever, occasionally sentimental under all the practicality, she shows that this type isn't always world-shaping masterminds; they can also make a sensible and self-directed adventurer.
  • The Irregular at Magic High School: Masaki Ichijou fits very well. His social skills and the fact that he has no problem at socializing seem to suggest that he's an extrovert. He's highly analytical, serious, charismatic, intelligent, confident, competitive, arrogant, and his tactics tend to be pragmatic, as demonstrated when he joined the other clans during the invasion.
  • Sauron from The Lord of the Rings hates the world and people so much, he revels in torturing others slowly with treachery and Mind Rape, or by killing their loved ones in a torture pit and turning them into orcs. He is expressive and loud, and is very much a Ni. He loves to build orcs and ways to torment people. Also logical to a point, save that one Idiot Ball moment where he left Mt.Doom unguarded. Fundamentally, Sauron is more reliant on manipulation to get things done, though the movies showed him in more physical combat.
  • Wang the Tiger of Pearl Buck's Sons. Inheriting a good sum of money from his father, he leads his 108 men north to conquer a county near his home, getting the ball rolling on the conquest of all China.

Live-Action TV

  • Clara Oswald of Doctor Who fame. Stoic, dominant, highly intelligent, Consummate Liar, very articulate and argumentative, relishes any opportunity to take charge and assume command, and doesn't consider herself above however well-meaning manipulation, but is also vain enough for her favorable reaction to her own appearance to be a running gag, and, one a more serious note, has issues with perfectionism and control that sometimes get the better of her.
  • Hogan's Heroes: Colonel Robert E. Hogan. Hogan takes the lead in all things, prioritizing information according to practicality. He has a strong internal intuition, allowing him to fly by the seat of his pants when necessary. His use of extroverted thinking and introverted intuition allow him to run rings around Klink and the other Germans.
  • Moff Gideon the Big Bad from The Mandalorian does his predecessors justice in being both ruthless and methodical in his plans. But this doesn't stop him, from taking advantage of the situations he's put in. He's even crafty enough to go toe-to-toe with Mandalorians and survive, because he's a snide extortionist like that.
  • Rachel Duncan, the Alpha Bitch of Orphan Black. She represses her emotions and is strategic, controlling and downright unhealthy. For her, it's all about getting the job done.
  • Spencer Hastings from Pretty Little Liars is often considered the unofficial leader of the group. She enjoys being in charge and is an over-achiever, constantly balancing school work, internships, after school clubs and field hockey. She is the one that usually comes up with the plans to take down "A" and rarely ever runs her decisions by her friends. She can also be very blunt when assessing problems within the group.
  • Raul de la Riva from Vel Vet. A competitive, innovative overachiever who is always at the vanguard of new fashion and is not afraid to take unconventional routes in order to excel in everything.


  • Alexander Hamilton as portrayed in Hamilton. He's ambitious to a fault (Te), has a laser-like focus on the future (Ni), is prone to rashness (Se, Te/Se loop), and struggles with sympathy while still valuing it (Fi). His historical counterpart developed Ni first and Te second, placed greater emphasis on his Fi through his idealism, and fell into the trap of an Se grip (INTJ).

