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Lets Play / The Horizon

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The Horizon is a Minecraft YouTuber dedicated to Let's Plays of himself and his friends griefing servers offering immense gameplay benefits in exchange for real-world money, which is thought to be against Minecraft's end-user license agreement. He griefs them in various ways, the most common being to duplicate premium items and give them to other players to create undesirable inflation.

He is sometimes accompanied by another fellow anti-pay-to-win YouTuber, The Duper Trooper.

The Horizon's own channel can be found here.

Tropes about the Horizon:

  • Allegedly Free Game: His usual targets are servers who grant very unfair advantages to players who pay exorbitant amounts of money in microtransactions. One server in particular granted no-questions-asked teleportation privileges to its highest paid rank, which the server did not disclose publicly in any way!
  • Berserk Button: Pay-to-win servers. If one shows up in a Horizon video, he will grief it.
  • Gaslighting: Griefs MortalMines this way by using an exploit to get himself admin powers and manipulating players' inventories and environments in slight but noticeable ways to make them believe they were suffering from game-breaking bugs and not human intervention.
    • He tricks a player into placing bedrock in his emerald floor.
    • He steals players' tools and replaces them with different versions of the same tools, usually cleaning up the mess at the end.
    • He destroys a player's crafting table and chest right when the victim is standing in front of them.
    • Another victim suddenly had 1-block holes appearing in his wool portrait of a bee.
  • invokedGood Bad Bugs: Exploits many of them to duplicate premium items and thus sabotage the server's economy.
  • Griefer: He and his team attempt to inflict hyperinflation of pay-to-win servers' economies by duplicating multiple copies of premium items. Occasionally lavacasting, lag machines, and admin backdoors make an appearance.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: He views his team's attacks on pay-to-win servers as karma for breaking Minecraft's EULA.
