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Manga / Fatal Fury: Devil Street of Horror

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Fatal Fury: Devil Street of Horror was a two-volume manga series based on the Fatal Fury series written by Ken Ishikawa. Set after the events of Fatal Fury 2, it focuses on Terry Bogard and his friends as they battle against undead forces in order to save his brother Andy from the clutches of Geese Howard, seemingly back from the dead after the events of the first game.

  • Adaptational Villainy: Geese Howard is devoid of any redeeming traits he had from the games and is a more murderous character.
  • And the Adventure Continues: After the demise of the Martial Emperor, Terry and company set off for their "Next Battle Stage".
  • Bittersweet Ending: The Martial Emperor, Liuo Himmler, and the majority of the demons die which saves the world from their evil, but Geese Howard has not been shown receiving any punishment.
  • Canon Foreigner: There are a variety of characters who have been created for the manga but did not appear in the games. Two examples are the Martial Emperor and Liuo Himmler.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The spiked chandelier Liuo Himmler intended to kill some kids with was not only prevented from its intended use, it was used to impale Liuo instead.
  • Human Pincushion: Liuo intended to kill some kids with a spiked chandelier, but ends up becoming the pincushion instead.
  • Karma Houdini: While the Martial Emperor and Liuo Himmler die, Geese Howard disappears from the plot with no hint he was ever punished for his misdeeds.
  • Killed Off for Real: Both Martial Emperor and Liou Himmler die and stay dead after receiving their mortal wounds.
  • No Name Given: The Martial Emperor was never named at any point of the story, not even in his backstory.
  • One-Winged Angel: The Martial Emperor gets more monstrous in appearance as the fight against him rages on.
  • Spiritual Successor: Due to similarities in its storytelling and pacing, this manga is seen by fans as a spiritual sequel to the more silly Bon Bon Garou series that had been published in Bon Bon Magazine beforehand.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Geese disappears prior to the Martial Emperor's death with no character making any hint of him being punished.
