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Heartwarming / The Rise of Skywalker

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WARNING: There is no spoiler marking on this page of any kind. Spoilers are off on Heartwarming Moments pages.


  • Seeing Leia, played by the now-deceased Carrie Fisher, embrace Rey in the trailer and hearing Luke say "we'll always be with you" and "no one is ever really gone". In addition to giving her character a send-off worthy of her stature, it shows that Carrie's loving memory will forever be a part of the Star Wars saga.
  • And there's Billy Dee Williams back as Loveable Rogue Lando Calrissian after all these years with Chewbacca as his copilot. He is visibly happy to pilot the Millennium Falcon once again.
  • Not only has Rey reforged Anakin's lightsaber, but she's still carrying the blaster that Han gave her in The Force Awakens
  • Though they parted on bitter terms in The Last Jedi, Luke's dialogue in the teaser makes it very clear that he bears Rey no ill will and that they will get the chance to reconcile.
  • Finn telling someone (who, in the film, is a fellow Stormtrooper defector) that he's starting to feel the Force and believes that it's pulled them together, showing how far he's come from the lone, hopeless deserter who had no faith in anyone.
  • Poe's line from the final trailer: "We're not alone. Good people will fight if we lead them." The Last Jedi ended with the Resistance small enough to fit on the Falcon and no one willing to respond to their distress signals. Now they have a fleet that can go toe-to-toe with the First Order and allies new and old joining them from all across the galaxy. Evidently, Rey has been exactly the kind of Hope Bringer that Leia predicted she would be, and the story of Luke's sacrifice has spread like wildfire, reminding the whole galaxy what a hero should look like.
  • C-3PO takes a last look at his friends. This is ominous but heartwarming all the same.
  • Rey and Kylo Ren's exchange. Even after what happened at the end of the last film, Rey still has it in her to confide to Kylo about how no one really knows her. Kylo again tries to comfort her in his own way by saying that he does.
    Rey: People keep telling me they know me. No one does.
    Kylo: But I do.
  • Luke finally acknowledging Rey as The Hero she had always wanted to be to Rey herself.
    Luke: Confronting fear is the destiny of Jedi. Your destiny.
  • The final lines of the trailer are both this and a Tear Jerker.
    Luke: The Force will be with you...
    Leia: Always.


  • The Resistance's Flagship is a familiar-looking CR90 Corvette. Yes, that's the Tantive IV. Somebody found the ship and gave it back to her.
  • Even in the middle of their argument about the state of the Falcon, Rey can't help but flash Poe an affectionate smile as she calls him a "difficult man."
  • It's rather sweet seeing C-3PO constantly try to insert himself into the group's moments of bonding, and it’s definitely a bit of Character Development for him. Instead of spending the whole time complaining about everything, he only does it in extreme situations and takes the rest of the craziness in stride.
  • There's an offhand remark about using a "Holdo Maneuver", i.e. smashing a ship into another at lightspeed to instantly destroy it. Despite how divisive she was amongst the Resistance in the previous film, the Resistance holds the late Vice-Admiral in high enough honor to name a tactic after her.
  • Rey can't help but smile at seeing all the joy found at the Aki-Aki Festival.
    Rey: I've never seen anything like this.
  • Lando and Chewie sharing a hug after reuniting for the first time in years.
  • Artoo staying faithfully by Leia's side in her final moments before giving herself to the Force to save Ben. He's been in service to the Skywalkers all the way back as a simple Astromech that helped Padmé escape safely from Naboo and has remained loyal to them all the way to the end.
  • Poe catches Rey when she fell into the sand tunnel.
  • In the novelization, Poe doesn't get angry at Rey for seemingly shooting down Chewie with lightning. Instead, he reacts with compassion and understanding and tells her to take a minute.
  • Even if the context itself is horrifying in the sense of what type of scene it is, seeing Sith Rey truly comfortable in her own skin and content as a foil to the genuine article is somewhat heartwarming.