Video Games

  • Police chief Damon Gant of Ace Attorney has an outwardly affable demeanor, and can even give one of his employees fifty dollars when asked. Behind this behavior however lies a cunning, efficient man who employs whatever tactics it takes to bring a guilty man to justice, even when it means forging evidence and killing detective Neil Marshall who, although agreeing that the accused was indeed guilty, sensed the fabrication.
  • Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2 is the epitome of this personality type. Ruthless, arrogant, aggressive, narcissistic, manipulative, and highly strategic, his plans are to bring order to his world by awakening an all-powerful demon and taking over and destroying his home planet Pandora. Originally he wanted to bring peace and order by unity, but after having been betrayed numerous times, he lost his sanity and decided to do it through means of genocide.
  • Amita from Far Cry 4. She's strategic (Te) in that she wants to win the civil war as fast as possible and not waste time securing shrines or saving people. She wants to take the fight straight to the enemy first, though she needs to garner funds for the civil war then start the assault. She's resolute in her vision which is the clear behavior of Ni. Amita likes to see her plans come together and for people to know it was her idea (Se). She's very sensitive yet emotionally repressed, and doesn't know how to express herself in an effective manner to alleviate her pain (Fi).
  • Emperor Gestahl of Final Fantasy VI, an ENTJ evil emperor with an INTJ subordinate. His plans are clear-sighted and hard-headed, and they work more often than not. He knows how to adapt on the fly, and how to talk his way out of a sticky situation. It's hinted that he joins the heroes at one point, after he's overthrown. His fortress of doom has guardrails.
  • Edelgard von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem: Three Houses is introduced as aloof and prideful but capable of assessing someone or a situation just by observation. Due to a family tragedy, she developed a strong hatred for Fodlan's status quo perpetuated by the Church and its teachings praising Crests. She also has disdain for the entrenched nobility that favors nepotism over merit despite being next in line for the throne of her home nation. This leads her to moonlight as the revolutionary warmonger The Flame Emperor who launches attacks on the Church behind everyone's backs. While intelligent, charismatic, and principled, she has tunnel vision towards her envisioned future for the continent, and underestimates the harm and costs in getting there, all while willing to work with the masterminds behind her childhood trauma to realize her ambitions. Fortunately, having a secure and humanizing confident in Byleth in the Crimson Flower path reins in her worst traits and she ultimately becomes more cooperative and protective towards her classmates while cutting all threads to her abhorrent backers.
  • Shizune Hakamichi, from Katawa Shoujo, the class representative of the protagonist's class and the student council president of Yamaku academy, who rules her class with almost dictatorial fimness reminescent of a cartoon supervillain, and tries to get you to run errands for the student council. A somewhat less mature example as her domineering ways often drive people away without her intention.
  • Pokémon Red and Blue:
    • Blue Oak, your rival. From the very beginning, he chooses Pokemon that gives him an edge over yours, as he always chooses the starter that is strong against yours. He raises them to be quite powerful compared to other trainers, and makes sure that the rest of his team can pull their weight and cover one another's weaknesses. He is also rather infamous for his arrogance, often looking down upon and speaking in an extremely condescending way to the player character regardless of how many times you actually defeat him in battles. As he is training this "ultimate team", he neglects the wishes of his Pokémon, something which his grandfather chastises him for after his final defeat as champion, and in his love of competition he's driven to suddenly declare the player character his rival and start bullying him despite previously being the best of friends, and challenge him to a battle despite being in the middle of a crime syndicate takeover of the very building he's in. Twice. He is confident, sarcastic, and rather brash, and even after Character Development sets in he always has an impenetrable aura of confidence around him and a love of presenting himself in a flashy, rather flamboyant way. In Pokémon Sun and Moon, he does all the talking for Red, and overall as a duo, he's always the Red Oni to Red's Blue Oni, ironically enough.
    • A stronger example of this personality type from the same franchise and set of games is Giovanni, the leader of the Pokémon version of Yakuza, Team Rocket. He's exceptionally charismatic, commanding legions of people, all of them undyingly loyal to him, some to the extent they're willing to revive the syndicate for him in the sequel games, and extremely manipulative. He maintains a front as the Viridian City Gym Leader, and lies below the radar doing so for what is implied to be quite some time. He is cold and calculating, casually ordering the killing, extortion, and trafficking of Pokémon, his organization's oath is "Steal Pokémon for profit. Exploit Pokémon for profit. All Pokémon exist for the glory of Team Rocket", even goes as far as to abandon his son for the benefit of the syndicate, and in early versions of the script, outright threatened to kill the player. However, he is also extremely prideful, disbanding his organization because a child defeated him. Twice in fact.
  • Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, eternal nemesis of Sonic the Hedgehog, is one of the most cheerful and outgoing mad scientists ever devised. This disguises the cruelly rational thoughts of a man who not only plots and schemes to manipulate everything from animals to the multicolored Wisps to literal Physical Gods for his own ends, but always has a backup plan to get away from and/or defeat Sonic. Funnily enough, his appearance is based on a caricature of real-life ENTJ Theodore Roosevelt.

Western Animation

  • Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender desires control above all else, and comes up with clever strategies to get it. She is cunning and manipulative, and her social skills are focused entirely on using people as tools, but are completely useless when it comes to making friends.
  • Moana. She's a natural born leader and is ambitious (Te), focuses on the future and relies heavily on her gut instinct (Ni).
  • Sunset Shimmer of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, the high-school AU of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Princess Celestia's former personal student, aggressive, entitled, athletic, charismatic, infinitely driven, and a brilliant scholar, she bridles at any authority except her own, while those around her quickly learn to take her seriously. In her first appearance, she travels into a parallel world, steals a holy magical artifact, and leads an army of zombies in a bid to sieze Equestria for herself and put Celestia in her place; but she's swiftly defeated, and left stunned by the power of the magic of friendship. She spends the next movie finding her footing, then fights in good form on Equestria's side: disgracing the principal of an elite prep school, throwing a sinister plot into chaos before she even knows it exists, tangling with stray magical artifacts and various small-scale threats. The franchise ends abruptly, in the middle of her senior year; but whether she returned to Equestria or stayed in her new home, it's not hard to imagine her rising high.
  • Sarge from Red vs. Blue almost always made plans to "beat those darn blues!" during the first 5 seasons, and his plans were almost exclusively createde by him only. However, he isn't very good at highlighting the errors in his plans due to his blind hatred for the blues, despite the rest of the Red team not caring about the Blues.
  • Eric Cartman of South Park was the actively conniving kid of the four main characters. While he does have his Pet the Dog and emotional moments throughout, he is largely motivated by himself and often tends to use others for his own selfish gains.
  • Star Wars:
    • Darth Vader is the ruthless enforcer of Emperor Palpatine's authoritarian will, with little tolerance for failure and incompetence, which he is unafraid to call out or execute subordinates over. A major contrast from his former self Anakin Skywalker, who was a hot-headed ENFP.
    • Pong Krell from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars series is debatably this or ESTJ. He was the total opposite of a Jedi, leaning very close to Sith behavior. It's no surprise the Clones ended up turning on him, since Krell pushed them to ridiculous extremes. Yet despite this, one has to wonder rather he was aware of Order 66 or not?
  • Megatron in many of the Transformers continuities. He's the leader of the Decepticon army and one of the most powerful Transformer in existence. He was originally a well-intentioned extremist who wanted to overthrow the oppressive government but over time began using extreme force. He's cunning, quick and powerful. He has a low tolerance for incompetence and knows how to manipulate others to do exactly what he wants. It's what's kept him alive for so long.
