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Literature / Tides of Protomis

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Tides of Protomis is a Web Novel, heavily inspired by a variety of shonen series. The series starts in an alternate 2016. Originally created in mid-2017, as a Manga. Though it was not published on the net until 2018. Currently found on (here), Sufficient (here), ScribbleHub (here), and Royal Road (here). The series follows four boys (Arctaius Corde, Kazimir Rhuskov, Alarick Von Zaisen, and Zhao Lei) as they grow in both power and age. As well as the allies who join them along the way.

This show provides examples of:

  • Air Jousting: A majority of Proto-Humans are able to fly, making this a common thing.
  • Alternate History: With proto-humans (the resident superhumans) having existed deep into pre-history, things have not exactly been the same for this version of Earth.
  • Alien Invasion: Occured during antiquity, by a species known as the Qun'Mi. The invasion failed due to even the strongest members not being able to handle proto-humans, nor disease on the planet. Due to the sterilized environments of their ships. What happened to them afterward is unknown.
  • Anti-Hero: A large amount of the main cast is this. Arctaius, as an example, outright stating to only be fighting the Kaemerge for his own vengeance, and to protect his friends.
  • Anyone Can Die: A large amount of people, though unnamed, die in the first battle of the series alone. A later example being Valerie Wilson.
  • Artificial Limbs: Big Bad Selenium Ignatius has an Artifical arm reinforced with his Protomis, the original being severed by Arctaius' Grandfather in a battle.
  • Arranged Marriage: The Princess of Santa Maria, Valaria Ceron, Is betrothed with the Eldest son of the Maeda Corporation, who, though being a privatley-owned corporation with large amount of wealth, Lack Any Nobility, Mostly due to Yamato no longer recognizing Nobility as a power structure
    • Alarick's Also had this set up before the death of his family, with the plan being for him to marry the Princess of Gythros, Iris Vi Galanos.
  • Arch-Enemy: Sebastian Heinrich To Arctaius, due to their respective actions in the war, which affected the other, the two both want revenge.
  • Artificial Intelligence: The Qun'Mi "Annihilators" Created as a last ditch attempt to get rid of humans before they spread. Also being the reason AI is taboo on earth,aside from their use as more advanced computers.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Applies for most of the members of the Kaemerge's higher ranks, as it is was not uncommon for one to kill the competition for a given rank at a point in the Kaemerge's History.
  • Ax-Crazy: Manfred Vogel, An imperial guard member, kept purely for his abilities, and seen as someone to be contained otherwise, gains joy from killing, and bringing suffering to his opponents. Creating Replicas of the Four Tide's Fathers in his realm.
  • Bash Brothers: After a while, The Four Tides Turn into this.
  • Battle Aura: Users of Qi, High-Tier Proto-humans, and people with abilities that can produce light. In the case Of Arctaius and his solar manipulation,as well as Qi users, it can be used defensively.
  • Battle of Wits: Many battles fall under this due to many fights taking place between equal opponents.
  • Big Badass Battle Sequence: The Battle of Tsugashuan at the end of Arc 1. Including both conventional military weapons, and Proto-human battles the main cast aren't directly involved in.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Liang For Cuifen, Though they are twins, With Cuifen having the disease known as Velox Mortem, being weakened as a result, he wants to protect the only other living member of his family.
  • Bio-Augmentation: Project Aegis, though already being a proto-human, was modified to get rid of free will, and give him just enough intellegence to understand and execute orders. Though he ultimately killed his creator Dr.Tsumetai in a Flash of free thought.
  • Blood from the Mouth: Sometimes seen with particularly grevious injuries during battles.
  • Blue Blood: Alarick is the last member of the Von Zaisen Clan, a long line of generals, and military leaders, who were the last noble house in Delmenforde, keeping their titles even after the Monarchy was Dismantled.
    • Arctaius could technically be considered nobility. With His ancestor marrying a noble from a minor, forgotten noble family known as the Von Feldtg, in 1215. Though she took the Corde Surname when they wed.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Used many times throughout the series, Such as Arctaius' "Thundering Movement", Or Alarick's "Earth-Cutter"
  • The Cavalry: Taiki intefering in the fight betwee the 1st aposlte Ito Minoru, and the Four Tides, a battle they were loosing.
  • Casanova Wannabe: Kazimir before the appearance of Miyamoto Junko fits this well. He's prone to try to get any "Babes" that came his way... with mostly bad results.
  • Character-Magnetic Team: While the team of allies starts off with just the Four Tides(And the Silver Lions, though they aren't revealed yet), they are eventually joined by Kaemerge Defectors with their own goals through arc 1, and old friends as time goes on.
