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Format refers to the general shape of the show, rather than the show's genre. For instance, a Sitcom is in a particular genre. It might be any length from a half-hour up to a miniseries. That's the format.

Format can also refer to the technical aspects of a show or electronic media, or what kind of media it's distributed on — for example, DVDs, Hi-Def, etc.

See also Camera Tricks.




  • Alternate Species Counterpart: Creating a new character by changing the species of an existing character.
  • Celebrity Edition
  • Distaff Counterpart: The female equivalent of a pre-existing male character (the reverse of this would be called a Spear Counterpart).
  • Pilot: An experimental "first episode" of sorts that may or may not be picked up for development of a full-fledged television series.

New Media Formats:

