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Ho Yay / Love Live!

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For intentional examples based on official material, see here.

Love Live has massive Homoerotic Subtext but sometimes, the Shipping Goggles are too tight.

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    Voice Actresses 

Actor Shipping is common in the series as a result of the massive Homoerotic Subtext from the characters that spills over to their voice actresses.


  • Apart from the main characters, several of their mothers like Principal Minami, Honoka's and/or Maki's moms are shipped to each other as well.note 

    Anthology Manga 

The Anthology manga chapters, being an official collection of fanon works, feature a number of daring, somewhat straightforward Ho Yay moments with little-to-no subtext that is not entirely featured in the official stories. Note that comic anthologies (of any series) are never considered canon unless creators themselves say so. The product listings for the anthologies usually contain a line saying "different artists draw their own interpretations", which is basically a disclaimer. Read at your own discretion.

  • Love Live! Anthology 1:
    • We Tried to Think Seriously About Our Onstage Costumes by Ayakawa Riku: When Umi is asked to wear a baggy mascot outfit, Honoka joins her inside the suit to create the perfect shape. As both are practicing on how to move inside the costume, they accidentally bump into Nico when she enters the club room. Given how Honoka and Umi are in the suit while falling over Nico, god knows what they did inside after they lost balance.
    • Lip☆Lecture 1, 2, 3! by Mizudama: Nico decides to buy Maki's missing Lip Balm...which the packaging obviously calls out that you could kiss someone once you applied it.
    • Disorder by Kazehana Chiruo (aka Bisaid): Maki does the Nico Nico Nii to cheer Nico up.
  • Love Live! Anthology 2:
    • The second chapter submitted by Norio Tsukudani (author of Himegoto), titled "Nico's Favourite, Maki-chan", and it's filled, (seriously filled) with NicoMaki yuri. Maki even plays a piano music dedicated to her.
  • Love Live! Comic Anthology µ's Sweet Memories:
    • My Santa by Ripo Day: Once Maki found out that Santa isn't real thanks to Nico, Nico decided to comfort her by becoming Maki's "Santa".
    • The Person You Seek Shall Arrive: The chapter consists of Nozomi and Eli's childhood.
