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Literature / Gone (Jack Caffery #5)

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Gone is the fifth novel in the Jack Caffery series by Mo Hayder.

A car has been stolen, and with it, an eleven-year-old child. The suspect intends to do it again, and has managed to stay ahead of the police every step of the way.


  • Accidental Kidnapping: The abduction is mistaken for a mere carjacking and unintentional abduction at first before it is revealed to have been a deliberate targeting of a child.
  • Bad Santa: The suspect wears a Santa Claus mask during the carjacking/abduction.
  • Criminal Mind Games: The suspect toys with the police service by using psychological warfare.
  • Motive Misidentification: The suspect is initially believed to be a mere carjacker before being revealed to abduct children deliberately.
  • Vehicular Kidnapping: The suspect abducts children by hijacking cars with children in the backseat.