  • Childhood Friend: Arcaius has his Love interest Asami, as well as Shinto, Akashi, and Yudei. His three first friends has he got to the Shima Ward, who remain close with him as the series continues.
  • Child Soldiers: In the latter stages of the Third World War, some countries began scraping the bottom of the barrel to gain more troops. For the now Dismantled Second Russian Empire, and Zhuhong dynasy, this was the forced drafting of all proto-humans into the military, regardless of age, which, unsurprisingly, led to rebellions.
    • The Four Tides, though not offically part of any one force, filled this role by fighting for their own goals. Arctaius in Particular helped the NAF alot to contain the Amerkanisches Reich, and has a personal relationship with the president of the NAF.
    • The Kaemerge empire in particular has no issue with using child soldiers, many of those joining the cast during Arc 1 being gained from their defectors.
  • Codename Title: The title relates to the code name given to the four main character's by the Kaemerge Empire. The term "The Four Tides" is later adopted by their future enemies and people on earth in general.
  • Converging-Stream Weapon: The Kaemerge Empire's 5th fleet makes use of Maneuver L-5, which consists of focusing their main guns onto a single target.
  • Creature-Hunter Organization: Arc Two's "Holy Order" Is dedicated to hunting down Demons.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The Four Tide's battle against the First Apostle, Ito Minoru. Who, even after being weakened by positon temporarily, was more than a match for them.
    • Also Seen with Later in the series as Yu Liang and Bijan Lafeyah attempted to fight Agni, who they couldn't fight equally, before the intervention of the second apostle, who eliminated Agni with Ease.
  • Die or Fly: Proto-Humans first become "Active" in life or death situations. New abilities are unlocked in this way even after they gain access to their powers. This was first shown in series in The Tides' battle against The Kaemerge's Ito Minoru
  • Energy Weapon: Used in conjunction with railguns, and produced by "Sigma Particles"
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Ito Minrou has his son, Ito Hajime, who he cares for greatly, and wishes to have a significantly better childhood than he had
  • Enhanced Punch: Jirou Hashimto will, when needed, apply small fields of gravity behind his shoulder and elbows just before a punch hits, to increase the amount of damage done to an opponent.
  • False Flag Operation: Used by the Kaemerge to Influence countries in a way that makes it easier to gain control, usually through political strife, or making a friendly faction gain power.
  • Fantastic Fighting Style: Zhao Lei, the 4th tide, uses a martial art passed down by monks from the Guo Monastery,the aptly named Guo Arts.
    • Yu Liang uses a modified version of Chuojiao, a real martial art, which was modified by his ancestors as they reached shanghai. Shaping their Qi into a draconic aura resembling a Long. Liang himself further modifying it for use of weaponry, he himself carrying a large diverse amount at any given time.
    • The Big Bad of Arc 1, Uses an art known as Cessatempas, which focuses on closed fist strikes, the user shifting their hips/center of gravity back and forth constantly to increase the power of their own attacks, and decrease the effects of an opponent's.
  • Fantastic Nuke: The FULDE- (F)usion p(ul)sed fleet (de)vastator, created as a anti space-fleet weapon, and designed to expand the destructive explosive bubble into a larger area.
    • Augusto/Selenium's Final Attack - Epsilon ray, as seen by Zhao's future sight, would have generated an explosion covering a good amount of Eurasia, the byproducts spreading worldwide.
  • Feeling Their Age: Despite Selenium still being the Strongest proto-human in the Kaemerge, and an High-Tier Proto-Human, Being at 95 years old, and beginning to enter the rapid aging stage of his lifespan, he's begun to weakened.
  • Feudal Future: Some nations on earth are still feudal in their governance. Though there have been some adaptations to have them survive in the modern world. Including the Kaemerge Empire
  • Fictional Country: With the Alternate History, there are very few countries who exist in their current forms, though some are similar. Ex: Yamato Kingdom, North American Federation, Empire of Mazivambwe
  • Fictional United Nations: The USN - Or United Solar Nations, is the UN equivalent, its members including both nations on earth, and the few independent states that have popped up in space. Though, they've been likened to a "Glorified Advisory Board", and don't have much influence.
  • Friendly Rivalry: Arctaius and Jirou, Who, despite always wanting to be stronger than the other, are on good terms with another.
  • Grand Theft Prototype: Yudei Sasaki, who'd been training as a pilot up to this point, steals the prototype HAU Raijin to battle demons invading Tokyo, though it doesn't end well, and it ends up destroyed.
