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Literature / The Day We Ate Grandad

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THE DAY WE ATE GRANDAD is Book 3 in the Pagham-on-Sea series by C. M. Rosens. It is Cosmic Horror family drama, featuring a Millionaire Playboy (who is also an Eldritch Abomination, Half-Human Hybrid style) with the power to end the world. For the first two novels, see The Crows and 13th.

Plot (Spoiler Free)

Wes Porter is an insanity-inducing Millionaire Playboy whose Addiction-Powered ability to see the future is unpredictable now he's (mostly) sober. When he sees the end of the world - twice - he becomes convinced his own powers and bad decisions are to blame for the visions of destruction and orgiastic cult he's seen. Unfortunately, all his attempts to thwart the apocalypse seem to lead right towards it - and Wes begins to realise that clinging to his Power High is more important to him than the survival of mankind...

Tropes in The Day We Ate Grandad

  • Alliance with an Abomination - Wes needs the help of his sister Katy and cousin Ricky, both of whom have eldritch god forms.
  • Apocalypse How: In this case, there are two versions of the end of the world, and Wes would like to avoid both. Both are triggered by an Apocalypse Cult, and one of the POV characters is a (reluctant) cultist insider. Unfortunately, one version of The End of the World as We Know It is pretty tempting and comes with a side of divine power.
  • Horrifying Hero - Wes is really an Anti-Hero, but he does induce insanity in people because nobody can ever remember what he looks like. His girlfriend is literally addicted to him.
  • Lovecraft Lite: The whole vibe is much more optimistic and parodic than actual serious Cosmic Horror. It's essentially a Kitchen Sink Drama but with tentacles everywhere and a lot of interfamilial violence.
  • Power High - Wes finds his powers very difficult to give up, and might just destroy the world himself because he can.
