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Manga / Mythical Beast Investigator

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A girl and her rabbit-shaped, shadow-shifting King of Darkness... and her bat.

Building a bridge between two worlds.

A 2-volume manga based on the light novel of the same name (Genjuu Chousain) by author Keishi Ayasato, following the magical misadventures of a girl working to mediate the conflicts between human settlements and the natural magical world. Character design by lack, with art by Koichiro Hoshino. Both volumes of the English translation of the manga were published by Seven Seas Entertainment in 2019.

Ferry Eachna is a Mythical Beast Investigator: a specially trained government agent charged with keeping the peace between humanity and the many magical creatures that populate the world. When a dragon attacks a small village, Ferry and her otherworldly bodyguard Kushuna are sent to tackle the problem. They soon discover that the dragon has a good reason for its rampage, and the villagers might be hiding information that could affect her investigation. Can Ferry broker peace between the dragon and the village, or will the dragon's rage and the villagers' buried secrets spell disaster for everyone?

Their later adventures lead them to a meeting with a mermaid, suspicions surrounding a basilisk, and a tragedy involving a water horse.


  • A Girl and Her X: Ferry and Kushuna, the rabbit-shaped, shadow-shifting King of Darkness totally devoted to protecting her.
  • Casting a Shadow: Kushuna has the power to disappear into shadows. He can also control and utilize shadows like physical restraints.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: Ferry's outfit is all white trimmed with gold — if her outfit in indicative of the uniform of a typical Mythical Beast Investigator, then the divinely inspired uniform could reflect their mission to promote peace and harmony between magical creatures and the human realms. Additionally, Ferry's hair is white and her eyes are a golden yellow (trending towards reddish-gold in some color illustrations).
  • Head Pet: Trow, Ferry's loyal bat companion. When not in flight Trow can be found perching atop Ferry's headdress.
  • Improbable Age: Unless she's significantly Older Than She Looks, Ferry can't be much more than a young teenager — yet she's entrusted with the full authority of a Mythical Beast Investigator and travels around the region on her own, responding to reports of dangerous magical creatures that pose a significant threat to the local human population. As Ferry explains it, there aren't enough fully trained Mythical Beast Investigative Officials to go around, causing the government to broker deals with Alchemist and Sorcerer families to get their children into the service.
  • Insistent Terminology: Ferry is constantly correcting others who assume she's a Mythical Beast Investigative Official — she isn't that highly ranked or well trained, and only uses the title of "Mythical Beast Investigator." She's only a Member of the Mythical Beast Investigative Unit, not an Official.
  • Kid with the Leash: Kushuna is an incredibly powerful entity who is willing and able to fight and kill the powerful magical creatures Ferry encounters. But Ferry is highly sympathetic to the plight of these creatures, and totally dedicated to conservation efforts. She always orders Kushuna to show restraint when he has to use force.
  • Shadow Walker: Kushuna can conceal himself in Ferry's shadow, and appears to be able to store items (like Ferry's books and captured creatures) inside shadows as well.