  • Rey realizing how close she's come to the dark side after attacking Finn with the Force and wounding Kylo Ren in a fit of rage, followed by using the force to heal him. She then quietly admits that she did care about him, which she'd denied the whole movie up to this point.
    Rey: I did want to take your hand. Ben's hand.
    • When Rey heals Ben on the Death Star, she also heals the scar she inflicted on him in The Force Awakens, visibly marking the distinction between Kylo Ren and Ben Solo. And before the Big Damn Kiss, she touches his face where the scar used to be.
    • Rey was actually on the ropes during the duel, but what gave her an opening to recover? A dying Leia reaching out to her son one last time, distracting him so that Rey could beat him. And when Rey did mortally wound Kylo Ren, she realized how close she was to succumbing to her hate and healed him back from the brink of death. And after their confrontation with Palpatine, Ben Solo used that same technique to save Rey. The point is, with her dying act, Leia: saved Rey's life, started her son's path to redemption, helped Rey turn away from the Dark Side, indirectly allowed Rey and Ben to save the galaxy from Palpatine, and set things up to save Rey's life again.
  • In The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel, it is said that Leia used the last of her strength to reach out to the Force and call out her son, she let the voices and faces of her family surround her, even seeing the face of Anakin Skywalker. At that moment, she accepted her father's apology and returned his love, finally reconciling with him for the first time.
  • Kylo Ren's illusion/memory of his father forgiving him and encouraging him to abandon Kylo Ren and become Ben Solo again. Ren initially brushes it off as a memory and not a manifestation of the Force. Either way, you know wherever he is, Han Solo unconditionally loved his son.
    Ben Solo: (weeping) Dad...
    Han Solo: (smiling) ...I know.
  • Ben arriving on Exodos with a blaster. While it is dark to see what type of blaster he is using it impled to be Lando Calrissian's SE-14r light repeating blaster he used in Solo. Lando has 2 of these which he used one to create his crossbow.
    • Lando’s SE-14r is revealed to be made from Chromium, an element founded in Ben’s grandmother’s home world of Naboo.
  • The flashback of Luke training Leia in the ways of the Jedi.
  • Rey learns her parents did in fact love her and left her on Jakku to protect her.
  • A dark and villainous example, but the scene between Palpatine and Pryde before the destruction of Kijimi counts. Pryde once loyally served Palpatine in the Empire and gladly jumps at the opportunity to serve him again. How does Palpatine reward Pryde for his loyalty? By giving him full command of the Final Order and the First Order.
    Pryde: As I served you in the old wars, I serve you now.
    Palpatine: Send a ship to a world they know. Let it burn. The Final Order begins. She will come, her friends will follow.
    Pryde: Yes, my lord.
  • After learning she is the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine, she confesses to Luke Skywalker that she is afraid of herself. Luke reveals that he and Leia always knew of her lineage, then he comforts her that the reason Leia still trained her is that she has two things that her grandfather lacks: a spirit and a heart.
    Luke: Some things are stronger than blood.
    • It's also implied that both Luke and Leia can relate to Rey. Luke and Leia are Darth Vader's children, just like how Rey is Emperor Palpatine's granddaughter. They know — better than everybody else — the shame that Rey's feeling.
  • It's heavily implied Luke is at peace after becoming one with the Force. When Rey needs a way to get off Ahch-To, he effortlessly lifts his X-Wing out of the ocean, grinning like a fool. Yoda once told him he only had to believe in the potential of the Force. He finally does.
  • This scene doubles as a Tear Jerker moment. As C-3PO takes in the risk of having his memory wiped to translate the Sith text, he looks on at his companions and delivers this line:
    Poe: What are you doing there, Threepio?
    C-3PO: Taking one last look, sir. At my friends.
  • Artoo recoils in horror when he realises that C-3PO doesn't recognize him and instantly restores his memory banks (after briefly describing C-3PO as his "best friend" to which C-3PO also fails to remember). Artoo will be damned if his best friend forgets his name!
    • The fact that Artoo is apparently trusted enough to keep C-3PO's back-up memory banks! Presumably, the only person who can give that permission is C-3PO himself...
  • Finn leading Stormtroopers he inspired in Exegol against Palpatine's forces. Seeing these slaves standing up for themselves against their oppressors is a sight to behold.
  • Ben Solo racing to Exegol to help Rey with nothing but the Force and a blaster. Like father, like son, and he won't let anything keep him from helping her.
    • The lead-up to the above moment. Palpatine cruelly tells Rey that her only family present is himself, and she looks crushed... and then who should she sense coming but her dyad partner.
    • Rey's face when she sees the redeemed Ben Solo through their force bond. She'd only seen glimpses of him before, but here, she's truly seeing her dyad for the first time. She'd given up on trying to redeem him after the last movie, accepting that he needs to make that choice by himself. Here, she's clearly overjoyed that he's finally turned his life around.
  • A brief moment when Ben Solo arrives at Exegol to help Rey taking on the Emperor, he lands his craft: an old Imperial TIE Fighter, next to Luke's X-Wing that Rey used to escape Arch-To. It's a little heartwarming to see the two iconic spacecraft from two factions that used to be bitter enemies now standing next to each other in peace, ready to take on their common enemy together.
  • The spirits of the Jedi giving Rey the strength to fight on against Palpatine, with the voices of Mace Windu, Luminara Unduli, Qui-Gon Jinn, Aayla Secura, Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker returning to give her strength. That especially applies when you think about the fact that they have decided to help the granddaughter of their greatest enemy; they have looked into her heart and know she has become far more than her lineage by her efforts, becoming a worthy Jedi. Some things are stronger than blood after all.
    • Anakin specifically encouraging her to "bring balance to the force, as [he] did" is a reminder that if he could overcome his massive mistakes, then she can definitely overcome her legacy.
    • Hearing Ahsoka and Kanan is an especially nice moment for fans of the animated series.
    • Hearing Luminara among them is also heartwarming for Rebels fans considering that she's unceremoniously Dead All Along after her off-screen capture and execution years before the beginning of Rebels story.
    • Hearing from the Jedi Council is pretty sweet when you remember those horrific deaths they met back during Order 66. Even after dying at the hands of their own soldiers, and in some cases, friends, they still became one with the Force like the others.
    • The last person to speak and solidifies her Heroic Second Wind: her own master, Luke Skywalker himself.
      Luke: Rey, the Force will be with you. Always.
  • "But there are more of us, Poe."
    • Not only does Lando bring The Cavalry, but he also does so while flying his old ship one more time.
    • Also the fact that following the Battle of Crait, where no-one came to help the Resistance, this time practically everyone seems to be coming to help them. Why? Because word of Luke's sacrifice at the end of said battle spread across the galaxy, and when his two living friends show up in the ship that he always flew around in calling for help, the people responded.
  • Ben Solo sacrificing his life to save Rey's by giving his life force to heal her wound. They share a kiss when she's revived.
    • The way she looks at him when she wakes up, followed by softly saying his name and his huge, content smile after the kiss, just makes the moment all the sweeter.
    • It's also a Heartwarming in Hindsight moment as well when you remember what happened with Ben's grandfather Anakin. Anakin's entire motivation and the main reason for turning to the Dark Side was to save Padmé, the woman he loved, from dying. This ended up backfiring horribly and Padmé died anyway with Anakin being unable to do anything to save her. Now, Anakin's grandson finally manages to do what he failed: Renounce the Dark Side and save his dyad from death. Even if he's not there in spirit, Anakin would definitely be proud of Ben Solo.
    • It's brief, but for the first time in all his appearances, Ben smiles.
    • In a bittersweet way, the novelization has his spirit telling her he'll always be with her before fading away.
