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Literature / Trueman Bradley

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Trueman Bradley is a series of detective novels by Alexei Maxim Russell. After inheriting his grandfather's fortune, Trueman, a brilliant detective with Asperger Syndrome, moves to New York City, where he uses his mathematical skills to create a crime-fighting equation and founds the Trueman Bradley Detective Agency.

Two books have been published so far:

1. Trueman Bradley - Aspie Detective (2011)

2. Trueman Bradley - The Next Great Detective (2015)

The Trueman Bradley books contain examples of:

  • Alcohol-Induced Idiocy: Chief Stokowsky started working with The Mafia after he lost $10,000 at poker and drunkenly accepted a loan from the mobster Benvolio.
  • The Alleged Car: Trueman's driver Sal Valle drives a thirty-year-old car on the verge of breaking down. Trueman hires him as his chauffeur and gives him enough money to buy a nicer car.
  • AM/FM Characterization: Trueman listens to Symphony #41 in C Major by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on repeat while he works because the consistent pattern of musical notes helps him concentrate. After he gets into anime in the second book, he listens to the Bleach theme because it helps him think even more.
  • Ascended Fanboy: Trueman came to New York so he could be like his hero, the comic book detective Slam Bradley.
  • Badass Longcoat: Trueman inherited the trenchcoat and fedora that his grandfather used to wear while doing detective work. Later, he gets a yellow trenchcoat and hat so he can look like Dick Tracy.
  • Calling Card: The cat burglar Mark Chapel from the second book deliberately leaves his prints at some of his crime scenes to taunt the police.
  • Cat Scare: In the first book, Trueman is trying to break into an Abandoned Warehouse when a cat runs out of the garbage behind him. He's so jumpy that he screams and drops his lockpick. Even after he sees that it's just a cat, his hands are shaking so badly that he can't finish picking the lock.
  • The Cavalry: Just before Stokowski is about to murder Trueman with an axe, Buckley bursts in and begins fighting with him.
  • Celeb Crush: Trueman is a fan of the Japanese model Yuri Nakagawa. He follows her on Instagram, hangs posters of her in his office, and carries her photo in his wallet. He claims it's because the mathematical perfection of her features helps him think logically, but his friends suspect he has other motives.
  • Commonality Connection: Two examples in the second book.
    • Trueman sympathizes with Detective Lucy Stratton because she has to deal with sexism, and he has to deal with prejudice against Asperger's.
    • Later, he finds out that his grandfather had Asperger's syndrome, explaining why they were always so close.
  • Conspicuous Trenchcoat: While trying to deposit money at the bank, Trueman notices a man in a hat, trenchcoat, and sunglasses following him. He immediately recognizes the man as his taxi driver because of his cologne and the birthmarks on his cheek.
  • Counterfeit Cash: The villains of the first book are counterfeiters.
  • Country Mouse: Trueman grew up in the small town of Heartville, Illinois.
  • Destroy the Evidence: The first book has criminals dissolving silicon counterfeiting plates in vats of acid.
  • Dirty Cop: Chief Stokowsky has been blackmailed into preventing the police from uncovering Benvolio's illegal alcohol production.
  • Distinguished Gentleman's Pipe: In the second book, Trueman smokes an e-pipe that only gives off water vapor so he'll look more like Sherlock Holmes.
  • Domestic Abuse: The first murderer Trueman tracks down is a violent drunk who beats his wife.
  • Dramatic Slip: Trueman slips and falls while running away from the murderer Eddie.
  • Facepalm: Trueman sometimes does this over the tendency of neurotypicals to oversimplify everything.
  • Faint in Shock: After a scene in which Trueman almost misidentifies the person he's looking for, chases him through an airport, and then jumps off a roof, Trueman faints because all the unexpected events finally got to him.
  • Fascinating Eyebrow: Megumi does this when she's skeptical of Trueman's methods.
  • First-Name Basis: Detective Stratton tells Trueman to call her Lucy.
  • Five-Finger Discount: Trueman is robbed by a man pretending to help him find the bank.
  • Food Slap: Trueman throws chocolate liquor at a mobster on the advice of one of his gadgets.
  • Foreign Culture Fetish: After learning that he's Big in Japan, Trueman becomes fascinated by Japanese culture, which he thinks has a much better understanding of resonance than American culture. He starts reading manga and becomes a fan of Rurouni Kenshin.
  • Forgets to Eat: Trueman often misses meals and sometimes doesn't eat until he's reminded.
  • Friend on the Force: Detective Sam Buckley of the NYPD, who tries to protect Trueman. He's promoted to chief of police at the end of the first book.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Lucrezia Rozzotto, who builds gadgets such as a wrist TV/computer that can use Trueman's equations.
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff: In-universe example. When Trueman goes to London in the second book, he's surprised to find that he's very popular in other countries, especially Japan. He ends up hiring a Japanese girl named Megumi Akai to be The Watson.
  • Heads-Up Display: In the second book, Trueman has a pair of sunglasses that display things like the names of people's emotions and translations of British slang. They also highlight evidence and block unwanted sensory input.
  • Heroic BSoD: Trueman responds to extreme stress by retreating inside himself and becoming almost completely unaware of the world.
