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Audio Game

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A type of game that uses audio and text output only and no graphics. It has been specifically designed for people with visual impairments. All you need to play these games is some high-quality headphones, really.

Not to be confused with Who Forgot The Lights? as no lights nor graphics are necessary for gameplay.

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  • All of the "Blindfold" games, playable on IOS devices. These include:
    • Blindfold Bowling
    • Bop It:
      • The Original Bop It
    • Bop It Extreme
    • Bop It Extreme 2
    • Bratz Bop It
    • Bop It Blast
    • Bop It Download (was playable, except that the download feature was inaccessible)
  • Brain Blast: Not specifically designed as this, but can be played as one.



  • All of the Kitchens Inc games including:
    • Golf
    • Homer on a Harley
    • Monopoly





