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Just For Fun / Two Piece

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Two Piece is the sequel to One Piece, starring Buffy, the self-proclaimed daughter of Monkey D. Luffy, as she sets sail to find her father alongside her first mate and boyfriend, magician Mack D. Knife.

Originating as a two-shot epilogue to One Piece by Eiichiro Oda, Two Piece was adapted into an animated movie, creating enough interest for Oda to give his approval for his former assistants to go ahead with an ongoing series with his occasional oversight.note 

This series provides examples of:

  • A-Cup Angst: Averted, Buffy doesn't see cup size as anything special given that she can change hers with her Morph-Morph powers.
  • Anti-Hero: Knife, to a far greater degree than any of the original Straw Hats.
  • Ambiguously Evil: Mack D. Knife may be Buffy's first mate and boyfriend, but he's surprisingly ambitious and ruthless, has openly challenged Buffy's authority more than once, and eventually leaves Buffy after having a crisis of faith.
  • Ambiguous Situation:
    • One can't imagine Monkey D. Luffy having a daughter the normal way or finding the time to raise one. Admittedly, we only have Buffy's word that he's her father, but her straw hat is definitely Luffy's and members of the Straw Hat crew she meets note that her personality is very similar to Luffy's....
    • No one, not even his girlfriend Buffy, knows whether Knife's magic is the result of tech, Devil Fruit powers, or some kind of ninjutsu. He himself alternates between insisting it's real magic or saying "A true magician never reveals his tricks!" Whatever it is, it's definitely not a Devil Fruit power.
  • Base-Breaking Character: Buffy. Some fans dislike her for being (or claiming to be) Luffy's daughter, which they see as a huge betrayal of the character, others are critical of how she mainly uses the Morph-Morph Fruit to imitate her father's Rubber Man powers and veers into Body Horror any time she uses them more creatively, while still others think that she's a worthy successor to Luffy's legacy.
  • Boyish Short Hair: Buffy alternates between this and Hime Cut depending on her mood. Her default hairstyle is a something in between the two.
  • Buffy Speak: No pun intendednote , but Buffy and Knife respectively call airplanes "sky-boats" and "fly-boats."
  • Card Sharp: Knife, which is unsurprising given he's a Stage Magician.
  • Catchphrase Insult: Knife likes calling Buffy a "beautiful idiot." It doubles as a pet name for her, at least at first.
  • Composite Character: Knife is Buffy's first mate who's loyal to her but cautions her that his ambitions come first for him like Zoro and he's greedy and the actual brains of their crew like Nami was.
  • Contrasting Sequel Main Character:
  • Darker and Edgier: For one thing, Buffy and Knife actively steal far more often than the original Straw Hat Pirates ever did, and for another, the World Government's functionally replaced by various Mega Corps, many of which are relentlessly greedy.
  • Deranged Animation: Buffy abuses her Morph-Morph powers to this effect.
  • Divergent Character Evolution: Buffy and Knife were equally Heroic Comedic Sociopaths in the original Two Piece two-shot by Eiichiro Oda. The animated movie and the series proper changed it so Buffy was Knife's Morality Chain and Knife was the more (practically) sensible of the two.
  • End of an Age: Discussed by Buffy and Knife when they see an airplane
    Knife: You know what this means?
    Buffy: I can stop trying to learn how to turn my arms into wings?
    Knife: Ugh, no, I mean the sociological implications. No way is anyone gonna be able to safely rob one of those flyboats. As soon as they're wide spread, the age of pirates is over. This, right here, is exactly why I'm saying we can't rely on old-school methods.
    Buffy: Eh, maybe the bad kinds of pirates, the ones who pillage and terrorize people are gonna go after this, but that's not who my dad was! That's not who we are! Our kinds of pirates, we're not done just because there are skyboats now!
  • Eyepatch After Timeskip: Zoro.
  • Fan Disservice: Buffy wears little more than a sports bra and daisy dukes, and her Morph-Morph Fruit powers contort her body into a zillion disturbing shapes.
  • Gratuitous Spanish: All of Buffy's attack names. Morph-Morph Pistola, Morph-Morph Campana, Morph-Morph Guillotina, Morph-Morph Trampa....
  • Good Is Old-Fashioned: Subverted. Knife thinks this of "old-school" piracy, which is why he prefers more subtle approaches like The Heist or The Con, but it's made clear that the only form of piracy that's really obsolete is the Rape, Pillage, and Burn style of piracy, which Buffy notes isn't the kind her father was at all.
  • Magicians Are Wizards: Knife often insists this, although he's just as likely to refuse to explain his magic at all.
  • MegaCorp: A few are mentioned, like Mjolnir Construction and Heimdall Security. The way Knife talks about them implies they've mostly replaced the World Government in terms of a force affecting the world.
  • Morphic Resonance: Buffy can't change her skin tone, hair or eye color.
  • Only Sane Man: Subverted. Knife may be more sensible than Buffy, but only from a practical sense—thanks to his greed and megalomania, he's far more crazy than Buffy in other areas.
  • Outlaw Couple: Buffy and Knife, at least initially.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: The abundance (and power) of Mega Corps was a direct response to Walt-Disney-Pepsi-Comcast becoming president of the United States.
  • Sarcasm-Blind: Inverted. Buffy constantly assumes Knife's insistence that his magic is real is sarcasm because he just as often refuses to give an explanation altogether and because his sarcastic tone isn't too different from the way he usually talks.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Knife's the Savvy Guy, Buffy's the Energetic Girl.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Mack D. Knife.
  • Shout-Out: Come on....Mack D. Knife? It was also apparently chosen because "Buffy and Knife" sounds an awful lot like Bonnie and Clyde.
  • Stage Magician: Knife's general aesthetic both for his clothing and magic.
  • Stripperiffic: Buffy wears her father's straw hat, a sports bra, and daisy dukes. That's it.
  • Supporting Protagonist: Buffy may be Luffy's supposed daughter and the one with Morph-Morph powers, but the plot is mostly driven by Knife's ambitions.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: What the Morph-Morph Fruit allows Buffy to do. She mainly uses it to emulate her father, though she has a few attacks that make full use of the shapeshifting potential.
  • Wham Shot: Knife diving into water to save Buffy, confirming his magic isn't a Devil Fruit power.
  • Wrong Context Magic: Knife's magic, just because according to him it really is magic rather than Devil Fruit abilities or some weird tech.
