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My X Is a Y

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For any real person or character living in a society, having friends, relatives, class/workmates, love partner(s), vehicle(s), weapons or tools is standard (unles you're a hikikomori), but in this case, said friend/relative/partner/tool has an unusual twist which most of the plot is based on.

Can overlap with A Boy and His X. See also The Joy of X. Use with care.


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     Standard My X is a Y  

     My Other X is a Y  
  • Hot Topic sells wristbands that say "My other face has a mustache."
  • "My Other Phone Is a Boom Car" by They Might Be Giants
  • When Peter Griffin was turned sensitive towards women, he put a sticker on his car's bumper stating "My other penis is a vagina".
  • Futurama: In "The Series Has Landed", the merchandise at Lunar Park has common slogans with "...ON THE MOON" added to them, including a bumper sticker with "My other car is a Porsche..."
