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Literature / Outta Time

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It's a rainy Saturday morning. Seven teenagers show up at the same school, ready to serve one full day of detention.

What follows is not a regular detention. After one of the kids and their only adult supervisor fall inexplicably dead, the kids must discover who is the serial killer hiding among them- and, to do that, they will have to delve deeply into each other's past, and rediscover memories that they had forced out of their brains for several years.

A slightly dark though nonetheless comedic script, "Lista de Chamada" was put together by Franco Alencastro, and published in his blog in serial form between 2012 and 2013. It can be read here (if you know Portuguese, that is)A list of characters would involve:

Caio: The one that comes the closest to being the protagonist, due to this script having an Ensemble Cast. He is best friends with Bola, and late into the story develops a crush into Patrícia.

Bola: Acts as Caio's best friend and the script's main Jerk with a Heart of Gold.

Anna: The resident dumb popular girl, though she has quite a few tricks up her sleeve.

Armando: Victória's brother. He likes to bake cookies. Also, he regularly abuses his sister. And most of his colleagues.

Vítor: A mysterious fellow. He acts as leader of the team for most of the script.

Patrícia: She shows up much later than the others and as a result loses the first few murders, and, even though at first she is thought to be useless, she becomes a baluable part of the group.

Victória: Armando's sister. She is shown mostly in flashbacks, but later becomes an important plotpoint.

Felipe: The Stoner. He is killed off really quick.

Zumbi: the video game addict. He is basically oblivious of everything that is taking place in the school until the ending.

The Supervisor: An unnamed adult supervisor, and very incompetent at that. The kids seem to know him, but dismiss his authority. He dies pretty early on.

It's basically The Breakfast Club meets Scream.

Provides Examples Of:

  • Abusive Parents: Pretty much every adult.
    • Victória and Armando's father seems like a particularly egregious case, since it is implied that his abuse of Armando is what turned him into such a bully. He later takes it out on Victória.
    • Caio's father is probably the worst explicit example, beating the living shit out of his son in broad daylight. In front of his school. He also apparently abuses his wife.
    • Patrícia's mother is implied to be this, what with her cutting herself after being forced to face her mother about her detention in a flashback.
  • Adults Are Useless: The Supervisor is content with reading his newspapers and wants to do the least possible amount of work.
  • Anvilicious: Child abuse is bad.
  • Asshole Victim: Vítor thinks his victims are this, though in the end, his reasons are ultimately very petty.
  • Crapsack World: Crapsack doesn't begin covering it. Basically, all adults abuse their kids when they're not left to their own devices and to wreck the world around them. The system seems to be self-perpetuating, as the kids just reproduce what their parents do, and there's absolutely no way to escape, as Caio's transformaton into a bully seems to show. Also, everything's in black and white and it rains all the time.
  • Buffy Speak: Well, they *are* teenagers.
  • Faceā€“Heel Turn: Vítor goes through one.
  • Freudian Excuse: Where do we even begin.
    • Victória was and is frequently abused by her brother, and, it is implied, by her father.
    • This is subverted by Vítor's particularly petty motives. This is lampshaded; when the character's done reciting his excuses, the other characters say "Is that really it?"
  • Totally Radical: The text includes a lot of modern slang, and references to Facebook and smartphones.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Victória.