  • High-Voltage Death: In the second book, Mark Chapel kills Dmitri Antonescu by zapping him with ten million volts. Antonescu flies backwards, slams against a wall, and then falls onto train tracks, leaving him with similar injuries to someone who was hit by a train.
  • Homeschooled Kids: Trueman was homeschooled by his grandfather, a retired detective.
  • I Need to Go Iron My Dog: Chief Stokowski runs to the bathroom during Trueman's hearing when he's accused of fabricating evidence against Trueman.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: Trueman has them.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Trueman deduces that his neighbor, Mrs. Levi, eats a lot of baloney, then mistakes her look of embarrassment for amazement. When she buries her face in her hands and runs out of the room, he thinks the conversation made her hungry and shouts "Enjoy your baloney!" after her. He feels horrible when he realizes what he did, although he still doesn't understand why someone would be embarrassed about eating baloney.
  • It Was a Dark and Stormy Night: The second book opens with "The rain beat heavily against the windows of our Baker Street apartment. Through the thick sheets of rain, you could barely make out the dark grey London skies, as evening fell over the bustling city."
  • Jail Bake: Referenced when Trueman is in a holding cell and Mrs. Levi brings him a cake. Buckley says, "A cake, huh? Doesn't have a file in it, I hope? Or I just might have to confiscate it." He laughs, but no one else does.
  • The Klutz: Trueman has a tendency to trip and fall, especially when he's overwhelmed or startled.
  • Literal-Minded: Trueman knows most common expressions, but he has a hard time recognizing and understanding them in context.
  • Master of Unlocking: Trueman taught himself to pick locks when he was seven. Now he can open almost any kind of lock within two minutes.
  • Meaningful Rename: Trueman was born Truman. He changed it when he decided to be a detective because a detective exposes truth.
  • Middle Name Basis: Trueman's grandfather's full name was Thurstan Stanley Bradley, but most people called him Stan.
  • Miranda Rights: Sam Buckley reads these in the first book when he arrests Trueman for murder.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: During his first case, Trueman has a habit of blurting out information that lets witnesses know he's a detective.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Chapel tells Trueman, "Shubhaste panthanah santu,note  great detective!" This turns out to be the password to Chapel's voice-activated secret lair. Trueman has recorded Chapel's voice, so all he has to do is play it back on his phone to get in.
  • Nice to the Waiter: Trueman is an extremely generous tipper.
  • Noiseless Walker: Mark Chapel has modified boots that allow him to walk completely silently.
  • Non-Idle Rich: Trueman moved to New York after his grandfather died and left him $5.2 million. He rented almost an entire floor of a building to use in his detective work.
  • Parental Substitute: Trueman's grandfather raised him.
  • Percussive Maintenance: Trueman flicks his glasses with his finger to try to make them display faster.
  • Potty Emergency: In the second book, Trueman is following a murder victim's footsteps down the street when he sees that he paused in a copse of trees. At first he thinks the man was doing something illegal, until he finds traces of urine on a post and realizes that he just couldn't hold it until he got to the train station.
  • Proof Dare: When Buckley worries that he and Trueman will get in trouble for breaking and entering, Stokowski says "You bet you will! I'd like to see you find evidence! Go ahead! Show me where the evidence is!"
  • Rightful King Returns: Chapel tries to invoke this; he believes himself to be descended from Henry VIII and Catherine Bassett, and wants to claim the throne for himself.
  • The Scream: In the second book, Trueman screams to express his rage at Mark Chapel and steel his determination to catch him.
  • Security Cling: Trueman grabs onto Megumi when he thinks he sees the ghost of Catherine Bassett.
  • Sensory Overload: Trueman finds New York very overwhelming and wonders if leaving Heartville was a mistake. To deal with it, he makes special sunglasses that block his peripheral vision and carries around a portable music player.
  • Spiteful Spit: Buckley claims he spit in Chief Stokowski's face when he quit the force because Stokowski is prejudiced against autistic people.
  • The Teetotaler: Trueman doesn't drink because alcohol kills brain cells and he needs all of his for detective work.
  • Textual Celebrity Resemblance: Trueman notes that Sam Buckley looks a lot like both Superman and Slam Bradley.
  • Troubled Fetal Position: Trueman tends to do this in response to Sensory Overload.
  • Undercover Cop Reveal: The taxi driver is really Buckley, who saw that Trueman was both extremely rich and very naive and decided to follow him to prevent him from getting robbed.
  • The Un-Favourite: Megumi Akai feels like her father doesn't like her as much as her sisters because she isn't as good in school and isn't expected to make her family rich.
  • Waistcoat of Style: Trueman wears one in the second book so he can look like Sherlock Holmes.
  • Wall Crawl: Mark Chapel's boots allow him to walk up vertical surfaces.
  • We Can Rule Together: Chapel wants to join forces with Trueman because they're both genius Aspies. He thinks they could be one of the greatest criminal teams in history.
  • Weight Woe: Mrs. Levi gives Trueman a cake she was going to eat because it's too fattening for her.
  • Wicked Cultured: Benvolio owns high-quality reproductions of many famous paintings.
  • You Fool!: Chapel shouts, "You damned fool!" at Trueman.
  • Your Favorite: Mrs. Levi makes lemon raspberry cakes because she knows they're Trueman's favorite.