  • Gravity Master: Jirou Hashimoto is capable of manipulating gravity. Using it to increase the force of attacks, or press it down upon a large area.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Liang, Bijan, Junko, Valerie, ETC
  • Homing Laser: Valerie Wilson can curve her particle beams to follow who she targets.
  • Invisibility Cloak: The "Camouflage Distributors" is a relatively new military technology, is a field which causes the camouflaged object to look nonexistent, or an area to look empty. Though, this is a power hungry technology.
  • Kung-Fu Sonic Boom: Most of the combatants are strong enough to release shockwaves by simply hitting their opponents.
  • Kung-Shui: Common throughout the series' battles due to the character's powers
  • Magnetic Weapons: Railguns are a common weapon for both ships and HAUs, while Gauss Rifles have replaced most powder infantry guns, even within the civilian world.
  • Orbital Bombardment: Orbital Shells, Large projectiles fired from gigantic railguns in earths orbit. More than capable of devastating a city.
    • The largest example being "Perun's Wrath", Constructed by a rogue admiral from the Second Russian Empire in World War 3. Which fired toed meteors rather than projectiles, to even more devastating effect. Noted to have resulted in Miami being turned into a seawater-filled crater.
  • Our Demons Are Different: Arc's two "Demons", are truthfully a number of species from a different realm, all capable of using their own form of energy. While some appear human-like, others could be considered strange versions of earths lifeforms. Named as such due to the first people to encounter them noting the similarities between the few creatures they encountered, and demons in various mythologies. It is notable that a human attacked by these creatures and absorbing a large amount of their power may either Become one themselves, or "Purify" It into another form, the latter making up the troops of the holy order.
  • Random Power Ranking: Proto-humans are Organized into "Low-Tier, Mid-Tier, High-Tier, and Ultima-Human", based upon the amount of destruction they could cause. With the amount becoming smaller as one goes up, the very last not known to have any members in the modern day.
  • Real Robot Genre: HAUs (Humanoid Armor Units) have been seen in military battles since the first chapter, and are shown to be a major part of every country's military doctrine.
  • Punched Across the Room: Happens very often due to how powerful many characters are physically.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Arctaius, and Asami exemplify this throughout arc 1, Though it is made clear that nobody believes that they don't like each other, this itself becoming a running joke
  • Shockand Awe: Arctaius makes use of electricity manipulation.
  • Spin Attack: Minoru's strongest technique is coming down on an opponent from the higher areas of the atmosphere, pointing his blade at the ground, and spinning like a corkscrew as he descends.
  • Slave Mooks: Some, of the Kaemerge Empire's troops, namely, Bijan Lafeyah, though he breaks through the control, are conscripted and kept under control by the Third Apostle's Abilities, one of which is controlling minds.
  • Super-Strength: All Proto-humans who've developed up to a certain point have super strength by default, though are stronger than others due to individual training or fighting styles.
  • Tsundere:
    • Asami is this to Arctaius, as she's prone to deny any feelings for him. Somewhat self aware, as she will chastise herself for doing this. Although this changes throughout the series.
    • The same could be said for Arctaius himself, as he denies this fact as much as she does.
  • The Clan: Ito Minoru is a descendant of Yamato's Ito Clan, a clan which became noble when helping the emperor wrest power from the shogun in the 1300s, though notability was no longer a recognized power structure, they were still influential by the time he was born.
  • The Emperor: Selenium Ignatius, serving as the leader of the Kaemerge Empire, also being the "Herald Of Ardam" A position that serves as the leader of the Ardamite Faith, and is said to pass on Ardam's Will.
  • The Theocracy: In addition to the Feudal lords, the Ardamite Priests and Priestesses are a major part of the government. With not believing in Ardam, or denouncing him being a punishable crime.
  • The Grappler: Though he rarely does so, Grappling techniques are within Arctaius' self-developed style of brawling.
  • Transforming Mecha: The Yamato Kingdom's Protoype Raijin, though, destroyed after being Stolen in Arc 2.
  • Unknown Relative: A history of Arctaius' Family history posted by the author tells us there's at least two family's sharing an ancestor with him, However, the last ancestors they truly shared, and point of contact they would've had, were three Corde Siblings sharing the same parents, during the mid 1300s, with these three also moving to different parts of the african continent.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: The Human Weapon Project Aegis, who, at his appearance, was much stronger than the main cast. But, mostly lacking his own mind, acting upon instincts and orders.
  • World War III: A war that took place from 2006-2013. Sides consisting of the "Pact Of Moscow" and "World Treaty Organization". It serves as a major point of conflict, with the war only ending three years prior to the series' beginning. Much of the cast even fought in this war, even with their ages varying.
