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Literature / Please Don't Tell My Parents I Saved the World Again

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The tenth entry in the Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm a Supervillain series by Richard Roberts, Please Don't Tell My Parents I Saved the World Again features teenage necromancer Avery Special from Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm Queen of the Dead and cyborg Tonika from Please Don't Tell My Parents I Work for a Supervillain as Avery tries to figure out how she can use her necromancy powers without dooming the world or getting grounded by her parents.

This book contains the following tropes:

"My parents were super really crazy big into death metal when I was born."
  • Death by Childbirth: It comes up a few times that Alicia, Avery's ancestor, died this way. Apparently, necromancy and pregnancy don't go well together, both seeing the other as a foreign invasion.
  • Easy Amnesia: After being awoken from her coma, Tonika has almost no memories. It's described that it's SOP for Organism One to completely erase memories and personality from her cyborg slaves to prevent the risk of them trying to recover who they were. She doesn't seem to have lost any skills or intelligence in the process,
  • Haunted House: One of Avery's early attempts at finding a heroic focus for her powers is cleansing a house sealed for twenty years after a horrific mass murder.
  • Light Is Not Good: Angel Cruz wields light-based magic, and is violently opposed to Avery and her necromancy, but it's noted that her powers actually seem to draw from the same "dark" source as shadow powers.
