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Manhwa / Chronicles of the Cursed Sword

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Rey Yan with the Pasa sword

"Every time I feel that I've improved, there's another opponent who's stronger than I am. Then after I defeat him, there's another, and it never ends... Am I really stronger than before?"
Rey Yan, summing up this, and pretty much every other, fighting manga

A manhwa starring Rey Yan, a seventeen year old boy who wields the Pasa sword, which grows in power whenever it drinks demon blood. The story follows him as he hunts demons, learns sword techniques from an old master, and creates general havoc for the demon and heavenly realms.

Ultimately, Rey is part of a plot devised by the demonic Prime Minister Shiyan and Shiyan's brother to overthrow the Demon Emperor before said emperor gains control over all three realms, but he has some personal issues to deal with first.


  • Arc Words: "Is he human?" Or a variation thereof.
  • Cat Girl: Ming Ling, her sister Minxia, and their brother Mingchen
  • Cool Sword: The Pasa and Pachun swords that grow stronger from killing demons and humans/gods, respectively.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Loads of them, with some more dangerous than others. One example: King Wansun turns his body into the Original Light, which makes him very powerful, but costs his soul if he's injured.
  • Eye Scream: Toupa, guardian of the seventh floor of Mujin tower, sews Shouren's eyes shut
  • It's Personal: White Tiger killed Rey Yan's master.
  • Life Drain: Not for its wielder, but the Pasa sword gets fixed up when it drinks demon blood.
  • Love Triangle: Rey Yan, Shyao, and Jaryoon form the first and main one, but add Hyacia, the Sorceror of the Dark and even Ming Chen into the mix, and it quickly becomes a Love Dodecahedron
  • Oddly Shaped Sword: The Pasa sword goes through several iterations of this. Rey even threatens to turn it into a broom.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Dr. Laobi is the human example. Also most of the demons, sages, and gods.
  • Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can: A two-pack: Rey Yan and Jaryoon, who each contain half of the god Ban-Go, who created the world, and will destroy it when released
  • Shout-Out: Mugen from Samurai Champloo, along with others, who appears in the Mujun Tower.
  • Soul-Cutting Blade: One of Rey's techniques with the Pasa sword.
  • Squick: Rey's reaction when Kuochien tells him Lady Ryuhwa is actually a man, and that he and Kuochien are in love. Ryuhwa claims to have been a woman in a previous life, but was reincarnated into a man right before becoming a sage. He plans to become a woman again, but in the meantime... invoked
  • Sword Beam: In spades.
