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Patriotic Tropes

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This index lists tropes related to nationalism and patriotism, political ideologies which espouse feelings of love and pride for someone's country. Note that tropes about people who aren't very enthusiastic about nationalism/patriotism (or even dislike and oppose it) can also be listed here.

This is a subcategory of The National Index and Politics Tropes. Compare with Loyalty Tropes and contrast with Rebel Tropes. Also see Flag Tropes.


  • Burning the Flag: Desecrating a national flag (whether of one's own country or a foreign one) to express (anti-)nationalistic contempt for that country.
  • Captain Patriotic: A superhero who has a strong patriotic motif, and promotes the national values of their country.
  • Claiming Via Flag: Planting your national flag to claim control of some territory.
  • Eagleland: The United States is often stereotyped as being hyper-nationalistic to the point of boorish arrogance, with American citizens proudly displaying the Star-Spangled Banner wherever they go.
  • Fighting for a Homeland: A person still fights for their homeland, even though they can not go back for whatever reason.
  • Flag Drop: When a character poses near a flag (national or otherwise).
  • Founding Day: A national holiday marking the official anniversary date of when the country was established, which is celebrated with patriotic partying.
  • Immigrant Patriotism: An immigrant really loves their new country, proudly acquiring their naturalized citizenship.
  • Martyrdom Culture: Patriotism taken to its logical conclusion, when a country actively encourages its citizens to fight, kill and die for it.
  • Misplaced Nationalism: Jingoistic squabbling between the patriots of rival nations.
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: Someone remains loyal to their country, even if they don't agree with everything they do.
  • My Country Tis of Thee That I Sting: Self-deprecating sentiments against one's own country, particularly of extreme nationalism from other citizens.
  • National Anthem: The official state-sponsored Theme Song of a country, generally comprised of super-patriotic lyrics.
  • Occupiers Out of Our Country: Nationalist rebels fight for their independence from the foreign imperial power occupying their country, or separatism of a specific region from the central government of a whole country.
  • Patriotic Fervor: Nationalistic pride for one's country, whether for good or bad.
  • Patriot in Exile: Someone loving their nation despite being ostracized by their native land.
  • The Remnant: Their state may have fallen, but these patriots continue fighting for it nonetheless.
  • Undying Loyalty: The most patriotic of nationalists remain loyal to the bitter end.
  • Warhawk: A jingoistic politician or activist who advocates taking an aggressively militaristic approach for advancing their nation's foreign policy interests.
  • Wearing a Flag on Your Head: Wearing clothes styled after a national flag.
    • Flag Bikini: Wearing a swimsuit styled after a national flag.
