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Choosing Death

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"You choose death! Wise. But first, a little chi-chi!"
Really old joke

An index for tropes dealing with suicide.

Tropes about suicide:

Metaphorically about suicide:

  • Martyrdom Culture: A society that encourages people to die for a purpose.
  • Resurrection Gambit: A character plans their own death, with contingencies that should, in theory, result in their resurrection.
  • Suicidal Overconfidence: Video game enemies rush in to attack the player character, despite the fact that they are clearly hopelessly outmatched.
  • Suicidal Pacifism: A character believes so strongly in pacifism that they refuse to harm others even in self-defense.
  • Suicide Mission: A mission will almost certainly end in death for whoever accepts it.

Alternative Title(s): Suicide Index
