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Literature / Endless Blue

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A 2007 Science Fiction/Fantasy novel by Wen Spencer that has humanity fighting for survival in the future after an encounter with an alien spaceship.

It was published on December 1, 2007.

Tropes for the novel:

  • Dirty Business: Mikhail stops an Attempted Rape by shooting the would-be rapist. He knows that the Red also killed his foster-brother Turk, but he is still horrified that he shot a member of his crew.
  • Due to the Dead: Mikhail concludes, after their crash landing, that they will have to bury the dead at sea: they cannot leave them about to rot where they must live. He finds it rather hard.
  • Floating Continent: All sorts of islands float. When someone tells Mikhail that his warp drive won't work, this is what convinces him: a place with floating islands is not obeying normal physics.
  • Ocean Punk: Most of the story takes place in the Sargasso, a pocket universe which is mostly water dotted with islands, some of which fly, and is populated by several races, including humans, all of whom are descended from spaceship crews that wound up stuck there.
  • Reality-Breaking Paradox: Sort of the case, where the Blue is reached by setting jump coordinates to zero (as far as everyone in-universe knows, setting jump coordinates to zero just means you vanish and never reappear).
