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Heartwarming / Wonder Park

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Movie (Warning! Unmarked spoilers ahead!)
Motherly love.
  • The start of the movie has the Wonderland mascots opening the park for the guests.
    • Greta's Rousing Speech to her friends:
      Greta: Now, everyone, bring it in. People love coming to Wonderland because it's the best time ever. And that's thanks to you. Because who are you?
      Mascots: We are the wonder in Wonderland.
      Greta: I can't hear you.
      Mascots: We are the wonder in Wonderland.
      Greta: One more time.
      Mascots: We are the wonder in Wonderland!
      Greta: Yes, you are! Last one to Clockwork Swings is a rotten avocado!
  • After June and Banky had ridden through the neighborhood in-deliberately and they crash back into the suburbs after dodging the oncoming truck, Banky shouts this out to June if they die (luckily, they survived).
  • The montage with June and her mother creating miniature designs of rides for the Wonderland model is this, until it reaches to where June's mother must leave to cure her illness.
    • When she tells June about her leaving for recovery, she tells her this:
    Mrs. Bailey: Hey, I know this is scary, but you keep that little light in you shining bright.
    June: I don't know if I can.
    Mrs. Bailey: Well, I do. Because you are the wonder in Wonderland.
  • June being cautious about her father's life and helping him out with his job is a good example.
  • Throughout the movie, Boomer is nice and hopeful to June in hopes she can solve the Wonderland mascots' situation.
    Boomer: I believe it in her eyes. Because if she really is the creator of Wonderland, she can fix Clockwork Swings.
  • Steve's crush on Greta.
    • As June and mascots walk to Clockwork Swings, Steve tells June how he admires Greta's existence.
    Steve: Oh, how did you do it, June? To create such a woman who doesn't walk through this world; She glides. That silken red hair. Those come-hither tusks.
    Steve: Greta, if we all end up crashing to our collective deaths, I just want you to know I burn for you, baby! I burn hot! My oven is on extra fuego!
    Greta: I think you're cute, too, Steve.
    • After the gang reworked Clockwork Swings and saved the park, Greta gives him a kiss.
    Greta: Come on, I'll let you buy me some popcorn.
    Steve: Yep, I'll be right there! I just need to... wait for my heart to settle.
  • June and her mother reunite near the end of the movie.
