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Hidden Depths / Child of the Storm

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Child of the Storm

Hidden Depths in this series.
  • Harry is initially seen as both a kind-hearted sweetie/general All-Loving Hero, and someone who, while fairly remarkable, is more or less 'just' an Action Survivor and a Pinball Protagonist. However, it becomes apparent over time that he is repressing a lot, including a temper, which is explained as having 'curdled' into something quite nasty. It's bad enough that people start making Magneto comparisons, even a reformed Magneto, and it genuinely frightens Harry himself (though he's not shy of leaning into it to intimidate). Later, he develops into an Action Hero in his own right, with the raw power to make Kill It with Fire a viable go-to strategy in most fights (so long as he remembers that he's a relative Glass Cannon) and a tendency to leave trails of destruction visible from space. As Jean-Paul remarks in the sequel, this makes many people forget that Harry is actually frighteningly clever when he puts his mind to it, as well as being a flawless liar, a gifted actor, and an accomplished practitioner of Xanatos Speed Chess. He also has a surprising degree of emotional intelligence, which he uses both to help people and, when necessary, manipulate them.
  • Thor and Tony both have a far greater degree of emotional intelligence than most people credit them with, especially Tony; he, of all people, is the one who nags Steve the most about not making things right with his newly discovered great-granddaughter, Carol, who he neglects due to his own issues - Steve likes her, but she is a reminder of the life he lost and his guilt over leaving Peggy to raise their daughter alone - and encourages their relationship. More generally, Tony tends to have a particular insight into Harry and Carol's minds (having been an emotionally screwed-up teenager in the spotlight himself, even if he responded differently).
  • Carol's mother, Marie, turns out to be much more than the Extreme Doormat Housewife Carol's been making her out to be when she appears in the sequel. Harry immediately clocks her as being much more like her daughter than Carol wants to admit, she picks up on Harry and Carol's telepathic conversation by mere observation of their body language, and despite being a Non-Action Guy by choice, it's suggested she's a nurse, or at least has medical training (confirmed in Book 2.5). She's also a Mama Bear to her children, unleashing the wrath of her mother, Alison Carter (a terrifyingly ruthless ex-Deputy Director of SHIELD who trained Nick Fury), on her husband, Joe, when it turns out that he'd tried to get Harry to brainwash her daughter into being a Proper Lady. It's also implied by Alison that her choice - ensuring that Joe is Kicked Upstairs, away from his family, with promise of dire consequences if he stepped out of line - is considerably more merciful than what Marie would have done if she'd found out first rather than from her mother. It's not said what she'd do, but it's directly compared to the response of Carol's Cool Uncle, Jack O'Neill, who once threatened with absolute sincerity to kill General Ross with his bare hands for even indirectly threatening Carol.
  • In addition, Zatanna Zatara is far more than just the pretty face she's assumed to be in the sequel, being the only living master of the unified form of wanded-wandless magic that her parents created, the very concept of which leaves several magically knowledgeable characters gaping.
  • Likewise, Cedric Diggory in the sequel, who's perceptive enough to pull off a basic Sherlock Scan on Peter Wisdom, a man he's barely met, and a more insightful one on Harry. While he's nowhere near the Trope Namer, he's sharp enough to catch quite a few details and impress Harry, who's currently in one of his Jerkass moods thanks to a horrible case of PTSD. More generally, he's one of the few people who even a grumpy Harry tends to behave for. Since that list is generally limited to his closest friends, the Avengers, Wanda, and Dumbledore, that takes some doing.
  • While Stevie is The Quiet One of the Danvers family, he reveals that he has a pretty good idea of what's been going on with Carol, even though he's been Locked Out of the Loop.
  • Monica Rambeau is introduced in the second book as one of Carol's soccer friends and a Shipper on Deck for her and Harry, with a penchant for Eating the Eye Candy. She was briefly mentioned in the first book as a possible candidate for the Young Avengers Initiative. She's also got a remarkable degree of composure under fire, and has mysterious, undefined, but remarkably potent powers.
  • As per canon, Professor Dumbledore. While he's The Gadfly, a gentle, kindly, and eccentric lover of sweets and Muggle literature, and is affable and silly enough to lure even Lucius Malfoy into a false sense of confidence, when his students and school are in trouble, he drops the facade entirely. Four HYDRA-trained wizards, handpicked to take him down? He beats them with two absent-minded spells and vaporizes their wands. This is a man who twice stood up to the Phoenix, a Cosmic Entity that gave Gravemoss nightmares, gives an implied threat to Living Legend Doctor Strange (who actually listens, instead of responding... creatively), feels comfortable politely telling Arthur Langtry to push off and trolling him in the process,note  and makes it very clear, multiple times, that he can and will steamroller Fudge when the welfare of his students is a concern. He also goes up against a god-killing Eldritch Abomination with reality-warping powers that was in turn possessing a Reality Warper, something powerful enough that even Harry with all Hermione's knowledge to call on is barely able to get the upper hand, briefly. Dumbledore? He mops the floor with it. For these reasons and more, he's treated with deference by Living Legends like Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Charles Xavier, Nick Fury, Peter Wisdom, and Thor (and while he mentored most of them, Wisdom defers to literally no one else except for Fury), and even immortals such as Gorakhnath, Loki, Strange, Jesus, and Mab—even the Phoenix—all show him respect.