  • The Skywalker Saga began with a Skywalker and a Palpatine coming together and bringing ruin to the galaxy whilst exterminating the Jedi. It ends with a Skywalker and a Palpatine (the grandchildren of the original two, no less) coming together to save the galaxy and ensuring the birth of a new generation of Jedi.
    • It was also said Palpatine who corrupted said Skywalker at the beginning of the saga. Now, it's the new Palpatine who guides the new corrupted Skywalker back to the Light.
  • When Ben dies, he leaves behind no body, becoming one with the Force just like Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Luke before him. If there was any doubt that Ben had been fully redeemed and returned to the Light, that proves it.
    • Leia's body disappears the moment Ben's does. She was holding out until she knew for sure her son had truly returned to the light.
    • Like his father and grandfather before him, Ben Solo went out with an act of faith and love.
  • Following the Battle of Exegol, Lando takes interest in Jannah and offers to help the former Stormtrooper to find her home planet and family, in a reminiscent to Han offering Rey a job in The Force Awakens.
  • Among the celebrations, we see Beaumont and Klaud hugging and Commanderb D'Acy and her wife kissing.
  • Chewbacca is presented with a gift Leia left him before she passed; His own gold medal. After all these years, Chewie finally got his medal!
    • Which he already had, so it's more likely that it was Han's. But the fact that he has both means that he can keep them together despite his friends' death is still heartwarming.
    • The shot of him giving Rose a huge hug afterward is flat-out adorable.
    • The final wide shot shows him putting his arms around R2 and 3PO and excitedly showing them his medal.
  • When Rey lands among the celebrating Resistance fighters and emerges from her ship, she, Poe, and Finn weave through the crowd to each other, then simply wrap each other in a three-way, sobbing, relieved hug.
    • It's also something of an Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other moment for Rey and Poe, who argued at the beginning of the film.
    • BB-8 is the first one to greet her when she lands and she eagerly rushes to him.
  • When Rey goes to the Lars Homestead on Tatooine, as soon as she descends into the half-buried courtyard, she finds a piece of scrap metal... then climbs out, and rides it as a sled to re-enter the courtyard. For perhaps the first time since she crossed paths with BB-8 on Jakku and after all the things she's been through, Rey's allowed to just relax and have some fun.
  • At the very end, Rey buries Luke's and Leia's lightsabers, the last relics of the Skywalkers. Furthermore, any fear at that point that Rey has abandoned the calling of the Jedi is extinguished when she then ignites her own lightsaber, the construction of which is the final rite of passage for a Jedi Knight. An old woman of the neighborhood passes by and asks her name. She answers "Rey Skywalker" instead of "Rey Palpatine", with the Force spirits of Luke and Leia kindly and proudly watching her under the planet's twin suns. Thus ends the Skywalker Saga, in the same place it began.
    • By burying Anakin's lightsaber (also Luke's first lightsaber) beneath the Lars Homestead, the same place where Shmi Skywalker was buried, Rey has also reunited Anakin with his mother.
      • Take in mind Anakin's lightsaber has been touched and wielded by many members of the Skywalker family from Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala (briefly), Luke Skywalker, Han Solo (briefly), Leia Organa, and Ben Solo.
  • Poe is suffering a crisis of confidence, not sure if he can bear the burden of leadership. First, Lando shows up to reassure him that they all felt the same way in the last days of the Empire. This inspires Poe to seek out Finn and tell him he can't do this unless he's there with him.
    Finn: Thank you, I appreciate that.
    Poe: General.
    Finn: General. This droid has information that...
    Poe: Wait, coneface?
    Dio: My name is Dio.
    Poe: Sorry, Dio.
    • In the midst of a crisis, Poe takes a moment to respect a droid he's never met before.
    • A minor moment, but while reassuring Poe by bringing up Luke, Han, and Leia, Lando finally pronounces Han's name correctly.
